Leiden Region Fakedex


<Pride> I'm my wildest fantasy
Advanced Member
I'm actually considering making a game out of these guys I've currently made so far, but I'm not totally sold on that idea yet. :eek:

#001 - #024

#025 - #048

#097 - #120

#001 - Cranileaf
Type: Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll
Stats: 60/30/55/40/55/40
Pokedex: Its small stature belies a very impressive intellect. They travel around by adjusting their head leaves just so that the wind may carry them about.

#002 - Telivy
Type: Grass / Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 85/50/75/65/75/60
Pokedex: Its brain has grown in both size and intelligence that it utilizes the power of telekinesis to keep itself afloat. This along with photosynthesis makes it self-sufficient.

#003 - Kinesige
Type: Grass / Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 100/60/105/100/105/85
Pokedex: It is capable of conjuring any object into the material realm straight from its own thought. While pursuing a target, it restrains the target by afflicting its brain with energy waves.

#004 - Chugget
Type: Fire
Ability: Quick Feet
Stats: 30/60/40/60/40/50
Pokedex: Widely popular across the entire globe and well-known for being a food source; it is commonly raised for its meat and made into "Chugget Nuggets".

#005 - Fustercluk
Type: Fire
Ability: Quick Feet
Stats: 50/80/60/80/60/80
Pokedex: Its opinion of itself is unhealthily high. To prove and assert its dominance, it frequently fights with others of its kind.

#006 - Fricken
Type: Fire
Ability: Quick Feet
Stats: 70/100/70/115/70/110
Pokedex: Exchanging the ability of flight to gain power, this strange bird has an organ on its chest that works like a fully-functional cannon.

#007 - Manipet
Type: Water
Ability: Intimidate
Stats: 50/70/45/30/45/50
Pokedex: Kept as a pet by many households, it is nearly impossible to set free after obtaining it, as its appearance is so cute it is literally hypnotic.

#008 - Metusky
Type: Water / Steel
Ability: Intimidate
Stats: 70/90/60/60/60/70
Pokedex: After spending time in barren wastelands rife with predators, Metusky developed a steel coat of fur to protect itself from external attack.

#009 - Malamutt
Type: Water / Steel
Ability: Intimidate
Stats: 85/127/80/85/80/103
Pokedex: It moves with great strength and agility both on land and underwater. It can store enough air in its lungs to remain underwater for almost 60 minutes.

#010 - Birtal
Type: Normal / Flying
Ability: Big Pecks
Stats: 50/70/64/56/56/74
Pokedex: Ironically enough, this small bird is nicer to children than it is to adults, serving as a wonderful companion to younger people and a dangerous threat to older ones.

#011 - Ternel
Type: Normal / Flying
Ability: Big Pecks
Stats: 90/95/87/86/77/85
Pokedex: The speed at which this fowl flaps its wings creates a vacuum of air around it in flight, repelling any hostile air currents in its path.

#012 - Winsek
Type: Bug / Grass
Ability: Tangled Feet
Stats: 50/55/30/60/30/56
Pokedex: Its appearance allows it to be the perfect camouflage in woody environments. While disguised, it assumes the shape of a branch and remains perfectly still.

#013 - Booshtle
Type: Bug / Grass
Ability: Swarm
Stats: 70/85/70/90/65/86
Pokedex: They frequently travel in groups of at least ten, relying on strength in numbers to keep themselves safe. When an assembly of them together are immobile, they look nothing more than a shrubbery.

#014 - Peggle
Type: Rock
Ability: Sturdy / Rock Head
Stats: 40/50/60/20/10/20
Pokedex: Its spherical body consists of rock shards which lie embedded in cave ceilings. When nearing evolution, its lower half cracks open and gives way to its emerging new form.

#015 - Caveller
Type: Rock
Ability: Sturdy / Rock Head
Stats: 60/85/100/30/30/30
Pokedex: It feeds off of mineral deposits in cave floors, which it absorbs through openings on the palms of its hands. It rarely strays from its home, and has little need of eyesight.

#016 - Bolgore (boulder + gore (i know i know, lame))
Type: Rock
Ability: Sturdy / Rock Head
Stats: 80/95/130/40/60/40
Pokedex: Extremely territorial in regards to its dwelling place, it will mercilessly crush any and all intruders with its burly stone fists. That which it cannot destroy is left severely maimed.

#017 - Albat
Type: Dark/Flying
Ability: Intimidate
Stats: 30/65/47/65/50/83
Pokedex: Because this small creature can glide for an excess of two miles on end with only a single wing stroke, it has been dubbed informally "The Fish of the Air".

#018 - Radalbat
Type: Dark/Flying
Ability: Intimidate
Stats: 50/95/60/95/60/110
Pokedex: It keeps itself silent and well-hidden, even during hunting periods. When it sights prey, it will strike with great speed and fell it with a single bite to the neck.

