RE: [H]300+ Reverse Holo MD - B&W,3000+ BULK, *NEW*Black and White*NEW*
I'm not sure if we were negotiating before or not, but I'm going to let you know what I'm interested in:
1x Zoroark BW
1x Cleffa HS (RH) (Big Want!)
1x Pupitar UL #38 (RH)
1x Vileplume UD (RH)
1x Gloom UD (RH)
1x Professor Oak's New Theory HS (RH)
1x Bouffalant BW #90 (RH)
1x PlusPower BW (RH)
I have:
1x Palkia X [Promo 08]
1x Dialga X [Promo 08]
3x Poke-Turn (Played)
1x Azelf LA (LP)
1x Palmer's Contribution (Played)
1x Vullaby (RH)
So of those are smaller wants than others. Let me know if we can work something out. If you would rather PM me about it you can do so. =)