News 'Lost Thunder,' America's November Set!

did Celestial storm have a mini portfolio? at least in my country I could not find any :( I use them to store the set's reverse holos :/
did Celestial storm have a mini portfolio? at least in my country I could not find any :( I use them to store the set's reverse holos :/
I was just thinking the same thing. There's nothing on Pokemon Center so I guess not. Weird.
I hope the regional mat is either Blacephalon or Celebi.

50 / 50 shot. And I’m a Vegas guy. Let’s go!
Great pack artwork, especially that Celebi. Now let's hope for some interesting chase cards and this really is going to be an awesome set, despite it's enormous volume. A hidden Secret Rare Full Shiny Teal-colored Slowpoke card would be fine : ) Wait.. they won't do that? Ever?