Ruling Legend Maker Grimer

No, the answer is yes.
Just like the other pokemon who has the attacks such as Vulpix, Feebas, Magikarp as long as you have the right energy in turn one.
Just for the record.. only regular evolution (ie. playing down from your hand w/o trainers/attacks/powers/bodies) follows the once-per-turn rule, although if you evolve a Pokemon "artificially", as such, you cannot evolve that Pokemon naturally.

Oh, and by the way...

Compendium - use it said:
== ASCENSION (Feebas - EX:Hidden Legends; Vulpix - EX:Hidden Legends)

* EX Hidden Legends Feebas is receiving errata for its "Ascension" attack to bring it in line with the Japanese version of the card. It should read, "Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a card that evolves from Feebas and put it on Feebas. (This counts as evolving Feebas.) Shuffle your deck afterward." Please note that this only affects Feebas; Vulpix's "Ascension" attack does not require a coin flip. (Jul 22, 2004 PUI Rules Team)

Q. Can I use Vulpix's or Feebas' "Ascension" attack on the first turn of the game?
A. Yes. This attack can evolve a PokÈmon, even during the first turn of the game. (Jun 17, 2004 PUI Rules Team)