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Looking Darkness in the eyes (Darkrai EX / Yveltal EX)


Aspiring Trainer
Experience: Novice

Pokemon 9
  • 3 Darkrai EX
  • 2 Yveltal EX
  • 2 Sableye
  • 2 Yveltal

Trainers 31
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 Shauna
  • 4 Bianca
  • 2 Random Reciver
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Dark Claw
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 4 Hypnotixic Laser
  • 2 Virbank City Gym
  • 4 Dark Patch

Energy 13
  • 9 Darkness
  • 4 Double Colorless

Total: 53

So I suppose this is a "typical" darkrai deck. The things I've been reading on these forums have lead me to believe this deck is slow. I don't know if it would do 50 +3. That being said I am EXTREMELY limited with play testing, I can do it once a week, if that. So I would like some insight to people who can actually play and not wing it lol. I have 7 open spots so there is some space that can be used. I am thinking of taking out the DCE for 1-2 Darkness and have a lower energy count. My Ace Spec is also up in the air. Also, what "tier" is this (not necessarily my) architect deck. I thank you guys who read and also reply to help me out!!!!
RE: Looking Darkness in the eyes(Darkrai EX/Yveltal EX)

I'd run 3 Yveltal EX before running 3 Darkrai. You can even cut a Darkrai if you have to make room for other things. Keep 2-3 of the Double colorless energy, they are invaluable with Yveltal EX, but 4 is definetely too much. You may want to consider bumping dark claw up to 3. Energy switches can be useful too, as a 1-2 of. Not sure about Bianca.

If you weren't running lasers I'd recommend Shadow Circles as a nice little counter stadium, also eliminating people from using fighting/elec types to get cheap KOs on your Darkrai/Yveltals. I'd still recommend 1-2 more dark energy, especially if you want to keep the 4 ultra balls, because with 4 Dark Patch and the regular Yveltals, you really want to be discarding the dark energies to keep your engine running. Your ace spec can even be a computer search just to give you more discard.

You may want to consider a couple switch or escape ropes, just in case something bad happens to your Darkrai or you run into a Garbodor deck and need to make an easy switch.
RE: Looking Darkness in the eyes(Darkrai EX/Yveltal EX)

This deck looks like a decent skeleton for a standard Yveltal deck, but there are a few things I would change.

First, I would add in 1 or 2 Bouffalants from DRX, as the card is a great non-EX attacker, and can hit for huge damage. If you do add this in, then I would switch the Dark Claw to Muscle Band, and possibly bump it up to 3 as both cards do the same thing, but Muscle Band can be used by all types.

Another thing I would add are what I consider Low Count cards, such as Super Rod and Tool Scrapper. I would put in one of each, as you can reel in a key Pokemon from your discard back into your deck. Tool Scrapper is useful, as it helps with Garbodor, or any other threatening tool, such as G-Booster or Muscle Band.

Third, I would add in possibly 2 or 3 Energy Switches. These can help, if you need to get 20 more damage onto Yveltal EX, but don't have the energy. As for the ACE-SPEC, I would put in Computer Search, as the things you discard can be re-obtained using Sableye, including Computer Search.

Final Changes
+1 Yveltal EX
+2 Bouffalant (DRX)
+2 Energy Switch
+1 Computer Search (ACE-SPEC)
+1 Super Rod
+1 Tool Scrapper
+3 Muscle Band

+11 Total

-1 Darkrai EX
-1 Bianca
-2 Dark Claw

-4 Total
Hi Archa000x,

Nice skeleton list. Would cut one Sableye for a third Yveltal Ex. Cut two Bianca for two more Dark Claw and one Double Colorless for another basic Darkness. Now we have seven more slots in this deck to fill. Start with two Bicycle and one more Random Receiver. The remaining three slots can be devoted to two Energy Switch and one Dowsing Maschine. This would be for the mono darkness version.

You can also run Yveltal with Bouffalant. In this case use the modifications suggested by Pookapotamus. However, I would use Dowsing Maschine over Computer Search and loose either Super Rod, or Tool Scrapper for a fourth Muscle Band.
Thanks for all the help guys!! I was wondering if I should go with absol or bouffalant. The only thing about absol is it's reliable on the opponent's bench. The muscle band is a lot more versatile so I can see it working better, especially with a non dark poke. Thanks a lot for the help!!!

The trainer help is also great. I didn't know if energy switch would help much where almost all decks are OHKO versions. I do like computer search also. It sets up quickly.