Akira said:
Well the IVs are below my standard but why not. I'm busy though, I'll PM you later.
What do you want from my thread event wise so we can trade when you are on? Thanks.

EDIT. Pick 2 events from this list. Post what you want so I can get clones for you. Don't worry when they are cloned they are still legit. The only time they are not legit is when a hacked one is cloned. These are legit. They have been hack checked by 3 people so I know they are legit.
Here is the list:
Movie Shaymin level 50 UT, Will have to clone.
PKTOPIA Magmortar level 51. Will have to clone.
PKTOPIA Electivire level 59. Will have to clone.
Mattle Ho-oh level 70 UT. Will have to clone.
Pokemon Center Pikachu level 50 UT. Will have to clone. (Japanese)
WORLD08 Lucario level 30 UT. Will have to clone.
WORLD09 Weavile level 30 UT. Will have to clone.
Pokemon Center New York Kingdra level 35 UT. Will have to clone.
Pokemon Center New York Milotic level 35 UT. Will have to clone. (2 of these.)
Pokemon Center New York Salamence level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
Pokemon Center New York Seadra level 45 UT. Will have to clone.
Pokemon Center New York Flygon level 45 UT. Will have to clone.
Pokemon Center New York Zangoose level 18 UT. Will have to clone.
Pokemon Center New York Shedninja level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
VGC09 Shiny Milotic level 50 UT. Will have to clone. (English)
VGC09 Shiny Milotic level 50 UT. Will have to clone. (Japanese)
Shiny Pikachu Colored Pichu level 30 UT. Will have to clone. (Japanese)
Draco Meteor Jarachi level 5 UT. Will have to clone. (Japanese) 2 of these.
JEREMY Growlthe level 32 UT. Will have to clone
JEREMY Vulpix level 18 UT. Will have to clone.
JEREMY Ekans level 14 UT. Will have to clone.
JEREMY Tauros level 25 UT. Will have to clone.
JEREMY Machamp level 38 UT. Will have to clone.
JEREMY Psyduck level27 UT. Will have to clone.
JEREMY Staryu level 18 UT. Will have to clone.
JEREMY Haunter level 23 UT. Will have to clone.
10JHRE Lugia level 70 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Pikachu level 10 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Pikachu level 40 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Charmander level 40 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Magikarp level 5 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Chatot level 25 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Jirachi level 5 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Tropius level 53 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Pokemon Center Octilery level 50 UT. Will have to clone. 2 of these
Japanese Pokemon Center Meowth level 10 UT. Will have to clone. 2 of these
Japanese Magmortar level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Milotic level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
Japamese Electivire level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Dragonite level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Salamence level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
Shiny Zigzagoon RUBY level 5 UT. Will have to clone.
Shiny Zigzagoon SAPPHIRE level 5 UT. Will Have to clone.
Pokemon BOX Zigzagoon level 5 UT. Will have to clone.
Pokemon BOX Skitty with Payday level 5 UT. Will have to clone.
NWS Manaphy level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
PALCITY Mew level 50 UT. Will have to clone. 2 of these
PALCITY Manaphy level 50 UT Will have to clone.
PALCITY Lucario level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
NWS Manaphy level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Manaphy level 5 UT. Will have to clone.
ROCKS Metang level 30 UT. Will have to clone.
Almia Darkrai level 50 UT. Will have to clone. (2 of these)
Pokemon Fan Club Jirachi level 5 UT will have to clone. Jaboca berry
Pokemon Fan Club Jirachi level 5 UT Will have to clone. Salac Berry.
Japanese Whiscash level 51 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Regigigas level 100 UT. Needs Vitamins added. Will have to clone. Also have in English with vitamins added.
Movie 12 Arceus level 100 UT Needs Vitamins added. Will have to clone. SPECIAL REQUEST ONLY
Dunkings Plusle level 13 UT. Will have to clone.
TCGWC Pikachu level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
Shiny Japanese NewMoon Darlrai level 50 UT. Will have to clone. Legit
Southern Island Latias level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
Naval Rock Lugia level 70 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Pokemon Sunday Wobbuffet level 5 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese GTS Psyduck level 1 UT. Will have to clone. #1
Japanese GTS Psyduck level 1 UT. Will have to clone. #2
Japanese GTS Psyduck level 1 UT. Will have to clone. #3
GTS Haracross level 1 UT. Will have to clone.
Darkrai No Trainer name level 50 UT. Will have to clone. (Korean)
Deoxys No Trainer name level 50 UT. Will have to clone. (Korean)
Manaphy No Trainer name level 1 UT. Will have to clone. (Korean)
Mew No Trainer name level 50 UT. Will have to clone. (Korean)
Rayquaza No Trainer name level 70 UT. Will have to clone. (Korean)
Arcanine No Trainer name level 50 UT. Will have to clone. (Korean)
Feebas No Trainer name level 5 UT. Will have to clone. (Korean)
Munchlax No Trainer name level 5 UT. Will have to clone.
Japanese Flower Paradise Shaymin level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
Baba Flygon level 50 UT. Will have to clone. Japanese
Pokemon Center Eevee level 10 UT. Will have to clone. Japanese
Mc Donald's Pikachu level 20 UT. Will have to clone. Japanese
Gotta Catch em all Chickorita level 10 UT. Will have to clone. Japanese
Gotta Catch em all Cyndaquil level 10 UT. Will have to clone. Japanese
Gotta Catch em all Totodile levek 10 UT. Will have to clone. Japanese
10th Deoxys level 50 UT. Will have to clone. Japanese
Pokemon Ranger Riolu level 30 UT. Will have to clone.
Pokemon Ranger Manaphy level 1 UT. Will have to clone.
Distant Land Dragonite level 55 UT. Will have to clone.
Distant Land Meditite Dunking level 20 UT. Will have to clone.
Distant Land Raikou level 40 UT. Will have to clone.
Distant Land Dunking Shuckle level 20 UT. Will have to clone.
Distant Land Dunking Meditite level 20 UT. Will have to clone. #2
Distant Land Articuno level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
Distant Land Suicune level 40 UT. Will have to clone.
Distant Land Elikid level 20 UT. Will have to clone.
Distant Land Moltres level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
Distant Land Moltres level 50 UT. Will have to clone. #2
Distant Land Zapdos level 50 UT. Will have to clone.
Distant Land Entei level 40 UT. Will have to clone.
Not sure if you got your PM so I am making life easier for you. Hope we can trade soon.