lol good fast snipe hgss on

angry aggron

banette is a beast
ok so i saw the new Chandelure and my heart stopped cause i saw the meta for the future and i almost did this:smashcomp also this:headbang then i got happy cause i thought of a B.A. deck idea and honestly i think it will work cause it is not a lot to set up....
it is Chandelure mandibuzz y these two you may ask well SNIPER duh set up two Chandelure and only one mandibuzz the game is kind of over....tell me what you think guys...
Chandelure - Psychic - HP130
Stage 2 - Evolves from Lampent

Ability: Shadow Curse
Once during your turn, if this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, you may put 3 damage counters on your opponent's Pokemon in any way you like.

[P][P][C] Mysterious Light: 50 damage. The Defending Pokemon is now Burned and Confused.

Weakness: Darkness (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Mandibuzz – Darkness – HP90
Stage 1 – Evolves from Vulchi

[D] blindside: Choose 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon that already has damage counters on it, and do 50 damage to that Pokemon.
[D][C][C] Punishment: 40 damage. If your opponent’s Active Pokemon is a Stage 2 Evolved Pokemon, this attack does an additional 60 damage.

Weakness: Lightning (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-20)
Retreat: 1
the only thing is that you need things to retreat :smashcomp:headbang so help me out on that
It's not that great. Chandelure puts 3 damage counters anywhere, sure, but keep in mind, it needs to be active and has 2 retreat. You've got to put some Switches and SSUs in there for it (a lot of each, and some Junk Arm), and even so, it'll be tough to get enough set up on bench to keep using Shadow Curse every turn.

'Buzz isn't bad with Chandelure, but keep in mind you'll only be doing 80 damage per turn and all that switching and heavy Pokémon lines will leave little room for consistency. This could work alright, but you'd need to make sure to not give up consistency when adding cards to make the combo work.
I still think Kingdra Prime is better combo with mandibuzz
and since your already running dark pokemon, you can use Absol prime as a starter :) that way whenever they bench a basic, they have to add damage for your mandibuzz to snipe. Kingdra can spraysplash other pokemon later on to be able to attack...Can also use Zoroark to counter Resh / Zek (as you can special dark for extra damage, or use kingdra's spray splash)
Metagross UL is a good combo for this deck. It has a great poke-body and also a heavy double hitter.
cole said:
I still think Kingdra Prime is better combo with mandibuzz
and since your already running dark pokemon, you can use Absol prime as a starter :) that way whenever they bench a basic, they have to add damage for your mandibuzz to snipe. Kingdra can spraysplash other pokemon later on to be able to attack...Can also use Zoroark to counter Resh / Zek (as you can special dark for extra damage, or use kingdra's spray splash)
Cleffa is the best starter in non-Tyranitar decks. Absol only fits with Tyranitar and some other decks that use lost zone for attack enhancements. Tho Absol and Cleffa can be used in sniping deck if they're together.
Well, the 2 retreat is really what kills the deck... Moonlight Stadium, how I miss you. You could put in 4 Switch, but that would be the equivalent of putting 4 Gust of Wind reprint things in any other deck that does more damage.

A better partner for Manzibuzz is Kingdra Prime.
I really like this card, here is what I am thinking I might do with it.

Ferrothorn, from Black collection in Japan. It is a lil' Magnezone SF, look at it there, what is it doing?

Nutrei Ferrothorn – Metal – HP90
Stage 1 – Evolves from Tesseed

[M] Steel Tentacle: Flip 3 coins, this attack does 30 damage times the number of heads.
[M][C][C] Gyro ball: 60 damage. Switch this Pokemon with one of your Benched Pokemon. Then, your opponent switches his or her own Active Pokemon with one of his or her Benched Pokemon.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 2

This thing could benefit from playing some Special Metals, I guess, its fire weakness isn't much of a problem because it will be on your bench, and Reshiram OHKO's it anyways. I guess Catcher kinda kills this idea, but with Dodrio in play, you will be hitting for 90 a turn. Not to mention you could play some Gothitelle techs for Trainer lock. This is the first thing that came to my mind, IMO Mandibuzz is weak, and I wouldn't recommend playing it with this card, considering lots of Switches would need to be involved.
the dodrio idea is awesome it makes me be able to not worry as much bout switch but only one retreat makes life hard.... :( mandibuzz/absol is a kool idea....
Have 2 chandelures out with metagross(free retreat) and put 6 damage counters on your opponents pokemon each turn.