#019 - Lucha
Type: Fighting
Ability: Guts
Stats: 80/80/60/30/46/44
Pokedex: An expert warrior in the art of hand-to-hand combat, it tempers its endurance by starving itself for prolonged periods of time.

#020 - Jetstle
Type: Fighting
Ability: Guts
Stats: 105/100/80/50/56/64
Pokedex: Its vast array of wrestling techniques is without peer. It has attained mastery over every form of unarmed close combat.

#021 - Firoccyx
Type: Fire / Dark
Ability: Flame Body
Stats: 60/50/50/89/50/80
Pokedex: This rare species has only been sighted during ascents of snowy mountains. At times it shows compassion on travelers there and keeps them warm at night with its tail.

#022 - Umbrane
Type: Fire / Dark
Ability: Flame Body
Stats: 80/50/70/107/70/102
Pokedex: As it dashes through the night, the embers that scatter from its fiery mane leave a distinct pattern. This pattern is recognized by some and believed to be a signal of the arrival of Death himself.

#023 - Monthwack
Type: Ground
Ability: Sand Rush
Stats: 60/90/40/60/40/80
Pokedex: Having completely lost its sight due to continuous tunneling underground, it relies entirely on its hearing for survival. It enjoys springing out of the ground to surprise people.

#024 - Channedge
Type: Water
Ability: Reckless / Swift Swim
Stats: 40/85/65/63/49/77
Pokedex: It attacks prey using a series of blades that run across the surface of its body, dicing its food to bits. Despite this, however, it is very friendly toward humans.

#030 - Animan
Type: Normal / Ghost
Ability: Sturdy
Stats: 90/80/26/40/26/78
Pokedex: A misunderstood soul of a man returned from the afterlife, continually wondering why people avoid it. It seeks only to be understood by others, and cannot bear to be alone.

#032 - Brose
Type: Grass / Poison
Ability: Iron Barbs / Poison Point
Stats: 60/60/90/40/45/20
Pokedex: The thorns from this plant are rumored to be so deadly that they inject a lethal poison into its victims upon contact. This theory, however, has yet to be tested.

#033 - Sthorn
Type: Grass / Poison
Ability: Iron Barbs / Poison Point
Stats: 75/80/130/70/65/30
Pokedex: This plant is the embodiment of malice and hatred; it will trap its prey in an inescapable maze of thorns, which slowly close in on their helpless target until it stops moving.

#034 - Xyluten
Type: Fire / Grass
Ability: Flame Body / Solar Power
Stats: 80/70/75/110/63/105
Pokedex: Xyluten's very existence is a contradiction; it is quite literally a living breathing piece of firewood already ablaze. Many explanations have been offered as to why this is so, but none are full and complete.

#113 - Ghoubliet
Type: Ghost / Steel
Ability: Levitate
Pokedex: It spends most of its time in dark caves. Mischievous at heart, it derives amusement from watching people step on hidden spines in the floor which it has placed.

#114 - Catryu
Type: Dragon / Fire
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 89/111/89/111/89/111
Pokedex: Its pattern of thinking is always lined towards the positive, always seeing whatever good can come of any situation.

#115 - Anryu
Type: Dragon / Water
Ability: Levitate
Stats: 111/89/111/89/111/89
Pokedex: Its whole life has been a series of one sorrowful event after another. It is incapable of seeing any glimmer of hope.

#116 - Libryu
Type: Dragon
Levitate (Youth Form)
Pressure (Elder Form)
100/100/100/100/100/100 (Youth Form)
119/119/81/81/119/81 (Elder Form)
Pokedex: It does not align itself with any particular creed or line of thought. With its age comes wisdom to let it see all things for what they truly are.

#117 - Lurijira
Type: Dark / Dragon
Ability: Mold Breaker
Stats: 95/120/100/150/150/95
Pokedex: A creature brainwashed by a long-dead sorcerer and bent mercilessly to its will. It destroyed everything it came across in ancient Leiden, until it was sealed away by Joriantis' powerful enchantment.

#118 - Joriantis
Type: Fighting / Ghost
Ability: Justified
Stats: 95/150/150/120/100/95
Pokedex: Once a legendary knight that dared to stand in the way of Lurijira and its insane master, it sealed the terrifying creature away in exchange for its own mortality, causing itself to become a living magic seal.
RE: TDL's Fakemon

TDL, whenever you need someone who can help you with something, you always have a certain slow person you can come to ;o

Curiosity, what is the Grass starter supposed to be based off of?
RE: TDL's Fakemon

Futachimaru said:
Curiosity, what is the Grass starter supposed to be based off of?

