lost world will make a change for the better!

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and im assuming you mean palkia x cause palkia g isnt very threatening.
How can Palkia G be less threatening than a card that isn't legal in this format?
Lou's obviously talking about setting up a Palkia G LV.X which will promptly Lost Cyclone 2 of the opponent's bench.
An SP player not have 5 Benched Pokemon? What kind of meta are you in?
I think you're also forgetting that Lost Cyclone can be used every turn, not just once.
a vilegar/G'dos meta lol there were 2 LuxChomp players at citest out of 27 masters lol

palkia g x is easily one shotted by most electric pokemon today any electric that can do 60 to mew and KO it can one shot palkia x
Except one doesnt play Palkia G until it can provide the winning setup.
You either play your pokes to the bench or they turn into Mew bait. If you play them to your bench, all I gotta do is play Palkia G to my bench, watch you scramble to get rid of them, and then once I only need 1 or 2 more pokes Zoned, I retreat Mew, Play Palkia G LVX, Lost Cyclone, play Lost World, GAME

at lou
But the problem with this scenario is the same problems this deck has all together, you cant seeker if you are not set up, and your opponent must then have a poke for you to lost zone. your turn 2 scenario only works if I have pokemon in my hand. I will say that yes you can get 2 of my level x pokes, but that will be the only thing in there if anything at all. Plus if you keep seekering my pokemon back to my hand so they can be lost zoned when/how can i have a bench exceeding 3 pokemon? Also how much energy do you run? because I dont see how you can be top decking the energy you need, pokemon rescues, and play only seeker to win.

at scizor
please belt a mew so i can zen blade it for 2 prizes.
Seeker an Uxie. Not that hard for drawpower now is it?
Besides, I can use the Spiritomb from TR to manipulate your hand size. Mr. Mime from CoL (LL not yet released) to check your hand. Just a few of the tricks.
If I see you have a pokemon on hand, I can use a Non-Seeker supporter. If you do, I'll Seeker my Uxie and drop it again. Naturally I also run SSU's in order to reuse them.

Here's the trick. In order to run Mewgar, you gotta think outside of the box a bit. MewGar isnt a convenient deck. It operates independently from the opposing deck. THAT is how it wins.
I am confused on how this will make the game better?
It takes little to no skill to play, so anyone with money will win. I probably won't even play this because I despise decks like this.
I do play Luxchomp, but SPs take some skill to play...
^Eh... I'd say MewGar takes some skill: knowing what Supporters to use when, what to get with Collector, even what to use as a major source of recovery when building the deck. This deck doesn't auto-run itself so much as MewPerior, but I still think it takes a good amount of skill and knowledge of probability and the meta to play correctly.
MewGar definitely required skill to play. You definitely have to know when to collector and when to not, when and what to place on your bench, when to seeker and when to palmers. It takes more skill then most decks at this point
We're talking about Lost World and the LostGar deck, right, which involves Gengar Prime? In that case, I believe Gengar himself renders that point moot; he doesn't need to worry about Body-Lock.
and gengar isnt hitting for damage so he wont KO any of your poke to use his body. hes to busy with your hand
Dialga G X is why MewGar shouldnt fully rely on just Mew, but also include a few Gastly.
Also, you better get DGX out before either of your two pieces gets sent to the lost zone. And I know, keep DGX in your deck and SP Radar for it...but you might get an unlucky Spiritomb drop against you.
I really don't think that people will play any Trainer locking cards in Mewgar. It hurts the overall speed of the deck...
Discuss LostGar (and by extension, Lost World) here: http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=92126


dmaster out.
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