• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Legendary Dogs/Cats/Somethings (rouge Deck) - States, Masters


Aspiring Trainer
I've been working on this list for a while now and playtesting over the last few weeks has given me positive results:

VS Garydos 6-0
VS Garchomp 4-2
VS VileGar/Vileplume/Trainer Lock Decks 3-3
VS Donphan/Machamp/MighyChamp 5-1

Before i post the list this deck is REALLY trainer heavy so stuff that trainer locks is a bad matchup but not impossible to take a win from.

Pokémon - 14:

4-1 Garydos SF
2 Latias HGSS 10 (Promo)
2-2 Raikou/Suicune LEGEND
1-1 Entai/Raikou LEGEND
Chatot G
Smeargle UD
Garchomp C

T?S?S - 32:
2 Bebe's Search
2 Professor Oak's Visit
2 Underground Expidition
2 Flowershop Lady
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Pokemon Communication
4 Pokedex handy910dis
4 Poke Drawer +
4 Legend Box
2 Expert Belt
2 Warp Point
2 Sunnyshore City Gym
2 Judge

Energy - 12:
4 Rainbow Energy
3 Water Energy
3 Electric Energy
2 Rescue Energy

In an average of 7 out of 10 games i usually have atleast 1 legend in the first 4 turns fully charged and ready to go. The high trainer count is offset (for me atleast) by the Bebe's Search(s) and Junk Arm.

The basic idea of the deck is to mill through as fast as possible to set up one of 3 legends. R/S Legend can deal 150 with no problem and heal it's self in a subsequent move while still doing 50 damage. E/R LEGEND can snipe any and all poke-power Pokemon for 80 or hit the active Pokemon for 90. Most Pokemon SP have only 80-90 HP and if faced with something like POkemon Circulator/Warp Point (which, admittedly, i scoffed at, at first) can slow down S engines by a turn or two. the retreat cost on both R/S and E/R LEGEND is little to none allowing me to slide a (possibly) ready G-Dos for easy 90-110 hits (if belted). Latias PROMO is admittedly not a very good card at a glance, but helps get back vital enerygy cards (BASIC Energy) to put back onto any of my Pokemon. If swaped out for an E/R LEGEND it can deal up to 40 (again, if belted) to an already weakened Garchomp C Lv. X or most any other Lv. X. In Lost Gar matchups, this was prevelentas it Hit Dialga G before it could swap out and level up in most cases.

At any rate, I am open to suggestions, as long as they are within reason and will not put any more than what I have for whats considered "Top-Cut" cards into the deck.

EDIT: As per the request of a Moderator and points further illustrated by my peers, i have included a bit more information on the Deck name. I have added "Dogs/Cats/Something" because Nintendo/GameFreaks had at one point or another listed them as cats, where as at another point in time from other sources, they were listed as dogs. The Mystery Remains...

Edit 2: Dropped One Gyarados and 2 of the Latias' due to the fact that they were Proxies. Added in a Chatot and Smeargle for a bit of disruption. Only problem is that there is a pontential to get Bright Looked into an unsavory position.

I did try cutting it down to 2 HandyDex, but for some reason they screwed up my play style - It might only be one off the top, but use it 2-4 times in a row and follow it up with an Expidition and you can have your cake and eat it to!

As for play against LostGar matchups, im not seeing this as an issue as many in my area have abandoned the deck all together, But I have been thinking about a Honchkrow SV just to screw with them a bit - but i think i will save that for another deck.

Energy was a biggie in play tests - i did drop out 2 rainbow as suggested for 2 DCE, but the problem was that i could not effectively use it save for with Smeargle, and the Garchomp - but Smeargle is there for a 1-2 turn view of my opponent's hand and Garchomp is a last resort revenger. Using DCE on my E/R Legend proved to be worthless as it hits it's self for 50 when doing 150 and Hits and Heals for 50 on its next attack - usually using them both in sequence, unless i can afford to swing left and right for 150; Even still, after 3 turns they've KOed themselvs. Lets see how this goes on saturday! Still looking for Last min improvements so any help is welcome.
RE: Legendary (rouge deck) - States, Masters

Bronzong TR 2-2 line. Obviously to get out your Legends (It only costs 1 energy :D).

Other than that I dont really know
RE: Legendary (rouge deck) - States, Masters

I had never even considered Bronzong TR lol. but it seems it has potential, tho the retreat cost is high... I guess its good for sitting active for a turn or 2, but what to take out for it...
RE: Legendary (rouge deck) - States, Masters

You have warp point, so that covers the retreat cost. IMO, you should:

-2 junk arm (they mess up your hand. One tournament, it cost my opponent the win)
-2 Pokedex (its only one off the top two.)

