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LostCario Deck (Still needs some help for post Rotation)


Umbreon Master
Pokemon: 25
4-4 Lucario CoL
2 Absol Prime
2 Mew prime
3 Relicanth CoL
1-1 Palkia G Lvl X
1-1 Umbreon UD (Eevee HGSS:UD)
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
3 Smeargle (CoL)

T/S/PT: 19
3 Seeker
3 Bebe's Search
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Energy Exchanger

Energy: 16
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Special Dark Energy
6 Psychic Energy
2 Rainbow Energy

The main strategy of this deck is to start off with either Mew Prime, Absol or Relicanth and start chucking Pokemon into the Lost Zone meanwhile I build up Lucario on the bench. Once I have a good amount of poke's in the Lost Zone, bring out Lucario and dish out some big damage equipped with Expert Belt and using his Dimension Sphere attack. Palkia is mainly there in case you don't hit either Mew, Absol or Relicanth. The Rainbow energies are there in case you don't get the strategy off right away and wish to use Lucario's other attack or Relicanth to stall.

I'm having some Issues replacing cards for this deck post rotation. So far the only changes I made are:

-3 Sableye (Stormfront)

+3 Smeargle (CoL)

I have a 3rd Absol Prime I could probably throw in.

I'd appreciate some help! :)
RE: LostCario Deck (Still needs some help)

I think there should be something more to counter a lost world deck. once the SP's start getting rotated out, Lost World is going to be a lot stronger with the game slowing down. I'd suggest getting a heavy hitter like Machamp in there as a 1-1-1 line. If you're facing anything but lost world, send the machamp line to the lost zone first out of your pokemon and this strategy will work just as good. However, if you are up against a lost world deck (I think the only real one right now is lostgar) then build up machamp instead of lucario to knock out gengar. This is, of course, for after palkia G is rotated out.
RE: LostCario Deck (Still needs some help)

Ghost Bear said:
I think there should be something more to counter a lost world deck. once the SP's start getting rotated out, Lost World is going to be a lot stronger with the game slowing down. I'd suggest getting a heavy hitter like Machamp in there as a 1-1-1 line. If you're facing anything but lost world, send the machamp line to the lost zone first out of your pokemon and this strategy will work just as good. However, if you are up against a lost world deck (I think the only real one right now is lostgar) then build up machamp instead of lucario to knock out gengar. This is, of course, for after palkia G is rotated out.

Yea I agree this deck would get wrecked by a Lost Zone deck. Unfortunately I don't know what I would take out for the Machamp Lineup.
RE: LostCario Deck (Still needs some help)

I just went over your deck again and realized you don't have any fighting energy (duh, lucario's attack you'll be using is [c][c]) so machamp would actually be bad for this deck since you'd have to rearrange a lot to get fighting energies in as well. So forget what I said about machamp, but having a heavy hitter would still be ideal in case of a lost world deck.

I was sitting here for a few minutes thinking hard about what pokemon would go good to counter lostgar, and then I thought "his mascot would work...." and wow he really would. Use Umbreon UD (or CoL..."yay" reprints). Lostgar is really the only lost world deck worth paying attention to, and considering gengar prime's 2x weakness to dark as well as having a pokebody, umbreon would have a field day with him. throw on an expert belt and you're golden. especially with you being stocked up with special darkness energies. that would be 120 damage to gengar prime with having Ebelt and special darkness energy attached. even with a rainbow energy, it would still be 100 damage and gengar can't attack umbreon.

now we're back to finding room, but at least now you only need two slots instead of three :)

my opinion, is taking out 2 relicanth. having 2 in the deck would still get the job done with mew and absol (which I think 2 of absol would be fine too, but we only need 2 slots)

-2 relicanth
+1-1 Umbreon UD (I suggest Eevee RR)
RE: LostCario Deck (Still needs some help)

Ghost Bear said:
I just went over your deck again and realized you don't have any fighting energy (duh, lucario's attack you'll be using is [c][c]) so machamp would actually be bad for this deck since you'd have to rearrange a lot to get fighting energies in as well. So forget what I said about machamp, but having a heavy hitter would still be ideal in case of a lost world deck.

I was sitting here for a few minutes thinking hard about what pokemon would go good to counter lostgar, and then I thought "his mascot would work...." and wow he really would. Use Umbreon UD (or CoL..."yay" reprints). Lostgar is really the only lost world deck worth paying attention to, and considering gengar prime's 2x weakness to dark as well as having a pokebody, umbreon would have a field day with him. throw on an expert belt and you're golden. especially with you being stocked up with special darkness energies. that would be 120 damage to gengar prime with having Ebelt and special darkness energy attached. even with a rainbow energy, it would still be 100 damage and gengar can't attack umbreon.

now we're back to finding room, but at least now you only need two slots instead of three :)

my opinion, is taking out 2 relicanth. having 2 in the deck would still get the job done with mew and absol (which I think 2 of absol would be fine too, but we only need 2 slots)

-2 relicanth
+1-1 Umbreon UD (I suggest Eevee RR)

I had considered using him too. He's just so beast not to run. I do like the idea of taking out 2 relicanth for the 1-1 Umbreon UD lineup. I could also instead take out 1 relicanth and 1 Absol.
RE: LostCario Deck (Still needs some help)

yeah going with either 2 Absol and 3 Relicanth or 3 Absol and 2 Relicanth would work. my reason to take two relicanth is that absol's ability is nice to have going if you started with him, and you can also dish out some damage while you're setting up lucario for the lost zone action. on the other hand though, relicanth lets you have more cards to set yourself up faster. lol so whichever of those two scenarios works better for you, you should have more of.
RE: LostCario Deck (Still needs some help)

Ghost Bear said:
yeah going with either 2 Absol and 3 Relicanth or 3 Absol and 2 Relicanth would work. my reason to take two relicanth is that absol's ability is nice to have going if you started with him, and you can also dish out some damage while you're setting up lucario for the lost zone action. on the other hand though, relicanth lets you have more cards to set yourself up faster. lol so whichever of those two scenarios works better for you, you should have more of.

Alright cool. Thanks for your help :)
RE: LostCario Deck (Still needs some help)

im trying something similar without the mew primes - i see the mews as being easily KO'd and doing 3-4 Absols . i digress...

prahaps an Umbreon UD could work well here against the Gengar - dealing 80 each turn, with a single special dark, to an active lostgar would give you a KO in a few turns so its something to think about.

I would also recommend a Smeargle UD/CL or 2

hope this helps!
RE: LostCario Deck (Still needs some help)

Azurial said:
im trying something similar without the mew primes - i see the mews as being easily KO'd and doing 3-4 Absols . i digress...

prahaps an Umbreon UD could work well here against the Gengar - dealing 80 each turn, with a single special dark, to an active lostgar would give you a KO in a few turns so its something to think about.

I would also recommend a Smeargle UD/CL or 2

hope this helps!

I agree that they can be easily KO'd but if I can get Mew to send at least 2 Pokemon to the lost Zone on my first few turns, then its Job is done. As for the LostGar issue, I don't think much can be done. If I can't win by the time Gengar hits the field, or if I can't Kill Gengar with Umbreon. Then it all goes downhill from there. I personally prefer Sableye over Smeargle.But I could take out 1 Sableye for 1 Smeargle though.
RE: LostCario Deck (Still needs some help)

Need some help for this deck Post Rotation. What could I put in for the cards that are rotating??