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RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Open to ALL OFFERS!

Would you do
Charizard G Lv X (pack)
Rayquaza C Lv X (pack)
Garchomp C Lv X (tin)

Absol G Lv X
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Open to ALL OFFERS!

lol ok. Thanks anyway!! *runs off crying* T_T
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Open to ALL OFFERS!

Please CML for

Magnezone Prime - 96/102 x1
Bottom - Kyorge/Groudon Legend x1
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Open to ALL OFFERS!

@ Project696 - Would you do Blazi FB X w/ Electrode Prime?
Close to even value.
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Open to ALL OFFERS!

Bump #2

Want Bulk Japanese cards no doubles please.
I kept coming across bulk Pokemon cards on eBay but rarely any of them where Japanese and I really want to expand my JP collection.
Looking for JP sets Neo-B/W
I value at:
1cent for each common/uncommon
6cent for each rare
Holo/Other reasonable offer(s)
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Stars(*) | Crystal | Shining Open to all Offers!

Interested in Feraligatr Prime and Magnezone Prime.
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Stars(*) | Crystal | Shining Open to all Offers!

Please CML for Gameboy Color Teal & Pokemon Crystal.
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Stars(*) | Crystal | Shining Open to all Offers!

im interested in ur flareon* would you trade it for

a full lugia legend?

or a machamp lv x?

or a blaziken fb lv x?

would really want to trade it for the full lugia though plz LMK
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Stars(*) | Crystal | Shining Open to all Offers!

@ LegosLock - Interested in Mew Prime

@ DJ - Didn't see anything of interest.
do you have any bulk JP cards Neo-B/W?

@ Braves - No not interested in any of those.
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Stars(*) | Crystal | Shining Open to all Offers!

have any gengar prime up for trade?
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Stars(*) | Crystal | Shining Open to all Offers!

Nope, sorry.
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Stars(*) | Crystal | Shining Open to all Offers!

Interested in your Flareon Star and Crystal Nidoking. Thanks.
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Stars(*) | Crystal | Shining Open to all Offers!

Cml for lotad, relincanth and shinx shiny, and the rr pikachu
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Stars(*) | Crystal | Shining Open to all Offers!

I'm possibly interested in Magnezone prime, Unown Q, and the sealed player reward energy. CML?
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Stars(*) | Crystal | Shining Open to all Offers!

@ Aqua - Do you have any bulk JP Neo-B/W?
If so I value at:
2cent for each common/uncommon
6cent for each rare
Holo/Other reasonable offer(s)

@ Pinkerton - I didn't see anything but you can still offer.

@ ScreamRawr - Magnezone is Pending.
Interested in you Smeargle UD if ti's still available.
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Stars(*) | Crystal | Shining Open to all Offers!

I still have a Smeargle UD, yes.
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Stars(*) | Crystal | Shining Open to all Offers!

Would you do Unknown Q for Smeargle?
RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Stars(*) | Crystal | Shining Open to all Offers!

Hmm. No, I don't think I would do that. Anything you want for the sealed player reward energy though?
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