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Looking for Deck needs have lots of things i am also a new Member

so do you wnt to do..

your: Base Set/Older Holos
Mewtwo Holo Rare
Alakazam Holo Rare
Celebi Neo Revelations set

MY: garchomp c lv x promo

send me your address if you like this.
Ryu-I see Donphan Prime x2

I also have 2 Kyrogue Groudon legend Top Piece,and 1 Kyrogre Legend bottom piece if your interested?

I happen to have...
Garchomp C LvX (pack version)
x2 Bebe's Search
x1 Aaron's Collection
x2 Warp Point
x3 Roseanne's

Did you want the warp points to be from Majestic Dawn? I have x1 MD and x1 League Promo.

I am interested in...
Kingdra Prime
Lt.Surge's Electabuzz

Let me know what you think, okay?
Shaymin Lv. X (sky)
Shaymin Lv. X (land)

Luxray GL x2
Garchomp C Lv. X (promo) x1
Crobat G x1
Bebe's Search x2
Aaron's Collection x1
Warp Point x2
im interested in:
Celebi Neo Revelations set (as long as it is the shining one??)
scizor prime

and you said to ask so. do you have any of these:
Gengar SF
Arceus Spiritomb
Uxie LA
Unown Q