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Looking for a Ampheros Great and Pikachu pokedoll, Not doll, "Pokedoll" offer for stuff that I have.

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RE: Trading RH claydol,TSD & lugia EX , look at my big wants

shaymin of the heart said:
would you just do

TSD for Leafeon X

because JP cards are not worth as much as english ones
Would you do
Leafeon Lv X JP
Lapras EX

RH Claydol GE
RE: Trading RH claydol,TSD & lugia EX , look at my big wants

Umm, what other EXs do you have?
RE: Trading RH claydol,TSD & lugia EX , look at my big wants

Magcargo EX DR
Absol EX PK
Chansey EX RS
Magmar EX RS
Sneasel EX RS
RE: Trading RH claydol,TSD & lugia EX , look at my big wants

Not really interested in those, all i want is the leafeon X
nothing else interested me
RE: Trading RH claydol,TSD & lugia EX , look at my big wants

i Pmd you, anyone else
RE: Trading RH claydol,TSD & lugia EX , look at my big wants

I can add an EX from my list for claydol, check it if you wish, thanks.

RE: Trading RH claydol,TSD & lugia EX , look at my big wants

Do you have any shaymins? or shaymin items
RE: Trading RH claydol,TSD & lugia EX , look at my big wants

i was only interested in

Mew ex (LM)
Suicune ex (TMvsTA)
celebi EX(UF)
and the leafeon lv.X
RE: Trading RH claydol,TSD & lugia EX , look at my big wants

My mew ex & Suicune ex for your glaceon X?
RE: Trading RH claydol,TSD & lugia EX , look at my big wants

i dont value those highly since they are collection wants
ill have to think about it
RE: Trading RH claydol,TSD & lugia EX , look at my big wants

ok, any one else
RE: Check it out new cards, well a few

Once again I think I just might have something you want.

You want a lot of Charizards yes? I have a Crystal Guardians Charizard that i doubt i'll ever use because it eats up too much metal energy. Interested? I'll throw in my Charmander and Charmeleon too just cuz I wont need them anymore after I send off the Charizard.
RE: Check it out new cards, well a few

Nah, i have 3 of those charizards, but thanks for letting me know:)
if you get any other zards feel free to tell me, i may be interested
RE: [H] Mesprit X, and other cards [W] cards on my big wants

Will do. I added you to my yahoo messenger list cuz I figured we'd trade a lot. You'll have first grabs at them for sure!
RE: [H] Mesprit X, and other cards [W] cards on my big wants

Please CML for Claydol GE, LMK if we can work out a deal, thanks!

RE: [H] Mesprit X, and other cards [W] cards on my big wants

Sorry im not trading my claydols anymore, already made a deal for one of them
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