I based it off the Koroks from LoZ: Wind Waker.
RE: TDL's Fakemon

These Pokemon and their names are amazing. Fustercluck is so good it should be the name of the final stage though, it makes more sense too. The Grass starter looks pretty awesome, almost too cool to be a starter itself (GRASS DARKRAI).

A game would be time consuming, but it would rulez if all the Pokemon are like this. Keep it up bro.

(btw, a name for the Grass starter could be Levass, see if you can figure out where that came from :0)
RE: TDL's Fakemon

"(btw, a name for the Grass starter could be Levass, see if you can figure out where that came from :0)"

The name came from Leaf and Grass. Duhh.

Alure! Theys Pokaymon ure magnificuint!
RE: TDL's Fakemon

^ I actually had Levitate (it's floating) and Grass in mind, but you could add an "af" in there to make it leaf and grass (because leaf is not spelled lev lol), so it could be Leafass. Wait, on second thought, that might be better than Levass.
RE: TDL's Fakemon

You are welcome. Also, these pokemon, again, are mazing.

1. Grass Starter - Kowiwa (Koroks-LOZ-WindWalker, whatever that is)
2. Grass Starter 1st Evo - Wikoon (Wind-Cocoon)
3. Grass Starter 2nd Evo - Whirunell (Whirl-Funnel)
4. Grass/Ground Thing *is it legendary?* - Boetrene (Bone-Tree)


Hope dese helpz!
RE: TDL's Fakemon

Just leave names to me, none of these are good.

No offense, they just sound ... bland.
RE: TDL's Fakemon

These are super sexy. We should collaborate my art and your spiriting skills.
RE: TDL's Fakemon

There's still some white background splotched on the grass starter, first evolution. These are very cool, and I hope to see names/pokedex entires/movesets soon. Looking forward to the water starters (they'd better be awesome) as well. Great job man.
RE: TDL's Fakemon

Daft Punk said:
Looking forward to the water starters (they'd better be awesome D:<) as well. Great job man.

Get ready for disappoint, I've tried a few times and can't even get 10% of it done. Water-types are not my favorite Pokemon for some reason, same with Dragon-types. x_x
RE: TDL's Fakemon

Base the water starter off a swordfish :eek:

also, Fustercluk is the final evolution, not the middle one silly
RE: TDL's Fakemon

Fricken sounds better, plus I gave it that name a long time ago, silly. :f

Included some things for the Pokemon, but most are incomplete. I also added a legendary duo. I'll probably add their master later, but he won't be a dragon. :eek:ooo

edit: there's the master
RE: TDL's Fakemon

I'm liking the new Water Starter! Stats are looking good, although I made suggestions in the chat. Including the legends, I really look forward to seeing a lot more.
RE: TDL's Fakemon

I like the water starter a lot, but it almost feels like a second stage. It doesn't look...developed enough, I think.
RE: TDL's Fakemon

I see your point, and I think I've fixed the problem. The choice is between the second and third ones ... I like the third more, the second looks less good because of the lack of a darker border around the armor.


Also, anyone who wants to help me with Pokedex entries, stats, typing, or names is free to. I'll only accept the best, though. ;D
RE: TDL's Fakemon

Ehh, there's not much more I can do to stop that now. The size difference between him and the stage ones is ... well, you can tell the problem. If you got any suggestions on what to do to make it look more evolved, tell me and I'll try to add them. Perhaps the problem is that I added him without showing the pre-evolutions? That kind of would leave a different perspective on him, but I wouldn't know. I'll go back onto the Water-type starter later, but I'd rather nail some other Pokemon first.

Speaking of which, I added the beta Pidgeot clone. I'm going to edit some stuff more (ex: wings, add a tail, maybe change eyes, fix the head position, change the legs more, find a better yellow to use). You'll probably get what I based it off of. Even the ability kind of gives a hint. :>

I'm going to work on the Butterfree clone over my free time.
RE: TDL's Fakemon

Also, anyone who wants to help me with Pokedex entries, stats, typing, or names is free to. I'll only accept the best, though. ;D
after finals, my friend. after finals.

So I looked over the thread itself and, assuming these are scratch sprites, these are actually really good quality. I suppose the only thing I don't like are the 3 dragons at the end of the post. They seem so bland and unimaginative - quite unlike you.
RE: TDL's Fakemon


Getting better, or do you guys want me to add on extra stuff (idk, suggest something)?

I was thinking this as the butterfree / early bug-type of this region. No, just kidding, this is not what I want it to look like haha, that took me like five minutes yesterday. :f

I don't like the idea of working on wings, though. For some reason I just can't do bug-type wings. Most wings I've seen are clear with a pattern on the wing, something that apparently is time-consuming for me. Did I forget to add in the fact I have to make them proportional and give it a fancy little pose as well? ._____.

walkingstick sounds cool, so does a hornet