Live United States Nationals Coverage and Winning Decks


1st Justin Sanchez w/ Yanmega/Magnezone
2nd Pooka w/ Donphan/Zoroark/Yanmega

Over half the Top 16 decks had Yanmega in them.

dmaster out.
Pooka lost and Justin won from a flip. There are also live updates on 6P.
dmaster said:

1st Justin Sanchez w/ Yanmega/Magnezone
2nd Pooka w/ Donphan/Zoroark/Yanmega

dmaster out.

Reading is good for you.

dmaster out.
Your friends with him? At random tourneys I've played him 3 times.

I'm 1-2 against him, I don't like him...

Anyways, congratz Justin!
The results appear to be this:
1st Xander Pero with Ursaring/Roserade/Yanmega/Vileplume.
2nd Sydney Morisoli with Reshiboar

1st David Richard with Donphan/Yanmega/Zoroark
2nd Jimmy McClure (Brawler i think...) with ??? (other people probably know)

Masters has been posted.
Jimmy McClure was playing Magnezone/Yanmega with a 1-0-1 Kingdra prime line.
You know McClure's list? How?
obviously you are not going to post it but how did you get it?
blargh257 said:
You know McClure's list? How?
obviously you are not going to post it but how did you get it?

McClure and I go to the same league and I "helped him" build it.... I actually just lent him the Yanmegas and Told him about the Kingdra line