League of Legends Discussion

I own: Alistar (Duh), Blitzcrank, Caitlyn (Bought her before the magazine..), Garen, Jarvan IV, Kayle (who doesn't?), Kennen, Leona, Yi, Nasus, Rammus, Riven, Rumble, Skarner, Swain, Talon, Teemo, Tristana (...), Urgot, and Warwick.

Tell me I play too much. I've bought every character with IP except for Leona and Riven. I have atleast 1 skin for each of my characters except for Yi, Urgot, and Blitz. I have 2 for Cait, Rammus, and Riven. 3 Rune pages. Full rune sets for every character I own.

...Yay for game addictions and a seemingly endless flow of cash...
I am pretty new at the game but it is a very good game. I am getting so much better every day. Currently all i own is Ashe. Username is PolarJace if i add you/you add me.
I was at an aunts all Yesterday so I couldn't watch the IGN games, and I can't find the replay's :(

I'm currently saving up for udyr, and my current goal is to get like 80% of the junglers, because that's one of the few roles I find interesting!!! :D
^Jungling is actually my favorite role, its a basic support role that is otherwise vital for the team, I missed game 3 of the finals because I had to go do some stuff and I cant find the replay either
If anyone can find the replays, they'd be appreciated :D

The only thing I don't like about jungling is that it's reliant on your team (to not over-extend), you can't single-handidly win games, and everyone blames you if they do bad.
I love Jungling. I hate relying on lane-mates simply because they tend to not be as aggressive as me.

Favorite jungler, by far, is Jarvan. Warwick and Skarner tied for second. I just play more WW because people don't like how I build J4.
Junglers can be alright. The problem is if the Jungler doesn't aid the other lanes. I can't count how many games I've lost because our jungler only stayed in the jungle and didn't gank the lanes. It's especially difficult if you're solo top vs. a duo lane because the other team doesn't have a jungler. At least I'm getting good at Nasus rapidly solo top...
If anyone's on and up for a game, I'd love to queue up. I only have internet for another hour or two (at most) and I'm bored to death x.x

But yeah. You need to have a smart jungler in order to have a good early game. My friend and I rotate out jungling so we don't get derps who are like "Gank? What's that? I'm farming. Hold your own lanes."
Yeah. How do you jungle skarner, Kaitou? I only tried once, and it seemed I had to recall a lot more than I normally do.

What's your skill order, your items, and is it really necessary to get good runes???

Oh, and on a side note, I bought Udyr, so now I'm trying to learn how to best play him, and whether it be in jungle or in lane...

one of us should start a club for LoL!
Jungle Order: Blue -> Wolves -> Mini-Golems -> Wraiths, then gank. He's actually too fragile to handle red buff before getting a Madreds.

Skill Order -> Q W Q E Q R. Keep Q maxed, max W second.

Items: Cloth + 5 HP pots -> Madred's -> Wriggles (Lol, obviously the basic jungle items). Then, depending on how I'm doing, Rylai's or Sunfire Cape. If I'm doing good, I'll start building AP tanky, if I'm doing poorly, I'll start going tanky and become more of a utility to the team.

Runes: Armor Penetration Reds, Armor (or Dodge) Yellows, CDR or Magic Resist Blues (I prefer Magic Resist), and Attack Speed or Attack Damage Quints (Depends on if you want to do more early damage or have your passive going off faster.)

As for a club, I'm all for it.
So you build AP tanky on skarner? I was going AD tanky on him (warmogs, atma's, blood thirster, boots, frozen heart, other.)
Yeah. His abilities stack with AP and with just a Rylai's, he becomes pretty bursty early game.