Discussion List of Scarlet & Violet era unreleased/exclusive cards

UPDATE 12/03/2024:


IR Eevee (Prismatic Evolutions Elite Trainer Box, SSP#143) to the list of Internationally-Exclusive cards.
UPDATE 12/22/2024:


Eevee ("Deck As Is Battle - Get Eevee" Campaign, SCR#113), IR Iono's Wattrel (Battle Partners Booster Box, JTO#???), Irida (Extra Battle Day 2025, ASR#147), IR Pikachu (Collect 151, MEW#025), IR Pikachu (Collect 151, MEW#025), IR Pikachu (Collect 151, MEW#025), IR Pikachu (Collect 151, MEW#025), SIR Mew 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (Collect 151, MEW#151), IR Sprigatito (Pokemon TCG Gem Pack, SVI#013), IR Fuecoco (Pokémon TCG Gem Pack, PAL#035), IR Quaxly (Pokémon TCG Gem Pack, PAL#049) and IR Captain Pikachu (Pokémon TCG Gem Pack) to the list of Internationally-Unreleased cards.
UPDATE 12/31/2024:


Petilil (ex Starter Deck Generations), Lilligant (ex Starter Deck Generations), Foongus (ex Starter Deck Generations), Amoongus 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Durant (ex Starter Deck Generations), Virizion (ex Starter Deck Generations), Nymble (ex Starter Deck Generations), Torchic (ex Starter Deck Generations), Combusken (ex Starter Deck Generations), Blaziken 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Torkoal (ex Starter Deck Generations), Larvesta (ex Starter Deck Generations), Volcarona (ex Starter Deck Generations), Reshiram 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Wingull (ex Starter Deck Generations), Pelipper (ex Starter Deck Generations), Regice (ex Starter Deck Generations), Alolan Geodude (ex Starter Deck Generations), Alolan Graveler (ex Starter Deck Generations), Alolan Golem (ex Starter Deck Generations), Togedemaru (ex Starter Deck Generations), Tapu Koko 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Alolan Marowak (ex Starter Deck Generations), Oricorio (ex Starter Deck Generations), Mimikyu 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Dhelmise (ex Starter Deck Generations), Impidimp (ex Starter Deck Generations), Morgrem (ex Starter Deck Generations), Grimmsnarl (ex Starter Deck Generations), Milcery (ex Starter Deck Generations), Alcremie 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Cubone (ex Starter Deck Generations), Toedscool (ex Starter Deck Generations), Toedscruel (ex Starter Deck Generations), Koraidon 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Paldean Wooper (ex Starter Deck Generations), IR Paldean Wooper (ex Starter Deck Generations), Paldean Clodsire 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Lokix (ex Starter Deck Generations), Bombirdier (ex Starter Deck Generations), Galarian Stunfisk (ex Starter Deck Generations), Cufant (ex Starter Deck Generations), Copperajah (ex Starter Deck Generations), Zacian 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), IR Meowth (ex Starter Deck Generations, SFA#048), Kecleon (ex Starter Deck Generations), Tropius (ex Starter Deck Generations), Audino (ex Starter Deck Generations), Mincinno (ex Starter Deck Generations), Cincinno (ex Starter Deck Generations), Drampa (ex Starter Deck Generations), Skwovet (ex Starter Deck Generations), Greedent (ex Starter Deck Generations), Cramorant (ex Starter Deck Generations), Lechonk (ex Starter Deck Generations), Oinkologne (ex Starter Deck Generations), Squawkabilly (ex Starter Deck Generations), Black Belt's Practice [Hoenn] (ex Starter Deck Generations), Black Belt's Practice [Unova] (ex Starter Deck Generations), Black Belt's Practice [Alola] (ex Starter Deck Generations), Black Belt's Practice [Galar] (ex Starter Deck Generations), Black Belt's Practice [Paldea] (ex Starter Deck Generations), Professor's Research [Professor Birch] (ex Starter Deck Generations, SVI#189), Professor's Research [Professor Juniper] (ex Starter Deck Generations, SVI#189), Professor's Research [Professor Kukui] (ex Starter Deck Generations, SVI#189), Professor's Research [Professor Magnolia] (ex Starter Deck Generations, SVI#189) and Professor's Research [Professor Sada] (ex Starter Deck Generations, SVI#189) to the list of Internationally-Unreleased cards.


