League of Legends

Just google "free Tristana facebook" and "free Garen twitter" and you should be able to find them.
So I played Kat yesterday.
DAMN! Nice job man, looks like that was probably exhilarating, I know it always is when I get one, I'm usually laughing my ace off or freaking out.
The Fire Wyrm said:
So I played Kat yesterday.

Are you implying that you 1v5ed, but you didn't have any recording of it? Because that account hasn't played in over a year. http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/32449729#matches
So my uncle is back from his camping trip. Looks like my internet is down because he didn't pay the bill before he left. I'll be tipsy/slightly intoxicated Annie, can't be drunk Annie. Xp

Edit: My internet is back up. Brb, making a drink.
BestUserNameEver said:
The Fire Wyrm said:
So I played Kat yesterday.

Are you implying that you 1v5ed, but you didn't have any recording of it? Because that account hasn't played in over a year. http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/32449729#matches
It was to imply how much I facerolled with her.
I love her so much.
Gnar is already one of my favourite champs, he's Orange and his Dinosaur skin is Green!

Even though he will very hard to use because of his passive, it can trigger any time not like Shyvanna's. I will buy him until he's cheap and free, I love to use top/mid champs and he's going to be a top one.
Added myself to the members list. Anyhoo, I'm also looking forward to Gnar, but probably in the jungle, where I think he'll do surprisingly well with a few life-steal quints. I'd probably max his q first in the jungle, but I don't know yet because I haven't played him.
How I play leona.
You can find me on EUW as Prophasis :3

I'm in Silver I and I main support and mid. My favourite champions are Ahri, Nami, Karma and Lulu <3 I'm currently trying to stop sucking at toplane and practicing my ADC.
Soooooo...thoughts on the cute fuzzball Gnar since his official release? Different from what you expected? All I know is i need him. He's so cute, and that skn of his is a heart attack in a recall.
I'm on tilt, so I've been playing a lot of DoTA recently.
If you guys want to play just message me on skype, but I won't be playing at my best.
Alas, Victorious Morgana,
I F**king WAS climbing to gold for Victorious Shyvana, not this bullshit angel. :mad:

I got onto the PBE today. If any of you are on there, add me please. Name is Beta Cthulu. Queue times are about 10 minutes every single time on there, I get stuck playing customs most of the time.

Edit: apparently no one else is :/ darn. If you guys have questions about new stuff or want me to test things out let me know.
Hey! Who plays on Nordic and East? My name is Ace Valentine, and i do love play with someone who is good, and more importantly a decent personality with logic, so flamers and haters are getting rekt and kicked by me, with love and hate together. If you're one of those, don't even think about adding me, if you're a good guy and knows it's sh*t and stuff, then you're welcome!!