Lost World CL

^ i remember the first time that someone sent one of my cards to the lost zone i was like waaaaat? we arnt playing yugioh here people lol.

it all requires coin flips except dialga. you cant rely on that. we need like...idk we all just lose lol. our best bet is a card in the near future that prevents stadiums from being played. maybe a ability...we can only hope
This will resolve TCG's long game problem:)

This will help TCG's log game problem :)
I gotz an idea, Promo Gliscor (cutting turn) and Giratina X. If you can get another set up on your bench, bring it up, search out the one you shuffled, rinse and repeat. Use Cyclone Energy to force your opponent to bring up another victim. Once you have multiple Pokes down to 10, bring up Giratina and blast them away.

using Giratina X is extremely difficult because of the high retreat and high attack cost. I use the LA one as a base to hopefully wall them for a bit or force them to use rescources they normally wouldn't against Tina X. pulled out a late game win by not evolving my Metang and just using energy crane to get 2 on tina. I had a water, a SSU, a Giratina X, Metagross UL, psychic, and DCE in my hand. played down the psychic, energy craned 2 onto tina. next turn they KO'd Metang, brought up Tina, Lvl'd up, attached DCE, and Brutal edged it for 80 for the KO. if I had a memory berry instead of SSU, I could have evolved and still done crane, making metagross last another turn and then I could have attached the water next turn and done 60. then even if they drew another basic, they would have KO'd metagross, and I would have sent them to the lost zone instead of discard and hit the benched before it came out. then brutal edged and done too.

but that was still a HIGHLY unlikely hand to setup.

most people use the Strafe giratina to be able to retreat immediately. but I don't like it.
There is always steelix who can discard any stadium if your opponent gets overeager and plays LW before they should.

I run giratina in my deck along with gengar (it isn't a lostgar deck) and it works out well. Used as an opening attacker if you can stall, or used as a sweep once you've been sniping with gengar SF, it can do quite well. People say it is all about how you use it, and they are right. If you use it correctly you can get 2-3 prize cards in one turn. The thing that makes giratina worth the set up is that if you ko an evolved pokemon or a lvX pokemon, you are essentially getting 2 or 3 in the lost zone for attacking one pokemon, you are still killing what they have on the field, and you are attacking EVERY pokemon on the field.