Lost Remover from Call of Legends (#80) [4/15]


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Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
2. What popular metagame decks could it be used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

Posts MUST be several sentences long with proper grammar and spelling or they will be deleted - this forum is to discuss specific cards so other people can learn about their potential in the current metagame.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?Is it worth being played?
because being a trainer, it can't stand on it's own. With so much special energy running around it can be useful in certain situations, but in most, if not all there are better cards that will go in to a players deck. Its probably not worth being played as you may come up against decks like gyrados that play very, very few energy's which the gyrados player wont realy care about losing. it has an ok effect that could be used.
2. What popular metagame decks could it be used in?
none that i know of. maybe a counter for dialgachomp to remove the special metal.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
none that i know of. mainly because of it being a trainer.
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
1.5 mainly because its just a trainer and it will only be used as a counter.
5. How's the artwork?
4 i really like the lost link artwork. it looks like a necklace lost in a world of sorrow...

1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?

Probably not a card you would pick for your deck right away as it's main purpose is to counter your opponent. The card itself can be useful against other decks that use special energy in the deck's strategy.

Is it worth being played? depends on what your taking on but all collectors and TCG players should own one.

2. What popular metagame decks could it be used in?

My own personal knowledge of metagame decks is limited so i honestly cannot think of any right now.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

The obvious choice is a deck that prevents your opponent pulling off killer combos and the removal of a special energy might also tip a battle in your favour should you be squaring off to big Pokemon with a special energy attached to it.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).

Giving this card a 2/5 for me its not a card that will go right into your deck but used more of a counter to other decks in the right occasion.

5. How's the artwork?

When i first looked at the artwork of the card i didn't realize the centre object is a neck-less but after a second look its clearly there. The whole lost theme cross the entire card set looks great and this card fits right into the whole set it really does look like a lost zone in the artwork.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
2. What popular metagame decks could it be used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

1. How? hmm, I think its still okay.. It has potentials and its worth being played.
2. Pop metagame techs will be Garchomp SV.. After you lost remove, you could "Speed Impact" for much damage..
3. Garchomp SV.. As said, since its a trainer, you can spam your opponent's energy to the lost zone then speed impact for alot.
4. i give it 3/5, it c0uld be quite strong when its with Garchomp SV..
5. The artwork looks abit eerie, will give it 3/5 too..

Overall, this card has potentials in the future metagame IMO.
Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
2. What popular metagame decks could it be used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

1. In terms of being useful on it's own, it is. You don't need an engine to support it, it's fine. Is it worth being played? Not really.
2. In can be used in basically any attacking deck to help defeat Gyarados. Lost remover their rescue energy then KO them.
3. You can combo it with... not much. It's not that it's bad with anything, it's just that it doesn't synchronize with anything.
4. 2/5. It was overhyped. Against about 75% of meta decks, it's just a dud draw 100% of the time. the other 25%? Mainly useless, too.
5. It's okay. If you look at seeker, you notice the 'seeker' is holding it.

P.S The only reason this card should be run is against Gyarados
I was actually about to write a review on this:


I was playing a magnezone disruption deck. The primary idea is to use gyro ball to make opponent switch, then lock their trainers with a spiritomb afterwards. Plus I play a judge as much as I can to kill their hand, and keep mine going with magnetic draw. So the night before regionals I was flipping through my cards looking for another kind of disruption to throw in. And I stumbled across lost remover. So I figured, what the heck I'll trow in a couple.

Originally my thought was I'd be lost zoning double colorless attached to tyranitar, steelix and the like. Most of the deck I played against were Machamp and gengar, though. Both of which run rescue energy as their primary recovery. So guess what. No recovery. I won 2 of my 8 games entirely because of lost remover. The first was because I killed the rescue energy and then the machamp, which meant they didn't have another one out, and the second, because I killed the rescue on a gengar, and they didn't have enough energy to cursed droplets. I also lost removered some special darks, but not to much concequence.

My conclusion: Lost remover is under valued, under appreciated, and under used. I shouldn't be left out of any deck intended for disruption.

My rating: 5/5
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
You have no idea how amazing this card is. It nullifies DCE, Rescue, Rainbow, and the like dead in their tracks. I remember playing a fun match with someone, and the only move I could make with my bad opening hand is a DCE to my active Gigas. He Lost Removes it. Plus, it's a Trainer, so you get a super-powerful card that doesn't null your Supporter slot.
2. What popular metagame decks could it be used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
You can't exactly use it in a combo, since it's a solid card all on its own. Just start crippling your opponent by picking off their good energy cards.
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
4.5/5. Like Amish said - a grossly underrated card with incredible disruption potential, and in decks that rely on Special Energy it can be crippling. Rainbow Energy to Machamp? NOPE
5. How's the artwork?
I don't know what it's supposed to be exactly - probably a pendant - but man does it look cool.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
can't do much on its own because it's a trainer but this card has potential against decks that run special energy.

2. What popular metagame decks could it be used in?
It can probably be used in any deck but it does take up space. Depending on the deck you play, this could be a useless card or a very helpful one.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
the only one i can think of is going against a garchomp where they don't have an energy gain attached but a call energy. you can remove that call energy after they dragon rush and use an ambipom to KO the garchomp.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
i'd give it a 3. it's not a bad card but it's not a good card either. it's almost an energy removal but it only removes special energy cards.

5. How's the artwork?
the artwork's not bad. fancyyy.