loved one wants to inlist

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"you selfish jerk" that is what i would say. your gf is very very very smart. the army will pay 100% of your school. i am joining when i leave high school. they will pay for all your food and you will make $1200 a mounth and you may not get sent away from the u.s. you may just get sent to japan or russia or france or canada it is not a death worent. it is a way to make a great life for you and the ones you love it is a very good expierience.
GROWELY Jr. said:
"you selfish jerk" that is what i would say. your gf is very very very smart. the army will pay 100% of your school. i am joining when i leave high school. they will pay for all your food and you will make $1200 a mounth and you may not get sent away from the u.s. you may just get sent to japan or russia or france or canada it is not a death worent. it is a way to make a great life for you and the ones you love it is a very good expierience.

here is some reality.

1200 / month equates to about 15k/yr. that is terrible and you could be making the same at some retail store.

the only way you'll be sent overseas for your first MOS is if your scores allow you to obtain a position AND if, ONLY IF, there is an opening available.

they DO NOT, pay for 100% of your school. they will only pay up to 250/credit of college.

and guess what, since you are going active duty, good luck getting any time to hit up school because its all up to your 1st sgt to decide if he/she wants to allow you to go to school because when you enlist, your priority is the army. first, and always.

i know this because my dad is AGR, and a good majority of his friends are recruiters and didnt sell me and the wife some BS and told us the truth of it all.

oh also, you wont see school pay until you serve a good portion of your contract when you sign up. so could be 2 yrs before you start seeing tuition money.


oh, if you want to go ahead and not believe me, find someone who is currently enlisted and ask them about it.
@INFERNAPE As an answer to your first post (the dilemma) you should tell her that you love her. Maybe she'll change her mind. If she doesn't then just let her pursue her dreams. And support her. That is the best way to show you love her.

P.S. what college are you at?
Don't you know rotc and the army/military brainwashes you! its a scam by the Govt! Tell Her to GET OUT now! before its tooo late!
InfinityFangX said:
Don't you know rotc and the army/military brainwashes you! its a scam by the Govt! Tell Her to GET OUT now! before its tooo late!

Are you being facetious?
somewhere deep inside my mind, I believe everything could be a sScAM! quick get yur girlfreind out! theres not much time, once they sign you up its a one way trip to DEATH! go go go go go
Look, ROTC ain't bad! Alot of great people come out of it. I don't think INFERNAPE should try to get her out, just give her some time to think what she really wants.
InfinityFangX said:
but i'm telling the hidden truth of the spirit of your life!

ino the truth, my father is in the army, so was my mother, i know plenty of recruiters who have told me the truth, i know how to manipulate the drill sgts at basic and ait to get exactly what i want.

i know more than what you'll ever know about the military, so id advise you to just quit posting in this thread before you make yourself look more of a fool than you already have.
or maby your already sucked into there master plan!

and anywayz im only joking. I don't really think that, just trying to make things more interesting. geez lighten up.
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