Ruling Level X??


Don't Mess
What is up with the level X??
Are you only allowed to have like one in your deck??
Whats the rules on those things because they are poundin.
Lets have a look.
I'll be useing: Dotaitose/Torterra as an example.

It clearly states that it level's up from: Torterra.

So it's like evolving Torterra to Torterra level: X
they are considered the same pokemon as their name says not including the level, so you could have up to 2 lv xs in your deck and 2 regulars and still be able to use them both
yes, but no extra prizes.
the extra effect is that you can use any attack, pokebody, or pokepower (including the attacks, pokepowers, and pokebodies from the lv. X) from the previous card
ive got a deck with a 4-3-3-1 infernape lv. X line
it is a really good card