I had that Machamp idea when I first heard about this set and was going to keep it secret but noooo someone had to go and spread it around =P. Anyway back on topic.... you probably won't be able to find many skeleton's atm for Lostgar just because right now there are quite a few directions that people have gone with their decks and most have yet to be tested. However, one of my favorites would be 2 Gengar Prime + 1-2 Cursegar so you can both use Gengar Primes attack to send cards from their hand or use Cursegar to kill something and send it to the Lost Zone with Gengar Primes body (after switching Cursegar out of course). I also find that Mr. Mime isn't all that worth it as it gives away your cards and takes up a bench slot while being an easy snipe target. Also, sorry that my brain isn't completely capable of forming coherent sentences as my brain just turned off for the week break off of school here.