The image link is broken.
View attachment 8295
Sigh. I'll see if I can come up with a way to keep the cards updated easier without having to go through imgur over and over.
It should work now.
The image link is broken.
View attachment 8295
I'll critique the wording when I have time myself. I'm wondering if you're not uploading the correct link with your other host. You might like to try fiddlign around with it (maybe opening the image in a new tab so there is nothing around it idk).
You should use photobucket if imgur is giving you so much trouble.
Powerful Ability, all Chimecho should have something as strong as thatYou artwork is gorgeous as usual!
Sorry, forgot to reply. Actually, if you delete the old image from your library and reupload the edited one with the same name, it will keep the same URL.
Expecting to see more of your stuff. Maybe a card using one of your fakemon?
The images are fine for me o0Oopsie, it seems your images are down again >_>
Yep, it was photobucket that I was talking about.
Here's these wording corrections I promised :> Note that I haven't bothered accenting the Pokemon like I'm supposed to cause I'm lazy. Also spoiled cause big.
- 'this Pokemon' should be used instead of 'Scatterbug'. Error x2.
- 'Heads' effects are written before the 'Tails' effects.
- It should be 'during your opponent's next turn' instead of 'in your opponent's next turn'. Error x2
- 'defending Pokemon' should be captilised as 'Defending Pokemon'
- 'instead' should be after 'the defending Pokemon'
- The first part of Dust Cloud should read: 'Discard an Energy Card attached to this Pokemon. If you do, switch this Pokemon...'
- 'one' should be '1'
- You do not need that last clause if you write it like above.
- It should be 'during your opponent's next turn' instead of 'in your opponent's next turn'.
- Second attack needs clarification on when damage is halved - after or before Weakness and Resistance? Should read something like '(after applying Weakness and Resistance)'.
- Second attack needs clarification of how the damage is halved. Is it rounded up or down? Should read something like '(rounded up to the nearest 10)'.
- Dust Barrier should read: 'If heads, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokemon during your opponent's next turn.'
- Powder should read: 'During your opponent's next turn, if this Pokemon is damaged by a [R] Pokemon's attack..."
- 'all' should be 'each of'
- 'Both' should be 'both'.
- Make Friends should read: 'Flip a coin. If heads, search your deck...'
- 'Scatterbug, Spewpa or Vivillion' should read 'for a Pokemon with Scatterbug, Spewpa or Vivillon in its name'.
- There should be a "Shuffle your deck afterward." clause after the 'into your hand.'
- 'one' should be '1'.
- 'confused' should be captilised as 'Confused'.
- Queen's Aurora should read: "Once during your turn (before you attack), you may flip a coin."
- There is no need for the 'you can' after the 'if heads'.
- Should read: 'for a Pokemon with Amaura in its name'.
- There should be a "Shuffle your deck afterward." clause after the 'onto your bench.'
- You don't need either of the clauses in brackets that you have there. Especially the former, which is now a hidden rule that never finds itself onto a card.
- Freeze Blast should be structured: 'If the defending Pokemon is [W] type, this attack does 40 more damage.'
- While an Energy card is attached to a Pokemon, it is simply an Energy. i.e. '[W] Energy Card' should be simply '[W] Energy'.
- 'defending Pokemon' should be 'Defending Pokemon'. Error x2
- The last clause of Welcome Chime should read: "You can't use more than 1 Welcome Chime Ability each turn."
- 'one' should be '1'
- 'to your bench' should be 'onto your bench'
- "Welcome Chime" should read "When each player plays a Basic Pokemon from his or her hand onto his or her bench, draw a card." This means you can get rid of that middle clause.
- I'm getting the implication that drawing a card should be optional. If so, 'you may' should be before 'draw a card'.
- It is 'your opponent's Active Pokemon' not 'the opponent's active Pokemon'
- Chimecho should simply be Chimecho. Like you have. This is different to the others because Chimecho is in play, the other's are not.
- I /think/ 'if any of those coins are heads' should read 'If you flip heads'.
Porygon (must say amazing art :O):
- While an Energy card is attached to a Pokemon, it is simply an Energy. i.e. 'Energy Card' should be simply 'Energy'. However, the Energy Card from your deck should be 'Energy card'.
- 'one' should be '1'.
- 'If you do so' should simply be 'If you do'
- You don't need that ', show it to your opponent' section.
- It is '10 damage times the number of heads'.
- 'Card' should be 'card'. Error x3
- There should be a 'Then,' right before 'Shuffle'.
- While an Energy card is attached to a Pokemon, it is simply an Energy. i.e. 'Energy Card' should be simply 'Energy'.
- 'opponent's active Pokemon' should be 'opponent's Active Pokemon'.
- 'Card' should be 'card'. Error x3
- There should be a 'Shuffle your deck afterwards.' clause after 'hand.'
- While an Energy card is attached to a Pokemon, it is simply an Energy. i.e. 'Energy Card' should be simply 'Energy'. Error x2
- There should not be a 'so' after 'if you do'. Actually, there is no need for 'If you do so' anyway.
- 'One' should be '1'. Error x2
- There should be a '(This doesn't count as a Knocked Out Pokemon.)' after both 'all cards attached to it.' Error x2.
- There should be a 'Then,' before 'Your opponent'.
- Format should say: "...your opponent discards 1 of his or her Pokemon and all cards attached to it."
- You don't need the '(you must discard...)' clause because the discarding is not optional in the first place.
Really digging that Basic Pory art. This is one of my favorite lines to fake, as there's an infinity of things you can do by using PC-related attacks/abilities. The Porygon-Z spoilers are a brilliant example of that!
Frozen isn't a special condition, Unless I've missed something.
- It is 'Once during your turn' not 'Once each turn'.
- 'one' should be '1'.
- It is '[P] type'. '[P]' could be anything.
- There shouldn't be a '10 damage plus' but instead a 'more' after '20'.
- The 'Weakness to a Pokemon' should be 'Weakness to another Pokemon'.
- Shouldn't the Weakness of Misdreavus be [D]?
- See Amoonguss PLS for correct attack wording.
- 'Heads' effect before 'Tails'.
- It should be 'If heads, flip another coin' for the second flip.
- 'one' should be '1'
- The last part should say 'this attack does 50 damage to 1 of each player's Benched Pokemon...'
- First part should read 'Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokemon by attacks from your opponent's Pokemon with 70 HP or more.'
- 'Heads' effect before 'tails'.
- 'amount' should be 'number'
Anyways, I think that'll be all the wording feedback I will give for a while. You should have enough information to keep you going with this and the other wording corrections. ^_^