BW/BW2 Like or Dislike About Black And White

- 500 Pokemon
- Older trainers
- The new legendaries
- The starters
- The graphics

- Dsi exclusive features (WHY!!!!!!!)
- Huge differences between games (maybe a like)

It stills seems nice though!
Well it's still to early for me to make a list ,but there is the fact that a lot of people are forgetting about which is the fact that E3 is only three short weeks away. Which when it arrives we can expect a flourish of updates.
Well, tbh I like pretty mcuh everything about the games at this point. However, you can't really tell this early. However, I really like the art. It seems quite more detailed than 4 gen. However, If I have to, the DSi onlt features are really dumb. Bringing alot of people down i'm sure.
I don't really dislike anything right now. Maybe once some more info is released, I''ll dislike something. what I do like is Pokabu, Zekrom, 3D graphics, and electrified rocks. The only thing that annoys me about B/W, is that Reshirams arms are constantly in the air. Wouldn't he get sore from holding his arms up all day?
I'm not really a big fan of the 3D graphics. Why do that if 2D was just fine?
Zoroark looks absolutely amazing, so he is the pro, but I'd be a little disappointed if that rumoured Voltorb thing turns out to be true.
Likes: Pokabu. Zoroark. Zekrom. Tsutaaja. Older Trainers.

Dislikes: Mijumaru (blech) and the DSi exclusive-thing. I never planned on getting one.

More of each as more information is released, but these cover it so far!
Come on guys! You don't even know what the DSi features are! I assure you, it will be both nothing important and nothing possible on the DS. I mean, what if it involves taking pictures or saving to the DSi's memory? It's just not possible for your classics and lites to do that kind of stuff. It doesn't mean they shouldn't include the features.

Once again, it's probably something like "have a photo with your Pokemon standing on your face OMG isn't that fun?!?!".

Also, about the 3D, I assure you, that's video quality and them changing the resolution to fit a TV screen. Bad 3D isn't blurry, it's jagged edged, like the sprites in the battles. So long as you just let it wash over you, it won't be too bad.

Honestly guys, this is the worst type of speculation. Comments like this just make me want to hit my head against a wall -

dmaster said:
I like the Grass Starter, the Black Legendary, and the constant animation. The rest of the game is lackluster IMO.

dmaster out.
Why does it make you want to hit your head against a wall? I'm saying what I like/dislike about the games so far. ._. From your post, it tells me nothing about answering the topic question and I could warn you for Spam for it. >__>

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
Why does it make you want to hit your head against a wall? I'm saying what I like/dislike about the games so far. ._. From your post, it tells me nothing about answering the topic question and I could warn you for Spam for it. >__>

dmaster out.

Because, you're basically claiming that the entire game minus those few things will be pretty average, when you don't at all know what the entire game will be! (I realize now that that is not how you meant it, but the way you phrased it was very misleading. =/)

And if discussing posts is offtopic, then really this thread needs to be locked, as there's no discussional value in it. As well as like 90% of threads. =/
Pokémaniac said:
Because, you're basically claiming that the entire game minus those few things will be pretty average, when you don't at all know what the entire game will be! (I realize now that that is not how you meant it, but the way you phrased it was very misleading. =/)

And if discussing posts is offtopic, then really this thread needs to be locked, as there's no discussional value in it. As well as like 90% of threads. =/

That's not my fault the thread was made early now is it. Of course opinions can change down the course.

dmaster out.
Personally I think all of the new pokemon besides Pokabu look very wierd. Zekrom is a black colored palkia. I have heard rumors though that Pokabu's American name is Kindlet. (Kindle+Piglet):D