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LostGar (Gengar Prime & Lost World) [HGSS-on]


Aspiring Trainer
Hi everybody.
Please help me with this deck to make it the best it can be for my local tournaments and Grinders for World Championships. Post any comments/questions/changes you have regarding my list. Thanks.

Pokemon (19):
4-3-4 Gengar Prime (TR-TR-TR)
1-0-1 Magnezone Prime (TR-TR)
2 Spiritomb (TR)
1 Ditto (TR)
1 Mr. Mime (CL)
2 Smeargle (CL)

T/S/S (31):
4 Rare Candy (UL)
3 Pokemon Communication (BW)
1 Alph Lithograph (TR)
4 Seeker (TR)
4 Twins (TR)
3 Professor Elm's Training Method (CL)
3 Judge (UL)
3 Pokemon Collector (HS)
2 Professor Oak's New Theory (HS)
1 Flower Shop Lady (UD)
3 Lost World (CL)

Energy (10):
7 Psychic Energy (HS)
3 Rescue Energy (TR)

Total Cards (60)

Get out Gengar Prime as soon as possible to start putting your opponent's Pokemon into the Lost Zone from their hand. Use various cards, such as Judge, Ditto, and Spiritomb, to force your oppenent to have a lot of Pokemon in their hand. Use Magnazone to draw cards.

Here are some cards I could use in my deck:
1 Magneton- Helps with consistency issues.


Thank you in advance.
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)

you could consider mime jr and slowking CL
you already have the candies so a 1-0-1 slowking won't slow you much
and it gives you some more options
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)

Slowking is a stage 1 evolution from Slowpoke. I agree with your suggestion though. He just won't be able to rare candy him.
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)


maybe a few sages training to get to lost world and get energies into the discard pile? you can throw like 4 psychic energies onto gengar then hurl into darkness and get a lot more pokemon in the lost zone, i like ditto and spiritomb. I dislike magnezone for draw.
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)

do you have trouble getting out lost world when its needed?
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)

@ Leafey- No. Mime Jr. and Slowking will (sorta) work in a deck on its own, not in LostGar.

@ Black Belt Rene- Nah, takes too long to set up. Thanks for the feedback though.

@ mrwillster- I actually don't. Since I have a lot of hand refresh cards in my deck along with Magnazone Prime (which is actually very consistent), I usually get Lost World when I need it--if not before.
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)

xPOKEFREAK72x said:
Bump. Anyone?

Mew primes dude! Mew Primes are so fast! especially in the next format. you could start lostzoning T2 and while they do that you could set up a Gengar Prime. Also, I dont think smeargle is as awesome as it seems. I used smeargle as a starter in my lostgar deck and most of the time you wont find a decent supporter in your opponents hand. I would use Mime JR. and up my spiritomb TR and Mr mime TR count over smeargle but ditto is a great idea
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)

I found mew prime to be pretty useless. If you get Gengar in the LZ turn 1, they will probably KO Mew on their turn. If mew is on your bench, it can easily be sniped by mandibuzz/Kingdra or blastoise. I would rather use my extra energy for a Gengar or extra bench space for a Tomb.
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)

I was like that too. I ran 3 Mew at first and found myself cursing it as a waste of money but that was MD-on. I recently began testing it HGSS-on and its amazing. Sure the first mew might get knocked out but my second or third mew usually gets me to 5 prizes, the trick for me is to have a mew start. Mandibuzz i think will be lostgar's nemesis during the next format but I've found it quite easy to win by using 4 mew prime. Most of the time I start with mew and by the time its knocked out Ive lostzoned 2-3 pokemon. add to that the fact that collector can get me more mews and the lost zone comes faster than my opponent can say power claw.
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)

SilentMageRA said:
I was like that too. I ran 3 Mew at first and found myself cursing it as a waste of money but that was MD-on. I recently began testing it HGSS-on and its amazing. Sure the first mew might get knocked out but my second or third mew usually gets me to 5 prizes, the trick for me is to have a mew start. Mandibuzz i think will be lostgar's nemesis during the next format but I've found it quite easy to win by using 4 mew prime. Most of the time I start with mew and by the time its knocked out Ive lostzoned 2-3 pokemon. add to that the fact that collector can get me more mews and the lost zone comes faster than my opponent can say power claw.
This a lot. I ran both LostGar and Mewgar and i have to say Mewgar is much better especially if you win the coin flip. Turn 1 you see off gengar and if they happen to manage a ko on mew first turn which ive noticed hasnt happened often aside from the occasional zekrom. They have to either dump any evolutions in their hand or lose them. I also pair the mew with mime jr and slowking CoL and have found it to be extremely consistant. Also on the plus side mime jr and mew prime are basics as well so they can be seekered up on low damage for the free hurl and damage reset in a turn. Only issues ive ran across with it so far is zekrom (in which they burn out or are forced to play shaymins/pachis too soon to save them) and donphan if you dont win the coin flip.
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)

