• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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lostgar (masters, states) (gengar, palkia G and lostworld)

Oh I didn't think that post I made earlier mattered which is why I deleted it, sorry about that. But yeah you're right about the Omastar MD tech, however one of my friends is able to run it perfectly in his LostGar deck. I guess it's more or less a timing issue.
It's good, as long as you don't have to borrow one from me.
The extra hp is nice, and the power helps counter sp.
Gengar Lv. X does make a good Dialga G Lv. X counter especially in SP matchups as well with Luxray and Garchomp. Then again it really depends If this deck is built good and consistent enough to make the top cut in premier events.

I've noticed most SP decks make the Top Cut in almost every event whether it be Cities, Battle Roads, or Nats. Those decks are consistent enough to do it, but whether or not LostGar can match that it depends on the speed in general.
Gengar doesn't help against Luxray and Garchomp because in they survive your hit it gives them a free Bright Look or Healing Breath...
how about this list
3-2-3-1 gengar X (primes and SF pokemon)
4 mew (prime)
1 sableye
2 spiritomb
2-1 uxie X
1-1 palkia G X
2 Mr. Mime (Expose)

3 bebe's
2 seekers
1 palmer's
3 pokemon collector
2 looker's
3 pokemon communication
3 lost world
2 rare candy
2 lucian's assignment

12 {P}
3 rescue
1 warp
Here's the list I posted earlier in this thread.
(He asked for it again)

4-2-3/1 (AR haunter)(1-SF and 3-hurls)
1 Mr. Mime (expose)
3 uxie
2-1 palkia G X
4 spiritomb
1 unown q

4 collector
3 lost world
3 pokemon communication
3 seeker
2 rare candy
2 twins
2 cyrus conspiracy
2 warp point
2 cynthia's guidance
1 bebe's
1 luxury ball
1 energy gain

10 Psychic
1 water
1 rescue
Why are any of you suggesting 1 SF Gengar? Why not just run all Gengar Prime or 1 Lv. X to buff? I'm not understanding the reasoning of taking a fainting spell prize when the goal of the deck isn't to take prizes.
because what do you think your opponent will be doing? Burning all the Pokemon out of their hand and what will be left?
mew primes are still easy k-o's. like with a giratina - Platinum 28/133 and a dce.
shuppet platinum, Misdreavus stormfront + hypno for faster KO's, Solrock SV + DCE

I know those are not common, but if people start running more mew primes , they'll go with psychic pokemon that can KO a mew with one energy card. there are even more options if you extend to 2 energy card attacks.

that's why the mew prime I've got is up for trades

(I got lucky and got a Mew prime, Gengar Prime, and Espeon Prime from a $20 giftbox set from walmart the day Triumphant came out)
i think i finaly figured out my deck for states

3-3-2/1-1(SF-TR-2TR/1SF-AR) gengar
3 mew(prime)
1 honchkrow G
1 sableye SF
1 azalf
2 spiritomb AR
2 uxie
1 azelf

3 bebe's
4 seekers
3 collector
3 communication
2 lookers
4 VS seeker
1 poke turn
2 palmer's
2 lost world
1 cyrus's

3 rescue
11 {P}
I'd be careful with running 2 Lost Worlds. If 1 is a prize and if something bad should happen to the only other 1 in your deck (like getting discarded or placed in the lost zone somehow) that's game over for you. Considering the main goal of the deck is to play that 1 card running 3 is almost mandatory.
Well if you run Gengar SF it's trying to have 2 opposite strategies at the same time, taking prize cards and putting the pokemon in the lost zone. You can't do both at the same time so as far as progress towards your goal your opponent will probably always win out.