BW/BW2 Leaked gym music?



Apparently some guy got a developer cartridge for Pokemon Black and White.

So what do you guys think? Real for fake?
It sounds like it could be. If it is actually a developer cartridge, that person's probably in a world of trouble. But I hope it is real, because I like the sound of it.
Full Moon said:
Wouldnt the font be Japanese if it was real?

Agreed. If you fullscreen it, which I just barely did, it said 'property of nintendo and gamefreak.' That would be in katakana, at the very least.
slashme likes the creative and unique remix.

However, slashme does not think that this is real at all. This kind of thing would be unbelievably easy to pull off. Aside from the coming up with the remix part.
If that's the real thing, I'm going to be very disappointed; the theme is far from creative in composition and arrangement.
I don't know about this. It seems legit to me but at the same time it seems fake. I don't know. One way to find out was if that person had shown the cartridge or some more evidence towards this. If this does turn out to be real then that would be cool. The music isn't all that bad.
C'mon guys. This isn't apple. Nintendo actually keeps their things secret and doesnt release anything important like this yet.
Yeah Nintendo would keep this secret until they revealed something. This seems to be fan made, and the recorder didn't even show us any evidence to prove this correct.
Yeah, I'm with some people on here. I really enjoy the beat and what they did with the music, but it is most likely fake. ALKSDJOAISDJ I hope the music in the game is of this high caliber or better.

dmaster out.
I love the bells and jangling sound it has, it seems to suit the look and feel of Isshu. I kind of hope its real, though it would be really easy to fake...
I love this music, strangely however. They could've remixed Sinnoh and Johto musics to create this paddy185. I really hope this is real. Also, yes Pvt. Politoed it is unique and it sounds like it would suit the Isshu region. :D
Super Excited For This Music!! WOOP WOOP :p