Here are some changes, based on my own experience and testing, is the best way to run LostGar in the new format. Firstly, you need max consistency for this deck, plus it has to be fast. Also Judge cripples it imo, hence is not worth running. Spiritomb does fine:

-1 Ditto (Not really that useful)
-2 Smeargle (Less useful in HGSS~, plus it's retreat doesn't help)
-1 Twins (4 is overkill and can be a dead draw a lot of the time)
-1 Lost World (2 is enough, and is easily searchable with twins)
-3 Judge (Quite a risky play in LostGar, just rely on Spiritomb imo)
-2 PONT (Copycat is better, plus Cleffa will give you it's effect)
-2 Elms's (PokeComm is enough search, plus this uses your support for the turn. Also with the added draw from Juniper, Copycat, Cleffa, and search from twins, you should be able to get the Gengar out quite easily. You can add these back if you want though, so up to you)

+ Mr.Mime (2 is more consistant)
+4 Cleffa (Great starter, plus gives you a PONT effect, and has free retreat)
+1 Pokemon Collector (Again you want max consistancy)
+1 Pokemon Communication (4 is the play with 4 collector)
+2 Copycat
+ 3 Professor Juniper (Best draw in the format, helps your speed a lot)

Let me know what you think of the above changes. Also, I agree that Mew Prime isn't worth running, because it's too frail and it stuffs up your mid-late game. It certainly makes your early game quite fast, but that alone isn't worth it. With the slower format, you need to consider the late-game consistency and workability of a deck, and it's ability to recover.
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)

Honestly I think Mew Prime recovers much easier. You should be getting 1-2 hurls a turn and in my testing Mew is hardly ever taken out t1. Sure mid game youll be getting one hit but youll still be ahead in lost zoned pokemon. And you can revive mews to get them back. (Although not really needed I run no revives in my mewgar and works fine.)
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)

xDMVx said:
Honestly I think Mew Prime recovers much easier. You should be getting 1-2 hurls a turn and in my testing Mew is hardly ever taken out t1. Sure mid game youll be getting one hit but youll still be ahead in lost zoned pokemon. And you can revive mews to get them back. (Although not really needed I run no revives in my mewgar and works fine.)

In the end, it's personal preference. Mew Prime has it's merits and its up to you whether you run it or not. It doesn't help that it's quite hard to get ahold of a playset of 4, esp considering how expensive they are ($10-$15). Gengar Prime alone is $25, getting 4 of those is $100, quite steep imo. It will only go up as well, so I'm glad I have 1 for the time being. Need to get more though. . .
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)

Blue_Horizon said:
xDMVx said:
Honestly I think Mew Prime recovers much easier. You should be getting 1-2 hurls a turn and in my testing Mew is hardly ever taken out t1. Sure mid game youll be getting one hit but youll still be ahead in lost zoned pokemon. And you can revive mews to get them back. (Although not really needed I run no revives in my mewgar and works fine.)

In the end, it's personal preference. Mew Prime has it's merits and its up to you whether you run it or not. It doesn't help that it's quite hard to get ahold of a playset of 4, esp considering how expensive they are ($10-$15). Gengar Prime alone is $25, getting 4 of those is $100, quite steep imo. It will only go up as well, so I'm glad I have 1 for the time being. Need to get more though. . .

Oh indeed the prices are just silly. Its the main reason ill be running ReshiBoar instead of mewgar because of the absurd cost.
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)

xDMVx said:
Blue_Horizon said:
xDMVx said:
Honestly I think Mew Prime recovers much easier. You should be getting 1-2 hurls a turn and in my testing Mew is hardly ever taken out t1. Sure mid game youll be getting one hit but youll still be ahead in lost zoned pokemon. And you can revive mews to get them back. (Although not really needed I run no revives in my mewgar and works fine.)

In the end, it's personal preference. Mew Prime has it's merits and its up to you whether you run it or not. It doesn't help that it's quite hard to get ahold of a playset of 4, esp considering how expensive they are ($10-$15). Gengar Prime alone is $25, getting 4 of those is $100, quite steep imo. It will only go up as well, so I'm glad I have 1 for the time being. Need to get more though. . .

Oh indeed the prices are just silly. Its the main reason ill be running ReshiBoar instead of mewgar because of the absurd cost.

Haha I agree with the ludicrous prices. That is the exact reason I traded for all 4 Gengar's before all the hype.
On a different note, I prefer Gengar over Mew, simply because Mew has the tendency to get OHKO'd every time it is active. With Gengar, you don't have to waste your first turn as you do with Mew, throwing one of your own Pokemon into the Lost Zone, just to start your chain of "Hurling Into Darkness."

