Live United States Nationals Coverage and Winning Decks


T16 Worlds 2012
I will keep everyone updated here, so if you aren't going, or want some updates while there check here.




Henry P: 2-0

Beckett P: 2-0
I could try to help out at the end of the day results and stuff. Is it ok for people to post whos results they want to see on here? Just checking for the other beachers :)
Yeah post your record if you want, I'll also post the records of some of the well known and respected players. I'll start: 2-0 =P( I have 2 byes =])
piplup234 said:
Yeah post your record if you want, I'll also post the records of some of the well known and respected players. I'll start: 2-0 =P( I have 2 byes =])

Can we post how many games we won from open gaming?
Explain to me how you're already 2-0 three days before the tourney has started...
And so does my brother! Good luck to everyone. I'll be the short hyper-kid wearing a black puma hat.
Yeah, if they let me i might post links to the live updated that The Top Cut is doing videos for
Oh ok haha I thought you were just so arrogant that you assumed you would win the first 2 rounds. :p
piplup234 said:
Yeah, if they let me i might post links to the live updated that The Top Cut is doing videos for
As long as it isn't on another Pokemon Forum, I'd be fine with you linking to videos. Please make sure they are appropriate though.
Top 16 is happening now, there probably watching it so they cam do updates.

One person I know in top 16 is:

Toby, with Kingdra Yanmega.