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Lostgar (Gengar and Lost World)


Formerly Roronoa Zoro
Hi, this is my Lostgar list. I would aprecciate some suggestions, so don't view it and don't comment, because I need some help.


3-2-4 Gengar L.X AR (3 primes and 1 L.X)
3 Smeargle UD
1-1 Palkia G L.X PL
1-1 Honchkrow SV
1 Mr. Mime CL
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Unown Q MD

9 Psychic Energy
2 Dark Energy

3 Lost World
4 Seeker
4 Twins
3 Pokémon Collector
4 Pokémon Communication
2 Bebe's Search
3 Rare Candy
2 Looker's Investigation
1 Palmer's Contribuition
I would definately take out magnezone prime because he is just set up bait if they have a way to get him to the active spot. An extra uxie or two would give you just as good draw power w/ seeker ect. I would also add 1 more lost world, because it is way less likely for them to be prized if you have 4 rather than 3 (more of as safety thing but I've seen 3 cars that I need be prized before). The last thing I would look into is honchcrow G for a better consistency in-terms of getting the stadiums you want to get when you need and want them.
It is a very solid lostgar deck, although the magnezone prime slows it down...

I would seriously suggest playing 4x mew prime in this deck...heres why and the built:

2-2-4 Gengar L.X AR (3 primes and 1 L.X)
1-1 Palkia G L.X PL
1 smeargle portrait
4 mew prime
2 Mr. Mime CL
2 Uxie LA
1-1 Azelf x LA
1 Unown Q MD

6 Psychic Energy
2 Rescue Energy

3 Lost World
4 Seeker
3 Twins
3 Pokémon Collector
4 Pokémon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
2 Bebe's Search
3 Rare Candy
2 Looker's Investigation
2 Warp Point
1 Palmer's Contribuition

The reason why i put 2 gastlys is because mew will send one gengar prime to the lost zone, so will will have a lineup of 2-2-3(and one will be the x to power up a prime)
It is very crucial to play a mew prime because of the mirror matches (which i think, there will be wayy too many). and plus, it gives you a faster start before your oponnent realises that you play lostgar, and he will try to bebe's his pokemon or bench as many as possible. Sure you have palkia x, but it will probably not retain them from killing it, especially luxchomp players. The spiritomb is just way too slow, you cant afford playing him, because lost world specializes on first 4 turns otk....you may take it into consideration :p
Personally, I don't think Mew prime is applicable in any deck what so ever. He has a cool Poke-Body, but with 60 HP and times 2 weakness, there is absolutely no reason you should be playing him, he's just far far far too easy to be KO'd. Not just that but if you're talking mirror matches, the last thing you'd want to do is give you opponent a 1 pokemon head start by putting one into the lost zone and making it so he only has to obtain 5 more for the win.
I'm not gonna put mew prime, it just isn't worth. I will try to get smeargles to put in the deck, and take out the 3 spriritomb AR.
From your original setup I'd say remove the Magnezone line.

Add 1 more Uxie. Having just those 2 is enough to give you great draw speed with the Seekers.

I'd consider replacing the Spiritomb AR. I've play tested it a lot and it slows down the deck too much with the trainer lock. Sableye is my personal choice, it speeds things up quite a lot.

I'm a little worried you might actually be a little low on energies, just be careful of that. I run 11 psychic energies and 3 rescue energies and it's almost perfect for me, I'm still considering trying to switch out a psychic.

Running 3 Lost World is plenty enough. It's such a far shot that 3 of your 6 prize cards would be Lost Worlds that I don't think it's justifiable taking up another spot in your deck. I also don't think you need to take up room with cards to search it out. Twins will let you search it out easily on that turn, without having to attack, and win that turn. Personally I run 3 Twins and 2 Vs Seekers, it seems to be enough for me to have a Twins available to me by the time I need that stadium, if not the stadium itself in my hand.
actually, the mew is just laking the deck faster....you dont need to wait until your oponnent evolves his gengar, and as a beginner, it is solid, the only possible outcome is either getting donked or attacked with donphan prime.
Porigon is not needed, twins searches for the stadium. I am going to put smeargles, switch to 3 Uxies and I'm NOT gonna put mew. That card is just not useful. Sometimes I am low on energy, but I solve that fast with smeargle/twins.

Has anyone considered Slowking (HGSS) and Mime Jr which does three things, 1 it gives you another way to get pokes/useful cards to the lost zone, 2 control what your opponent will draw, and 3 have a throw away poke to get twins activated.
I personnaly don't like slowking, I have already playtested with them and I like this way.
You should increase your Energy line slightly and play Cyrus' Conspiracy. Or increase your Energy line a lot. Either way, you want to Hurl for more Pokemon, for which you need more Energy. You should also consider Froslass AR.
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Premier Ball
2 Warp Point
2 Looker's Investigation

You probably need some Warp Energy.
You can use Twins to search out an energy if you need it. I actually run about 10 Psychic energy in mine and I usually have 1 at my disposal at any given time, and if I don't I have a Twins in my hand or some way of drawing more cards (Uxie, Vs Seeker for a Twins or a Seeker to get an Uxie back) I think my number works about perfect for my deck. 6, however, is far too low.

You won't be needing Warp Energy I don't think. Probably not Warp Point either. As long as you run Unown Q it's enough to get any of your pokemon (except Palkia, but Palkia is just meant to be active when you intend to win) to free retreat, and your main attacker already does have free retreat. I personally wouldn't want to waste a valuable energy placement in this deck on switching when it should be free.

Premier ball might be nice but I'm beginning to question the value of Gengar Lv. X in this deck actually. I have been play testing mine and it just doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot. If it sent that Lv. X card into their hand it would be mandatory in this deck, but I don't see it being that useful. I'm considering dropping it from my own deck at the moment.

But yeah you really need Looker's Investigation. It's almost one of the mandatory cards to be run in this deck. You get to see your opponents hand (again too, if you used Mr. Mime) and you get to choose to either refresh their hand or refresh yours. It adds to how quickly you can go through your own cards and it helps put Pokemon in your opponent's hand. Run at least 1, probably 2.
good but drop smaergle line to one, don't play the x, play either one from Stormfront of another prime, and maybe add a Uxie. X.