DPPt/HGSS Look what I just bred, chained, or re-setted!

Speaking of Latis, I just caught a friggin' awesome Mild Latios. it took me about an hour to catch the 3 I SR'd for, but, still. AWESOME.


Both defenses could be better, but with 30 in speed AND HP, with 27-28 in Sp. ATK with HP rock, HUBBA HUBBA.
I officially give up on Shiny Raikou/Entei. Takes WAY too long to soft-reset. Takes like, 20x longer to reset them than it takes to reset a regular stationary legend.
After taking some time, I have caught a Rash Dialga, a Gentle Lugia, a Adamant Giratina, and a Naughty Shiny Gyarados.

All of them are competitive natures. ^_^
Caught a badass Bold Suicune not too long ago. Spent about an hour to get a shiny, then I decided to give up, and oh boy am I glad I did.


I figure with Calm Mind, the 18s won't really matter, ya know?
As I was telling someone that I was soft-resetting Adamant Shiny Ho-Oh, I got it. And it's got a whopping 30 Atk IV's, and 25 Def IV's. Too bad it has 1 Speed IV >.>
I've been SRing for a Shiny Ho-Oh, but no luck so far.

And I don't care if it's Adamant. =P
I'm gonna probably attempt to breed a Mild Torchic with pretty good IV's later. Will post results soon.
IDK if this counts but I caught my Red Gyarados in a moon ball yesterday :p I think its Brave... I'll check if thats good
I decided to breed Totodiles, and by God, have I created a monster (pure luck, no RNG abuse).


Adamant, too.

Just caught Suicune and I am fixing to SR to take another shot at catching him. Here's why

Bold Suicune(in order of HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe)

Second attempt
Naughty Suicune(same order)
Bold Porygon 31/0/28/31/31/26 Rawr *No RNG/external devices used in creating such a BEAST* I think the ability was download tho...
-Flygon- said:
Bold Porygon 31/0/28/31/31/26 Rawr *No RNG/external devices used in creating such a BEAST* I think the ability was download tho...

Breed for a better nature/ability
Parents pass IVs down (especially in HG/SS)
Get a good porygon
Smash in face on Wi-Fi!

So, I SOMEHOW managed to breed two zubat with the EXACT same IVs. Their characteristics and gender are the only things that separate them.
GreenAiden555 said:
Breed for a better nature/ability
Parents pass IVs down (especially in HG/SS)
Get a good porygon
Smash in face on Wi-Fi!

So, I SOMEHOW managed to breed two zubat with the EXACT same IVs. Their characteristics and gender are the only things that separate them.
The Porygon is decent, it would be better if it was Trace instead of Download. I'm sure I would get something good because of its awesome IVs.
Quick Balled an Entei, Caught lv 70 Lugia using 4-7 Ultra Balls and Caught Ho-Oh using 3-4 Ultra Balls all on my HeartGold. :)
So, I needed a Natu with the following IVs:

Had parents that could make that possible. And, of course, with my luck, I got two Natu with these IVs:




EDIT: 4/12/10

After spending HOURS on the GTS between two different games, I FINALLY found a usable Celebi, and found 2 with 30s across the board.

One of which is bold...Yet it is mischievous.... And held a Master Ball...