Blue_Horizon said:
Here are some changes, based on my own experience and testing, is the best way to run LostGar in the new format. Firstly, you need max consistency for this deck, plus it has to be fast. Also Judge cripples it imo, hence is not worth running. Spiritomb does fine:

-1 Ditto (Not really that useful)
-2 Smeargle (Less useful in HGSS~, plus it's retreat doesn't help)
-1 Twins (4 is overkill and can be a dead draw a lot of the time)
-1 Lost World (2 is enough, and is easily searchable with twins)
-3 Judge (Quite a risky play in LostGar, just rely on Spiritomb imo)
-2 PONT (Copycat is better, plus Cleffa will give you it's effect)
-2 Elms's (PokeComm is enough search, plus this uses your support for the turn. Also with the added draw from Juniper, Copycat, Cleffa, and search from twins, you should be able to get the Gengar out quite easily. You can add these back if you want though, so up to you)

+ Mr.Mime (2 is more consistant)
+4 Cleffa (Great starter, plus gives you a PONT effect, and has free retreat)
+1 Pokemon Collector (Again you want max consistancy)
+1 Pokemon Communication (4 is the play with 4 collector)
+2 Copycat
+ 3 Professor Juniper (Best draw in the format, helps your speed a lot)

Let me know what you think of the above changes. Also, I agree that Mew Prime isn't worth running, because it's too frail and it stuffs up your mid-late game. It certainly makes your early game quite fast, but that alone isn't worth it. With the slower format, you need to consider the late-game consistency and workability of a deck, and it's ability to recover.

Thanks for your comments. Here are my thoughts:
-I agree that Smeargle isn't the ideal starter, as it is difficult to retreat when you want to put that energy to a better use. I will test with Cleffa.
-Ditto helps A LOT. With one less bench spot, your opponent's hand is often clogged with basics.
-Twins is almost never a dead draw for me. When I start, I usually have a Smeargle or such active, which soon gets KO'd. I then start my chain of Twins, pulling whatever I need from my deck.
-I would like to run 2 Mr. Mime, I just don't know what to take out. Perhaps a Lost World, but my worst fear is getting 6 Pokemon in the Lost Zone, then not having the resources to get a Lost World out.
-I like Elm's, since I do not want to be Trainer locked. Also, if I have a benched Gastly, I just Elm for Gengar, Rare Candy to it, then I'm ready to go.
-Copycat? Meh. I prefer Judge, since it is a free Spiritomb (kinda) and then I am left with 4 cards in my hand. With that, I could usually play one or two, the use Magnezone's Poke-Power to refresh my hand.
-I don't particularly like Professor Juniper, since I might be discarding cards that may be valuable mid to late-game.
-4 Collectors seem to clog up my hand late-game, so I don't think I will be adding that in.
After reviewing these points, here is my conclusion.
-2 Smeargle
+3 Cleffa
+1 Mr. Mime

Please leave any other feedback. Thanks again!
RE: LostGar (HGSS-on)

xPOKEFREAK72x said:
xDMVx said:
Blue_Horizon said:
xDMVx said:
Honestly I think Mew Prime recovers much easier. You should be getting 1-2 hurls a turn and in my testing Mew is hardly ever taken out t1. Sure mid game youll be getting one hit but youll still be ahead in lost zoned pokemon. And you can revive mews to get them back. (Although not really needed I run no revives in my mewgar and works fine.)

In the end, it's personal preference. Mew Prime has it's merits and its up to you whether you run it or not. It doesn't help that it's quite hard to get ahold of a playset of 4, esp considering how expensive they are ($10-$15). Gengar Prime alone is $25, getting 4 of those is $100, quite steep imo. It will only go up as well, so I'm glad I have 1 for the time being. Need to get more though. . .

Oh indeed the prices are just silly. Its the main reason ill be running ReshiBoar instead of mewgar because of the absurd cost.

Haha I agree with the ludicrous prices. That is the exact reason I traded for all 4 Gengar's before all the hype.
On a different note, I prefer Gengar over Mew, simply because Mew has the tendency to get OHKO'd every time it is active. With Gengar, you don't have to waste your first turn as you do with Mew, throwing one of your own Pokemon into the Lost Zone, just to start your chain of "Hurling Into Darkness."
Thats true as I said its just preference I found in testing that i can usually get mew up and running before I can gengars and the extra space allowed me to have noctowl lines, slowking lines and a few mime jr for alternative ways of lost zoning. Gengar definitely has its advantages once he gets up and running its just getting him up and recovering him is a bit of a hassle sometimes.
I would suggest Mime Jr. as a starter with 2-2 slowking instead of the magnezone line seeing as how you don't take prizes so the Magnezone line will likely not be usable in most instances. One other card that I see as a crucial card for this deck is pokegear 3.0, gets you a twins to get lostworld or a collector turn 1 or even a seeker to get that last pokemon in the lost zone. All in all this deck is mostly personal preference and most of my suggestions come from my own build, do with them what you will. In total i suggest...

-1 Judge
-1/0/1 Magnezone
-1 Lost World
-2 Smeargle
-1 Elm's
-1 Twins
-1 Flower Shop Lady

+2/2 Slowking
+3 Mime Jr.
+2 Pokegear 3.0
Magnazone is VERY helpful to draw cards I need at the right time. Perhaps I could add a rainbow energy if I am in desperate need of taking prizes, or I just cant get set up quick enough? I will test out Slowking and Mime Jr. and see how that goes. I will make any changes if necessary. Thanks.