Finished Legendary/Uber RPG

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*flies down to the earth at the speed of a supersonic jet, landing with a thud sending a shockwave out within about a mile*
*Looks around*
"We're making a scene"
*Looks at Nightmare*
"Turn invisible"
*Looks at Space"
"Bend light...I can talk to them"
Worried human: "S-S-Saturn? He is at the top of that building."
*points to the Galctic HQ*
Human: "Really? I saw a Palkia. I wish that Team Galactic would be in a seperate dimension."
"....ok i'll talk to him about that...."
*Talks to Space telepathically*
"Take us to the top....and can you do what the human wished after we are done messing them?"
*Ends telepathic talk*
Space: "No problem."
*becomes visible*
"It shall be done and I won't use a gun. Can you wait 10 minutes though?"
Human: "Oh thank you Palkia."
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