Are you tired of waiting for Gen 4 to come back?
Are you tired of crazy GXs, TAG TEAMS, Prism Stars, Vs, and VMAXs?
Are you tired of Baby Pokémon that do absolutely nothing?
Well I can't change that, because I don't work for GameFreak / TPCi, but what I can do is make them myself.
I want as much feedback as possible, so please comment on what works and what doesn't.
Are you tired of crazy GXs, TAG TEAMS, Prism Stars, Vs, and VMAXs?
Are you tired of Baby Pokémon that do absolutely nothing?
Well I can't change that, because I don't work for GameFreak / TPCi, but what I can do is make them myself.
This set features every Pokémon in the Sinnoh regional Pokédex – all 210 of them. No Trainer cards, no Energy cards, not even multiprize / Prism Star cards. This set only includes pure vanilla mons.
Thank you to all the fantastic artists that has lent me their artwork for me to use. I made it harder for myself by opting not to use any official artworks (no Ken Sugimori art, official wallpapers), it was a good challenge and I enjoyed it a lot.
Thank you to all the fantastic artists that has lent me their artwork for me to use. I made it harder for myself by opting not to use any official artworks (no Ken Sugimori art, official wallpapers), it was a good challenge and I enjoyed it a lot.
All blanks and symbols made by aschefield101
Master psd file used made by Nyan
Pokémon Fake Regular font made by CardPone
All cards designed by ya boi
Master psd file used made by Nyan
Pokémon Fake Regular font made by CardPone
All cards designed by ya boi
AClockworkKitten (166)
AestheticButters (93)
All0412 (35, 60, 138)
Angel-soma (163)
AngellMoonlight (66)
angyluffy (142)
Animechristy (10)
Antaie (130)
Aonik (172)
Autobot Tesla (32, 81, 87, 110)
Bagu-Art (154)
baron-von-jiggly (21)
BatArchaic (82)
Blue-Crocodile (58)
bluekomadori (64)
BobbyJack (119)
bogeymankurt (125)
CAraracap (132)
Cheralla (22)
Chikuseren (181)
ChrisMoschler (123, 145, 151)
Cicros (73, 190)
Cinnamon-Quails (196, 202)
Cloudxmoe (38, 175)
Cortoony (186)
dainin09 (8)
DarkraiLady (149)
Delano-Laramie (111)
DiegoAGM (6, 7)
Dinobot711 (118)
EdoNovaIllustrator (128, 139)
EemsArt (117)
Eeveetachi (148)
EM54 (22)
eric-may (201)
Erryx (188)
Exoskellet (122)
ExtraPippy (46)
Foltzy (192)
FutureDiarist (28)
gaarachaosqueen (203)
Gooompy (158)
h3m0cyt3 (210)
HarlequinWaffles (89, 165)
Harmony-Fox (62)
HartesA (97)
HeartTheGlaceon (215)
hiko-kujaku (208)
Ho-oh (67, 185)
Houndbite (57)
Hylian-Rinku / Mogtaki (31)
icycatelf (168, 183)
ILKCMP (105)
Iris-Krane (86, 189)
ishmam (56, 90, 131, 153)
Iwillstayhappy (47)
Jarzardart (107)
JWNutz (14)
jyru (70)
Kaek (94)
KatrinaBonebrake (19)
KelpGull (174)
KinkoKitty (52)
Kipine (164)
kittenlotl (13)
Kiwisko (214)
KoriArredondo (75, 206, 211)
Krakane (53)
Krisantyne (187)
Kuitsuku (115)
Kunochai (95, 157)
Kurai-Kaze (1)
LadyKuki (144)
lambdathesecond (156)
lanaecomics (140)
LetterLeftUnsent (197)
Lizarzyl (5) (Account deactivated)
LorenzoLivrieri (141)
Louivi (182)
LuCCas93 (71)
mark331 (26)
mcgmark (103)
MeluuArts (9)
MiraculousLazuli (16)
Mister-Sukeruton (191)
monteGlover (84)
Mr. Milk (65)
MrBda241 (193)
MrsLittletall (167)
MZ15 (169)
n4c9s (88)
Naiichie (30)
Nakubi (96)
Nekodox (209)
nganlamsong (216)
Ninjendo (121)
Nintendo-jr (24, 76, 104, 179, 195)
Peegeray (78)
Peluchiere (41, 43)
PinkGermy (17)
Pizapioart (63)
PlatinumPikachu (3)
Pokefuturemarsh (136)
Ppoint555 (109)
pyzyke (180, 213)
Raiilynezz (162)
Raikou-K-9 (150)
raizy (83)
RileyKittey (12, 36, 54)
Sa-Dui (51)
salanchu (23, 177)
sanso (27)
Scarvii (178)
SEGAmastergirl (40)
SerpentKS (194)
Sharkami (160)
Shemiilayla (77)
Shirokaze しろ風 (11)
ShupaMikey (74)
Silval58 (205)
