Wi-Fi Trades Looking for Sleep Talk and Rest TMs [Updated haves list]

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Aspiring Trainer
I have Evo items, various TMs, shards, heart scales, star pieces, and various berries.
I also have pokemon that I can breed which are at the bottom of my list.

{[(I am looking for 3x Sleep Talk and 2x Rest TMs)]}

Exact items I own

Dubious Disc
Dusk Stone
Fire Stone
Metal Coat
Moon Stone
Opal Stone
Reaper Cloth
Shiny Stone
Water Stone


09 Bullet Seed
11 Sunny day
12 Taunt
15 Hyper Beam
16 Light Screen
17 Protect
18 Rain Dance
20 Safeguard
27 Return
28 Dig
29 Psychic
30 Shadow Ball
32 Double Team
33 Reflect
34 Shock Wave
36 Sludge Bomb
40 Aerial Ace
41 Torment
45 Attract
46 Thief
47 Steel Wing
49 Snatch
54 False Swipe
55 Brine
56 Fling
57 Charge Beam
60 Drain Punch
63 Embargo
66 Payback
67 Recycle
69 Rock Polish
70 Flash
76 Stealth Rock
77 Psych Up
78 Captivate
83 Natural Gift
85 Dream Eater
87 Swagger
91 Flash Cannon
92 Trick Room


Red Shard x4
Blue Shard x1
Yellow Shard x5
Green Shard x6

Battle Items (Hold):

Dread Plate
Poison Barb
Odd Incense
Mind Plate
Spell Tag
Big Root
White Flute
Grip Claw
Smoke Ball
Dragon Fang
Light Clay
Amulet Coin
Rose Incense
Full Incense
Black Flute
Razor Fang
Cleanse Tag
Quick Claw
Soft Sand


Stardust x1
TinyMushroom x3
Heart Scale x7
Big Mushroom x3
Nugget x1
Star Piece x9
Pearl x5
Stardust x4
Mental Herb x1


1-25 (All except 9, 19, and 24)
26 Tamato
36 Occa
41 Chople
42 Kebia
45 Payapa
50 Colbur

Pokemon I have(Breedable): Snorlax, Lapras, Turtwig, Cubone, Gible, Tropius, Lickitung, Misdreavus, Cherrubi, Pikachu, Aerodactyl, Chimchar, Cyndaquil, Porygon, and Eevee.

I also have a Newmoon island Darkrai level 40 which was said to be legit.
RE: Looking for Aerodactyl and Cubone/Marowak

That would be great xD,

My pearl FC is
2321 4463 1743
I'll be on right away =P
RE: Looking for Aerodactyl and Cubone/Marowak

theunholyone said:
That would be great xD,

My pearl FC is
2321 4463 1743
I'll be on right away =P
Make sure that you catch 2 bidoof because I have something to give you!
RE: Looking for Aerodactyl and Cubone/Marowak

Thank you very much! I will be sure to rep for that xD
The help will be greatly appreciated, especially in the future if I get something you need =P
RE: Looking for Aerodactyl/Old Amber

I have an Old Amber. Will give it to you for single Shinx/Starly/Bidoof.
RE: Looking for Aerodactyl/Old Amber

That would be greatly appreciated! Do you really want one of those three pokemon or will anything do?
RE: Looking for Aerodactyl/Old Amber

theunholyone said:
That would be greatly appreciated! Do you really want one of those three pokemon or will anything do?

Anything will do:D

My FC is in the signature.
RE: Looking for Aerodactyl/Old Amber

I'm sorry but the Old Amber is some how gone from my bag. I'll look for one and give it to you ASAP:(
RE: Looking for Aerodactyl/Old Amber

Aw =(, it's ok if you don't have it =P I didn't have anything you wanted in return anyway. But the thought was greatly appreciated xD

(If you find it I'll still be on for the night though)
RE: Looking for Aerodactyl/Old Amber

I'm still here =), I'll get on right now.

Thank you very much! I'll be sure to rep =D.
RE: Looking for nothing currently

You need all four of those berries? Could I get Snorelax + Lapras with a wide lens?

Edit: Oh and if you have any extra ditto, any ditto at all that you can give as well. I would like one of them.
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