+2-2 Bronzong TM

Hope this helps!
RE: Legendary (rouge deck) - States, Masters

thanks - i tested bronzong at leauge and it was pretty fast
RE: Legendary (rouge deck) - States, Masters

bump - considering running Regigigas LA in place of the Gyarados'. simply because it hits for a sure 60 and a possible 80, and looking to drop in some DCEs - any help?
RE: *Needs main Pokemon from deck in title*

I don't think thats a good idea (however your right about Gigas). Regigigas is a deck on its own, running Regigigas isn't smart for this deck build. If you want however for the DCE:

-2 Rainbow
+2 DCE

Not sure you can even fit it with all the energy requirments of this deck but playtest it and see how it goes.
RE: Legendary (rouge Deck) - States, Masters

that could help out, thanks alot! tho if i cant fit in gigas, then im not sure i will mess with the energy, but i do know i need to change up my pokemon line up to better support my legends... was thinking an Azelf LA (time walk) to check prizes, but it didn't really help me out in previous decks...

good thing states in my area is on the 19th lol
RE: Legendary (rouge Deck) - States, Masters

Bronzong is a terrible card when you think about the matchup against Lostgar. his attack means the end of your turn, so that means Gengar has at least 2 pokemon to LZ. or, they can just LZ half of the legend and then the other half becomes a completely useless card.
I would replace the 4 Bebe's and 4 Legend box for:
2 legend box, 2 pokemon collector, 2 bebe's, and 2 pokemon communication.
Legendbox has a really low chance of working unless you've made sure to shuffle your legend pieces back in till the end (pokemon communication, Bebe's search)

maybe swap 2 Expert belt for 1 buck's training and 1 pluspower, since a belted legend yields 3 prizes for the opponent. 4 if they're using Salemance lv X.
I would definitely switch the Pokedex handy910 for pokeRadar instead. maybe a 2/2 switch of those since Handy 910 can also draw non pokemon. but radar works REALLY well in getting out a legend, much like Legend box, but it can also bring out your other pokemon if you didn't find any legend pieces in there.
RE: Legendary (rouge Deck) - States, Masters

Edit your title so that the main Pokemon in the deck are in it. The current title is too vague.
RE: Legendary (rouge Deck) - States, Masters

@ carlitosbob: thanks for hte advice, but the low count of pokemon in the current config make pokemon communication pretty useless. i do see what you mean about the Bronzong and i will be sre to keep an eye out for a better replacement. in the mean time i guess i will have to wait for the first batch of States reports to come out to see exactly what is being played at states and see if its totally different from what cities was.

@ ESP: I dont want to start an argument or a fight or seem like i'm dogging any one, but i feel that the title of the deck is pretty apt. it can be applied to any Legendary Pokemon and can be edited to use any Legend.

should the list not speak for itself? (ChenLock was at one point too vauge a term, was it not?) Just citing precedent.
RE: Legendary (rouge Deck) - States, Masters

not trying to mini mod, but I think ESP is meaning that it does have to be more specific. if it was open to any legendary it would maybe belong in sandbox. why not put something like Legendary dogs. that may be specific enough since there's only 3 possible legendary it could be using. there are younger kids that do go on the forums and they may get confused since there is quite a few legends out there but ERL is arguably the most competitive.

the reason for the other communication is to trade off a pokemon for a legend piece you need, or to put one back in that you don't need. then using legend box to maybe get both halves and energy. legend box is only useful mid to late game since it makes hte odds of getting the 2 halves alot better.

also have you thought about Sunnyshore city gym? to get rid of ERL's weaknesses?
RE: Legendary (rouge Deck) - States, Masters

thats a point well made carlitosbob. I haven't given much thought to SCG simply because of the amount of Pshycic (Cursegar/Vilegar) and colorless (Garchomp) decks floating around.

i'll be doing a quick edit of the deck later tonight and seeing what i can do to bolster it a bit more. today i played about 5 games and was kinda on the rear-end of potential donk situations, only narrowly getting out of them. Im guessing imma have to toss in a Garchomp or something.
scg will help the legends vs luxray gl X, machamp prime (sf still ohko's it), donphan prime, gyarados, blastiose, kingdra, and the occasional raichu. It won't hurt you if your opponent uses electric since you don't run a fighting tech.
thanks for the heads up - i'll give it a try and see how it goes - sadly i wont have time to play test it at leauge due to work.

EDIT: Just a quick update - still slow in the pokemon area, did tes a gigas in the deck (just one) and it proformed admirably. Still need to see about setting things up so that i can get a pokemon or 2 in my first hand - any one think that a smeargle UD(CL)/chatot G combo would help?

also, thanks for the pointers Carlito - the SCG did help out against my GF's deck (Gyarados/Donphan/Seadra/KG Legend)