DPPt/HGSS Look what I just bred, chained, or re-setted!

Okay so I went to get a lucky egg the other day, so i trained a compoundeyes yanma to lvl 18 took my alakazam with trick with me and stood in front of mr blacklot at the trophy garden. I saved thinking it would take ages for him to say there were chansey's in his garden. But it was the first thing he said, i went into the gras and after only 5 chanseys I got my lucky egg.
what do you people mean by hidden power grass or water?
would it be like when you have a water or grass type that knows hidden power?
No hidden power changes it's type and power depending on a pokemon's IV's
So it's type of the attack hidden power
BTW this is not the right place to ask that question
Scyther, Adamant LvL100 - HP: 275 (25/0) | Atk: 281 (31/0) | Def: 173 (8/0) | Sp.Atk: 129 (29/0) | Sp.Def: 193 (28/0) | Spd: 235 (20/0) | Hidden Power: 31, ROCK | Format: stat (IV/EP)

Scyther @ Level 1 25/31/8/29/28/20

This morning, I bred:

Adamant Magikarp

Go me! I'm currently breeding a LightningRod Electrike.
zwelgbelg said:
poor defence and average speed though :s
the rest is super

Anything that'll be hitting it physically it can probably outspeed,
and anything that'll be hitting it specially it'll either out priority with Bullet Punch, or Switch.

I've been working on it for a long time, should I just go with it?
Dezuray said:
zwelgbelg said:
poor defence and average speed though :s
the rest is super

Anything that'll be hitting it physically it can probably outspeed,
and anything that'll be hitting it specially it'll either out priority with Bullet Punch, or Switch.

I've been working on it for a long time, should I just go with it?

I'd go for it. you probably wanna watch out for fire fang ;)
BTW: I'd like to play against you dezuray. Don't think we have done that before.
zwelgbelg said:
Dezuray said:
zwelgbelg said:
poor defence and average speed though :s
the rest is super

Anything that'll be hitting it physically it can probably outspeed,
and anything that'll be hitting it specially it'll either out priority with Bullet Punch, or Switch.

I've been working on it for a long time, should I just go with it?

I'd go for it. you probably wanna watch out for fire fang ;)
BTW: I'd like to play against you dezuray. Don't think we have done that before.

We should some time, and I'll probably train it today.
Should I keep this Gible?
Jolly #443 Gible: 0 - 3 / 30 - 31 / 25 - 29 / 0 - 4 / 10 - 14 / 31
HP and spA are really low...

edit: how about this one?
Jolly #443 Gible: 24 - 28 / 30 / 30 / 10 - 14 / 10 - 14 / 11 - 15
Well, Special Attack doesn't matter much on a Garchomp, but I'd go with the first. Honestly though I'd keep trying for more HP.
Shiny? Non-shiny? Anyway, speaking of RNG abuse, I got this for my brother yesterday:

Timid Palkia (non-shiny)
Yep, a perfect legendary :)

Also, this is my Azelf that I got a few weeks back:

SHINY Naive Azelf
21/30/31/28/22/31 (HP Ground 59)
Less HP and Attack than yours, with a lower-powered Hidden Power, but better Sp. Atk, and most importantly, it's shiny!

I have 4 other shiny legendaries, but I can't be bothered to post them all...
Wichu said:
Shiny? Non-shiny? Anyway, speaking of RNG abuse, I got this for my brother yesterday:

Timid Palkia (non-shiny)
Yep, a perfect legendary :)

Also, this is my Azelf that I got a few weeks back:

SHINY Naive Azelf
21/30/31/28/22/31 (HP Ground 59)
Less HP and Attack than yours, with a lower-powered Hidden Power, but better Sp. Atk, and most importantly, it's shiny!

I have 4 other shiny legendaries, but I can't be bothered to post them all...

I want it! I'm still working on calibration for legends.
-Dialga Master- said:
I want it! I'm still working on calibration for legends.

It's not that hard. I'd recommend using a timer so you can press 'Continue' at the exact same time after resetting every time. It also lets you get higher delays than would be possible by mashing A.