Roto-Stick (Gym Promo series 6) and Teal Mask Ogerpon 30px-Pokémon_Terastal_ex.png (Mask of Change Promotion Box, TWM#025) are being released in Prismatic Evolutions.
Eevee from Prismatic Evolutions ETB is not exclusive, it will be released in Traditional Chinese in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
UPDATE 01/09/2025:


Scraggy (Gym Promo series 6) and Yanma (Gym Promo series 7) are being released as Single Pack Blister promo for Journey Together.
Scrafty (Gym Promo series 6) and Yanmega (Gym Promo series 7) are being released as Triple Pack Blister promo for Journey Together.
IR Eevee (Prismatic Evolutions Elite Trainer Box, SSP#143) is being released in the Eevee Family Special Collection.
Another exclusive Captain Pikachu chinese card:
UPDATE 01/17/2025:


Hop's Pincurchin 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (Gym Promo series 9), Drifloon (Gym Promo series 9), Drifblim (Gym Promo series 9), Pokémon Center Lady (Gym Promo series 9, FLF#093) and Captain Pikachu (Pokémon TCG Gem Pack) to the list of Internationally-Unreleased cards.
Hop's Zacian 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (Hop’s Zacian ex Box, JTG#???) to the list of Internationally-Exclusive cards.
UPDATE 01/22/2025:


FA Iono's Bellibolt 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (Iono’s Bellibolt ex Premium Collection, JTG#???) to the list of Internationally-Exclusive cards.


Charizard 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (Charizard ex Battle Master Deck, OBF#125) is being released in the Charizard ex Special Collection.
Well, I guess we know what the Espeon and Umbreon collections are going to have.
UPDATE 02/26/2025:


FA Espeon 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (Terastal Festival ex Playmat Set, PRE#034) and FA Umbreon 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (Terastal Festival ex Playmat Set, PRE#060) to the list of Internationally-Unreleased cards.
FA Lillie's Clefairy30px-Pokémon_ex.png (Lillie Premium Tournament Collection, JTG#056) to the list of Internationally-Exclusive cards.

Veluza 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (Gym Promo series 7), Billy & O'Nare (Gym Promo series 7), Petilil (ex Starter Deck Generations), Lilligant (ex Starter Deck Generations), Foongus (ex Starter Deck Generations), Amoongus 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Durant (ex Starter Deck Generations), Virizion (ex Starter Deck Generations), Nymble (ex Starter Deck Generations), Torchic (ex Starter Deck Generations), Combusken (ex Starter Deck Generations), Blaziken 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Torkoal (ex Starter Deck Generations), Larvesta (ex Starter Deck Generations), Volcarona (ex Starter Deck Generations), Reshiram 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Wingull (ex Starter Deck Generations), Pelipper (ex Starter Deck Generations), Regice (ex Starter Deck Generations), Alolan Geodude (ex Starter Deck Generations), Alolan Graveler (ex Starter Deck Generations), Alolan Golem (ex Starter Deck Generations), Togedemaru (ex Starter Deck Generations), Tapu Koko 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Alolan Marowak (ex Starter Deck Generations), Oricorio (ex Starter Deck Generations), Mimikyu 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Dhelmise (ex Starter Deck Generations), Impidimp (ex Starter Deck Generations), Morgrem (ex Starter Deck Generations), Grimmsnarl (ex Starter Deck Generations), Milcery (ex Starter Deck Generations), Alcremie 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Cubone (ex Starter Deck Generations), Toedscool (ex Starter Deck Generations), Toedscruel (ex Starter Deck Generations), Paldean Wooper (ex Starter Deck Generations), Paldean Clodsire 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations), Lokix (ex Starter Deck Generations), Bombirdier (ex Starter Deck Generations), Galarian Stunfisk (ex Starter Deck Generations), Cufant (ex Starter Deck Generations), Copperajah (ex Starter Deck Generations), Kecleon (ex Starter Deck Generations), Tropius (ex Starter Deck Generations), Audino (ex Starter Deck Generations), Mincinno (ex Starter Deck Generations), Cincinno (ex Starter Deck Generations), Drampa (ex Starter Deck Generations), Skwovet (ex Starter Deck Generations), Greedent (ex Starter Deck Generations), Cramorant (ex Starter Deck Generations), Lechonk (ex Starter Deck Generations), Oinkologne (ex Starter Deck Generations), Squawkabilly (ex Starter Deck Generations), Black Belt's Training [Hoenn] (ex Starter Deck Generations, PRE#096), Black Belt's Training [Unova] (ex Starter Deck Generations, PRE#096), Black Belt's Training [Paldea] (ex Starter Deck Generations, PRE#096) and Professor's Research [Professor Sada] (ex Starter Deck Generations, SVI#189) are being released in Journey Together.
Koraidon 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations) and Zacian 30px-Pokémon_ex.png (ex Starter Deck Generations) are being released in the Slashing Legends Tins
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UPDATE 03/11/2025:


N's Darmanitan (Journey Together Build & Battle Box, JTG#027), Iono's Kilowattrel (Journey Together Build & Battle Box, JTG#055), Lillie's Ribombee (Journey Together Build & Battle Box, JTG#067) and Hop's Snorlax (Journey Together Build & Battle Box, JTG#117) to the list of Internationally-Exclusive cards.