League of Legends


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I main Renekton, and play mostly Morgana and Corki otherwise. I think I ought to start playing Teemo top more though, because people don't know how to play against Darius lol

You can add me, my Summ is 6Dimension.
Nunu for the win.

Cuz rambling around on a Yeti eating minions and slowing everyone down is fun.
Dark Void said:
My ign is EvilDarkVoid, I don't have too many champs since I'm kinda new to the game but there are a bunch I tried out while they were free that I want to get (Katarina, Kassadin, etc.) but as of now my fav champ that I actually have is Nocturne. Its really fun to troll with a 5 warmog 1 FoN Cho build though.
[15:47:39] >> ...
[15:47:42] >> *facehoof*
[15:48:13] << That bad, eh?
[15:48:47] >> "Oh look. Cho'Gath's ultimate gives him lots of health! Let's build nothing but Warmogs on him to give him EVEN MORE HEALTH!"
[15:49:12] << x3
[15:49:47] >> iirc Warmogs gives a little over 800 health at full stacks
[15:50:02] << I don't know the numbers here
[15:50:06] >> can't remember what his ult will be
[15:50:06] << I'm just quoting people
[15:50:11] >> well
[15:50:21] >> 5x800 = 4000 health
[15:50:31] >> not to mention his natural + what he gets from his ult
[15:50:44] >> and then force of nature gives you a passive that regenerates .5% of your max health every second
[15:50:56] >> so we're looking at about 7000 to 8000 health
[15:51:01] >> ...but that's all he has
[15:51:11] >> he has no defenses other than the magic resist from force of nature
[15:51:13] << so 35~40 HP per second
[15:51:13] >> no damage whatsoever
[15:51:17] >> he's just a giant blob of health
[15:51:41] >> at that point you can safely assume an auto-attacker carry has reached their full build
[15:51:57] >> most of the really god ones deal out minimum 300 damage each hit
[15:52:00] >> not to mention if it crits
[15:52:14] >> I've seen Tryndameres and Gangplanks hit for 1000 each hit no problem
[15:52:21] >> my tristana has gotten close to that
[15:52:39] >> so that Chogath is ridiculously bad
[15:52:52] >> I mean sure burst mages are going to have issues with you
[15:52:59] >> but you'll get shredded by everything else
[15:53:00] >> no problem
[15:54:10] << xD
[15:56:38] >> oh
[15:56:40] >> not to mention
[15:56:42] >> you have no boots
[15:56:45] >> so you're at your base movement speed
[15:56:56] >> force of nature gives a small percentage boost, but you're probably not even going to break 350 movespeed
[15:57:20] >> the only build I'm aware of that really works without boots
[15:57:28] >> is 5 Archangels' staffs and a rabadon's deathcap
[15:57:33] >> which puts you at about...
[15:57:35] >> 2000 ability power
[15:58:32] >> well
[15:58:41] >> most AP ratios are at about
[15:58:49] >> 0.6 more damage per point in AP
[15:59:02] >> the highest is Nunu's ultimate, which is a whopping 2.5 ap ratio
[16:00:50] >> so you can imagine
[16:00:57] >> having even 1000 ap is ridiculous in itself
I'm sorry, but what? The description of your build is faulty. If you get Mercs or Ninja Tabi as well as Force of Nature, that only leaves you with 4 available slots for Warmogs. Without runes/masteries and at level 18 and full Feast stacks this leaves you at 7890 health. With Cho'gath's natural armor at this point (84) you have about a 54.3% reduction in physical damage. Good for you. Problem is, by this point in time their AD carry will be just as farmed up as you (if not even more so). A typical late game ranged AD carry will do 700-800 damage each attack, attacking 1.5-2.0 times every second. Not accounting for health regeneration, you're looking at a minimum of 19 seconds for the AD carry alone to shred through your health (not counting if it's a Tryndamere, who is infamous for his 1000+ damage crits). This build is doubly useless because in teamfights you have very little utility other than your rupture and feral scream. After that you're useless until those come off of cooldown. The enemy team is going to mostly ignore you in a fight until the rest of your team is dead. And when that happens, you're easy enough to pick off.

Oh and don't even bring in Ninja Tabi into this. Without runes/masteries or even a full build, a Darius can EASILY ult you for about 1200 true damage, on top of the utilities a typical Darius builds.

A full health Cho-gath build is incredibly impractical and will end up holding your team back more than helping it.
Always build some sort of offense on Cho'Gath, be it RoA, Wit's End, or even RDC. Cho has pretty solid AP scaling as well as the highest base AD in the game at level 18, and you can afford some offense due to his innate tankiness.
Also avoid buying HP on him, Armor/MR are far more efficient due to the natural health that he gets from his ult.
I think we all agree that 5 Warmog Cho is bad and should never be done anyway, I just wanted to put this here.
I would really not recommend building any Warmog's on Cho, really the only health item I see as viable is RoA (though the health is more of an added bonus than anything else) and maaaaaaaaaaybe reeeeeeeaaallly rarely a Spirit Visage as well as a few other things that you don't build for the health.

