Let's help new members!

Noobnerd said:
A tutor program would be ridiculous. If the new members can't even bother reading the rules, would they care about joining a tutor program?

No, a mod will asign them one. Or the tutor would assign himself to them.
And will they comply?

We've got so many members joining each day, and most make an account and just leave.
This is just a bad idea. There is no way that anyone would like to waste their time tutoring thousands of people just so that about 5% of them can actually stick around.

I joined at around age 12, and I didn't even look at the rules until age 15. I didn't receive a warning until age 15 either (intentional mini-modding mostly). This isn't about reading or not reading the rules, this is about people being too stupid to realize that what they are doing is wrong. Instead of trying to teach these new comers about the rules, teach them to just think about what they post and check if:
A. The thread already exists
B. This would be seen as dumb
C. It doesn't belong there
If it passes those three then you should be all good. If you think about all of the rules, as long as a new person abides by those three rules they wouldn't get warned, with or without reading the rules.
How about for the verification code,
a couple of questions with the rules, multiple choice.
Can that be done?
Many new members joining will be forced to read the rules,
and those who have read the rules or similar ruler
in other forums (like me) might know the answers faster.
Of course, this is just an idea.
Zyflair said:
If a person goes on a forum and doesn't read the rules, it's the same thing as following a contract and not providing your side of the deal. You are expected to abide by the restrictions provided in order to keep the privilege of posting, commenting, etc.

If they don't read the rules, it's their fault and their problem (and the mods' work =P).

I understand what everyone is saying, but this pretty much sums it up. Adding questions about the rules won't do anything. They can either search through the rules for the specific thing or do CTRL + F, which accesses find, letting you find any words. It's like cheating, and thus, won't help.

Like what Zyflair said, though. If they don't read the rules, it's their fault and their problem. The whole tutor program seems absurd to me, too. Taking time out of our lives to teach people something they can read , and SHOULD read.
There is no way we can help new members, it is their responsibility to read the rules, if they can't do something as simple as that, maybe they shouldn't be here without mommy or daddy looking over their shoulder, and we are NOT mommy or daddy. I assume some level of responsibility in the traders that come here, and for the most part I've been right, but those that don't read the rules I have no sympathy for at all. We make the rules VERY accessible and easy to read, and people still ignore/don't read them. Not my problem at all, nor is it anyone else's problem that they should feel the need to fix.
DawnOfXatu said:
I joined at around age 12, and I didn't even look at the rules until age 15. I didn't receive a warning until age 15 either (intentional mini-modding mostly).

Just making sure, but if you joined on the Forums two years ago, you would've been 14. Unless you made an account before 2007 which means you made a double account...

dmaster out.
GHJamesGH said:
I think they are Pokegym trolls.

I may have wart's and need a support group but you dont have to be so mean ;)

As for "trolling" i only do that in rulings sectons.
If they don't want to read the rules? Their problem because the mods will just ban them if they don't follow the rules. Why should we help them more then we are now? It's their responsibility...
d master342 said:
DawnOfXatu said:
I joined at around age 12, and I didn't even look at the rules until age 15. I didn't receive a warning until age 15 either (intentional mini-modding mostly).

Just making sure, but if you joined on the Forums two years ago, you would've been 14. Unless you made an account before 2007 which means you made a double account...

dmaster out.

Keyword around I probably joined at age 13 then, my mistake. I am not the biggest fan of Calendar math...