Siplick (112, 113, 114)
Skoryx (134, 200)
Sloth-Power (204)
SmashingRenders (116)
Snowsupply (147)
SobbleFan (55)
steveover600 (44, 92)
Supertmuzz (37)
TamarinFrog (2, 124)
tatanRG (99, 143, 161)
TheFlumpyTripod (25)
TkptVN (50, 80)
toka© (106)
TreyBarksArt (100)
Twarda8 (155, 176)
Twime777 (29, 61, 72, 137)
Uluri (68)
UndeadFae (79)
Unknown-Dan (18)
Urswurs (34)
VeryFilthyThing (NSFW) (135)
Volmise (198)
WirdHere (126)
xlordragon (42, 120)
xNIR0x (207)
Xous54 (59, 91, 199, 217)
Yamashita-akaDoragon (48)
ZakraArt (45)
Zedrin (152)
Zerochan923600 (129, 133)
ziryuu (39, 171)
Zolaj (20)
カグレ (85)
しんよこ (102)
せやな (108)
でぃるく (127)
にじぽん (69)
ひなの (NSFW) (173)
ミカミ (159)
ミジンコ (49, 98, 170)
ゆにまる (101, 146)
ユウシン (212)
ロードン (4)
AestheticButters (93)
All0412 (35, 60, 138)
Angel-soma (163)
AngellMoonlight (66)
angyluffy (142)
Animechristy (10)
Antaie (130)
Aonik (172)
Autobot Tesla (32, 81, 87, 110)
Bagu-Art (154)
baron-von-jiggly (21)
BatArchaic (82)
Blue-Crocodile (58)
bluekomadori (64)
BobbyJack (119)
bogeymankurt (125)
CAraracap (132)
Cheralla (22)
Chikuseren (181)
ChrisMoschler (123, 145, 151)
Cicros (73, 190)
Cinnamon-Quails (196, 202)
Cloudxmoe (38, 175)
Cortoony (186)
dainin09 (8)
DarkraiLady (149)
Delano-Laramie (111)
DiegoAGM (6, 7)
Dinobot711 (118)
EdoNovaIllustrator (128, 139)
EemsArt (117)
Eeveetachi (148)
EM54 (22)
eric-may (201)
Erryx (188)
Exoskellet (122)
ExtraPippy (46)
Foltzy (192)
FutureDiarist (28)
gaarachaosqueen (203)
Gooompy (158)
h3m0cyt3 (210)
HarlequinWaffles (89, 165)
Harmony-Fox (62)
HartesA (97)
HeartTheGlaceon (215)
hiko-kujaku (208)
Ho-oh (67, 185)
Houndbite (57)
Hylian-Rinku / Mogtaki (31)
icycatelf (168, 183)
ILKCMP (105)
Iris-Krane (86, 189)
ishmam (56, 90, 131, 153)
Iwillstayhappy (47)
Jarzardart (107)
JWNutz (14)
jyru (70)
Kaek (94)
KatrinaBonebrake (19)
KelpGull (174)
KinkoKitty (52)
Kipine (164)
kittenlotl (13)
Kiwisko (214)
KoriArredondo (75, 206, 211)
Krakane (53)
Krisantyne (187)
Kuitsuku (115)
Kunochai (95, 157)
Kurai-Kaze (1)
LadyKuki (144)
lambdathesecond (156)
lanaecomics (140)
LetterLeftUnsent (197)
Lizarzyl (5) (Account deactivated)
LorenzoLivrieri (141)
Louivi (182)
LuCCas93 (71)
mark331 (26)
mcgmark (103)
MeluuArts (9)
MiraculousLazuli (16)
Mister-Sukeruton (191)
monteGlover (84)
Mr. Milk (65)
MrBda241 (193)
MrsLittletall (167)
MZ15 (169)
n4c9s (88)
Naiichie (30)
Nakubi (96)
Nekodox (209)
nganlamsong (216)
Ninjendo (121)
Nintendo-jr (24, 76, 104, 179, 195)
Peegeray (78)
Peluchiere (41, 43)
PinkGermy (17)
Pizapioart (63)
PlatinumPikachu (3)
Pokefuturemarsh (136)
Ppoint555 (109)
pyzyke (180, 213)
Raiilynezz (162)
Raikou-K-9 (150)
raizy (83)
RileyKittey (12, 36, 54)
Sa-Dui (51)
salanchu (23, 177)
sanso (27)
Scarvii (178)
SEGAmastergirl (40)
SerpentKS (194)
Sharkami (160)
Shemiilayla (77)
Shirokaze しろ風 (11)
ShupaMikey (74)
Silval58 (205)
Siplick (112, 113, 114)
Skoryx (134, 200)
Sloth-Power (204)
SmashingRenders (116)
Snowsupply (147)
SobbleFan (55)
steveover600 (44, 92)
Supertmuzz (37)
TamarinFrog (2, 124)
tatanRG (99, 143, 161)
TheFlumpyTripod (25)
TkptVN (50, 80)
toka© (106)
TreyBarksArt (100)
Twarda8 (155, 176)
Twime777 (29, 61, 72, 137)
Uluri (68)
UndeadFae (79)
Unknown-Dan (18)
Urswurs (34)
VeryFilthyThing (NSFW) (135)
Volmise (198)
WirdHere (126)
xlordragon (42, 120)
xNIR0x (207)
Xous54 (59, 91, 199, 217)
Yamashita-akaDoragon (48)
ZakraArt (45)
Zedrin (152)
Zerochan923600 (129, 133)
ziryuu (39, 171)
Zolaj (20)
カグレ (85)
しんよこ (102)
せやな (108)
でぃるく (127)
にじぽん (69)
ひなの (NSFW) (173)
ミカミ (159)
ミジンコ (49, 98, 170)
ゆにまる (101, 146)
ユウシン (212)
ロードン (4)
Cards that don't fit in any set but I made them because I wanted to.
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