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LeafSack - Status Gain Deck for HS-On


Aspiring Trainer
Well my new friend Kuprin on 6Prizes and I have been in talks for the last few days on a competitive status deck for this format and those of you going into Nationals might want to check this out IF your not a fan of whats being played. Of course feedback is always welcome.

2-2 Houndoom Prime
4-3 Leafeon
2 Celebi Prime
2-2 Roserade
2 Shaymin
2 Cleffa
1 Tyrouge

at first I wasn't sure that the cleffa/Tyrouge combo would work but it does and i was dealing 150 EVERY turn with leafeon once i was set up.

Trainers are:

3 Collector
2 Junk Arm
4 Reversal (they will be swapped for Catcher)
1 Twins
2 Judge
3 Energy Exchange
2 Energy search
2 Seeker

the Reversals were a HUGE help in my tests and the energy is this:

4 Rainbow
4 Grass
4 Psychic

The basic Idea is to set up a Roserade early on as well as a Houndoom Prime, and Leafeon to start hammering away for 150 a turn. In almost all of my play tests today i was getting Houndoom's burn power off and other times i had cleffa to stall, or Tyrouge to damage. Each game i played with this build were wins (i played about 6 games) over the previous version of this deck I tried playing which ended in failure time and again.

Comments, suggestions and others are appreciated.
Why do you play Shaymin and Shaymin? IMHO they're just bad starts.. add instead a Collector and 3 Pokemon Communications :D
I can't figure out how you manage to attach 2 energy to Roserade in 1 turn? Celebi can only attach when active, so that means you have to retreat and switch to give energy and attack same turn. None of them has free retreat and you only have 2 SSU? Is something wrong here or do i just don't get it? :/
Sure about that when Rainbow says "Provides only 1 Energy at a time"? I'm just curious if this actually is legal?
It's been ruled that when you attach Rainbow Energy to Roserade, then you get to apply both Special Conditions.
Balboa said:
Why do you play Shaymin and Shaymin? IMHO they're just bad starts.. add instead a Collector and 3 Pokemon Communications :D
Shaymin is a must for chaining Leafeons. If you lose a Leafeon (and you will due to how brittle it is), you will require two turns to return to your 100+ damage attacks; one turn for giving Leafeon the energy it needs, and the second to attach an energy to Roserade for status condition(s). Against Reshiboar/phlosion, YOU CANNOT AFFORD THIS. Shaymin solves this problems. By attaching an energy to Roserade for the status, you can then drop Shaymin for the power to move that energy over to Leafeon so you can continue your onslaught. As a player who has personally played this deck against a consiistent turn 2-3 Reshiphlosion, I can say that Shaymin is a STAPLE in this kind of deck. If you don't have it, you'll lose many matches due to your inability to answer KOs back.
tyrannitar trainer said:
What about adding uknown return? to return the rainbow energies to your hand.
Otherwise i really like the idea.

You can still only attach 1 per turn though. Ok so say Leafeon eats it, you send out Leafeon #2 with no energy. Unown Return a rainbow energy back to your hand. But now you have to both cause special conditions AND energize Leafeon in order to attack. You need to MOVE the energy to Leafeon, and manually ATTACH the Rainbow to cause the special conditions.
Wes1234 said:
Balboa said:
Why do you play Shaymin and Shaymin? IMHO they're just bad starts.. add instead a Collector and 3 Pokemon Communications :D
Shaymin is a must for chaining Leafeons. If you lose a Leafeon (and you will due to how brittle it is), you will require two turns to return to your 100+ damage attacks; one turn for giving Leafeon the energy it needs, and the second to attach an energy to Roserade for status condition(s). Against Reshiboar/phlosion, YOU CANNOT AFFORD THIS. Shaymin solves this problems. By attaching an energy to Roserade for the status, you can then drop Shaymin for the power to move that energy over to Leafeon so you can continue your onslaught. As a player who has personally played this deck against a consiistent turn 2-3 Reshiphlosion, I can say that Shaymin is a STAPLE in this kind of deck. If you don't have it, you'll lose many matches due to your inability to answer KOs back.

Ugh! I've never played this deck and I didn't consider this problem :D
But, however, I'd take out Celebi for 2 Communications.
NO! It is not the same, with houndoom you can burn, posion, and you can confuse them... but when you use hypno you can only Sleep and posion