I would also highly recommend building Frozen Heart on Cho'Gath, really it is the only thing I see as required on him. It's a great defensive item thanks to the ton of Armor and unique aura, and it provides mana and CDR as well (it's very useful to hit the 40% CDR cap on Cho, as it gives him more spammability on his huge AoE CC as well as burst damage from being able to use his ult more). In addition, Abyssal Scepter is a great buy (despite the recent range nerf) due to Cho's need to be in the front line and lack of wasted stats.


Core- Boots/FH/Abyssal

Other good items- Doran's Ring, RoA, FoN, Wit's End, Chalice/Grail, RDC, Deathfire Grasp (his burst damage in lane with DFG, ult, and ignite is absolutely ridiculous, but it's better if you play him mid), GA, Randuin's, Shurelya's

The duo (or trio) of GP10 items in Philo, HoG, and Kage's are also really great for Cho if he's in a pretty farm oriented lane or solo queue.
I'm not a Riven player, but I am a Renekton player, so I think I can give something based on their similar playstyle. Brutalizer is an item I would buy if I were snowballing (that is, winning my lane hard) and I thought that I could really turn it into an advantage with a cheap, good item. And Brutalizer is indeed good: CDR, ARP, and AD are all great stats on Riven. That said, if I had enough to buy a BF Sword outright, I would do that.

There are not many champs I would ever buy Youmuu's on. I can see it on like... Xin, and Panth? And maybe Trynd or something?? But it's something I would avoid on Riven. By late game, the only time you would buy it (prioritize stacking BTs!!), Last Whisper would be much better for the ARP (due to high armor values, percentage based Pen is better than flat), and you could buy a Blue Pot for the CDR if it was that late game. Riven doesn't really need the active MS thanks to her ludicrous four gap closers, nor does she take advantage of the increased AS (Riven actually benefits from having as little AS as possible, thanks to her passive).

I personally love solomid because you know that you are getting top tier advice: featured guides are all written by professional players, and approved guides must be approved by other pros. This as opposed to the system on mobafire, where you only know if guides are good based on the opinion of the community (and the LoL community suckkkkkkssssss). Another site that can be useful is lolpro, As with featured guides on solomid, all of the guides are written by pros, and they feature a lot more general guides than solomid.

The LoL reddit can also tell you something cool on occasion.
Dark Void said:
[20:43:28] >> most people don't get brutalizer on her since she's not an autoattacker, she's a combo AD caster
[20:43:54] >> get phage, wriggle's lantern against an AD lane, hexdrinker if you're having issues with casters, and get a bloodthirster

really do your best to avoid phage, as well

riven does not auto attack, and both of those items proc on AAs

really, really, really, just stack bloodthirsters, and get a Hexdrinker or a Brutalizer if you really need it, then get LW late game. Randuin's is also theoretically an option, as it gives CDR.

Last two items: any three of Maw, Randuin's, or more BTs
All I really know about League of Legends is that it has a few Touhou references.

Are running requirements relatively light? Like, how would the average computer be able to run it?
My computer is the definition of average and runs it impeccably with minimum settings; internet speed is much more important than comp specs.
[21:03:47] >> Wriggles is good for laning phase on Riven
[21:04:07] >> it also provides a good bit of utility for your team with the ward
[21:04:18] >> not to mention Phage can be built into a frozen mallet, which is amust have on must bruisers
[21:04:31] >> granted this is my own personal deviation and I don't like building Randuin's on Riven
IGN PolarJace

Been playing for almost a year now. Still stuck in 1100 elo. Matchmaking hates me.

Also for guides, DarkVoid, Solomid.net or lolpro. Made by those who play the game the best. Worth reading through the guides you want.
Wriggle's is not good for the laning phase, as it delays her core build and does not help her win her lane (which is very important as Riven). You can get away with Brutalizer and sort of Hexdrinker because they are cheaper, do not waste stats (the AA proc on Wriggle's is really worthless for Riven as she isn't going to be AAing minions a lot), and help her to win engages with the enemy laner. Wriggle's does not do this; it is only good for the sustain, which you could get by just buying a Vamp Scepter.

The ward is irrelevant, you need to buy a ward or two on every back anyway, and the money saved by having a reusable ward will not equal the amount of money spent on a Lantern.

Phage is a great item, but not on Riven. As with Wriggle's, the proc comes on AAs, which Riven does not do a lot. Anyway, the slow is not needed because she already has 4 gap closers, a knockup, and a stun. Frozen Mallet is mathematically very close to not being worth the money, and that is especially so on RIven, who does not need the health because her shield strength scales with AD. It is far more efficient to build another BT as it will give you more AD and therefore more effective health than a Mallet.

Yeah, most games probably won't go past the first or second BT anyway, so it's probably mostly a moot point.