Wi-Fi Trades Loshi and Catling's My Player Thread SHINY VULPIXS

Added some items, Electrizer, Magmarizer, Soul Dew. Productive day at TCG league :)
loshi said:

Loshi's Friend Code: 4940 1985 6476 - Pearl/Ruby
Catling's Friend Code: 2148 4721 7309 - Diamond/Sapphire
MSN: Loshi: [email protected]
MSN: Catling: [email protected]
Contact Time: We are on PST, and we are usually on in the evening (From about 7pm-11pm. Loshi is never on past 11 on weeknights, due to work)

We don't hack.
Please dont trade pokemon we trade you. We won't trade yours.


POKEMON FOR TRADE====================

Any Non-Legendary Pearl/Diamond/Ruby/Pearl Specifics (Will either be caught wild or egged/hatched, whichever is easier for me, or preferred by you.)

NOTE: All Pokemon below will usually be Lvl 1 Hatched unless otherwise noted. You can rather have the eggs if you'd prefer to be the OT. I can TRY to get you a specific Nature, but only if the trade is substantial enough to warrant the time I must spend to do this for you.

All Starters
(Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Treecko, Turtwig, Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, Piplup, Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Chimchar. Available hatched or as egg.)
Elekids (Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Cross Chop, Leer)

SHINY VULPIX (Lvl 25, Female, untrained, Mild Nature, 100% Legitimate)
We only have 5 of these(Cloned via Emerald Glitch), so the offers must be very good (Shinies, high-lvl trained pokemon, very hard to get pokemon, etc). Please post or PM me your offer. Thank you.

We are definitely looking for a Shaymin. We don't mind the use of the Item Hack to get it, as we would like to use the Shaymin for PBR. But PLEASE tell us exactly how, and if it is hacked in a manner that we cannot use it for Pokemon Battle Revolution, we will request a Trade-Back. Of course, if you cannot agree with this, then we cannot undertake that specific trade, and will have to find one somewhere else.

Just ask! We have a lot of things.

POKEMON WE WANT=======================

Shinies (Offer what you have/are willing to trade)

Just offer! We are always looking for random things. We don't like Lvl 100's though, but anything under Lvl 100 is fine.

ITEMS FOR TRADE======================

LOTS of other berries!
Lots of TM's! Just ask!
Soul Dew

ITEMS WE WANT=========================


WINS (0)



Stillray: Shiny Vulpix for Shiny Scyther, Shiny Eevee, Shiny Mudkip.
yugi_player: Gligar for Snorunt.
Sir_Catchalot: Cyndaquil, Chikorita, Totodile for Lotad, Slakoth, and Metal Coat.
delta_storm: Beldum for Ditto.
Junichi: Anorith, Regirock, Registeel for Shiny Marril, Shiny Beldum, and Shiny Poochyena
PokeLen: Spiritomb for Magby, Elekid
Gallade2512: Spiritomb, Phione, Bagon for Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres
MCD: Totodile, Cyndaquil, Mudkip, Zangoose for Spiritomb, Phione, Milotic, Feebas
addaluchi: Scyther, Metal Coat for Shiny Trapinch
Miles: Totodile and Misdreavus for Burmy and Burmy
Shadelon: Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf for Mew, Deoxys, Celebi

Hello! i am very interested in one of your shiny vulpixes. the pokemon i have that i think you might be intrested in are: Shiny Pelipper lvl 32, Serious, holding a Rawst Berry(got it in a trade. looks legit), Manaphys( two lvl 1, Bashful & Lonely & one lvl 6, Bold. all from trade, all look legit), Dialga(lvl 52, Serious, w/Adamant Orb. from a trade, looks legit), Palkias(two. one lvl 58, Lax w/Lustrous Orb, & one lvl 60, Docile. both from trade and look legit, Pidgeot(trained from a pidgey(sorry, i don't remember what lvl it said it was when the trainer met it. i think maybe lvl 3) from previous owner of my fire red. it was on my fire red when i bought it used. it is lvl 52, Adamant w/Rawst Berry) and i still have my Latias & Dragonite i have listed on my thread. they are from either Worlds 2006 or the 10th Anniversary traveling event. i went to both and got both put onto my game. the Latias is lvl 72 from lvl 70, Serious, and the OT says 10 ANIV. the Dragonite is lvl 70(it came at lvl 70. it has not been used in battle) Impish and it's OT also says 10 ANIV. i also have a lvl 3 Leafeon, Quiet & lvl 3 Glaceon, Rash.

I have many other pokemon, but i am not sure if i have anything else that would interest you. all of these pokemon are already on my diamond ready to be traded. please let me know if anything interests you. i am online right now and i will be on for a while. so, PM or reply here if you are interested. sorry this post was so long. i am also going to PM you this message. Thank you.
will you trade me a shiny vulpix holding a soul dew? for a level 100 latios or blaziken or espeon? hand trained i will trade almost anything to have that combo
Hello loshi. did you read my post on the previous page? i am very sorry it was so long. where you interested in anything i told you about? i really would like one of your shiny vulpixs just like everyone else. please at least let me know if you are interested or not in any of my pokemon. my player thread is not up to date. i think i am going to wait and update after the tcg worlds that is in a few weeks. i will be going and hope to get some pokemon for my diamond game. pm me or reply here. thank you:)
shiny palkia, shiny mew, shiny mewtwo for shiny vulix, event starters, jirachi or celebi if you have either if you have both either one.