don't die thread
i just want to make this point here
New players and even many level 30 players do not understand how truly important Wards are. Knowing where your opponents are for three minutes is definitely worth 75 gold. Really, Wards are most important during laning, as they key you in on jungle ganks, gain you bush control, and allow your teammates to see if your lane opponent leaves lane (try to call mia, but never get mad at someone for not calling mia and always automute anyone who gets mad at you for it, as a little minimap awareness will clue you in anyway), etc.
Remind your teammates at the beginning of every game to Ward, and the moment someone dies from a gank, tell them to Ward. Always go back with 150 more gold than you need for your next item so that you can buy two Wards (probably a little more so you can pot up, too). Ward your own lane, remind your teammates to Ward theirs', and late game if nobody is buying them, suck it up and do it yourself. There has been many a game where I have had to use only 5 items slots and a stack of Wards, but if that's what it takes, do it.
No, really, if you start Warding at an early level, you will win most games, as the opponents probably won't be doing it. If you ward and your opponents don't, you really have a massive advantage (I'm talking a 5v4 level advantage here). I cannot drive home this point enough. Ward, ward, ward, ward. It wins games.