• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Lucario and Friends (Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Garbodor)

RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

I would expect you have Shout for power + Special Fighting Energy + 2 Machamps + Band = 20 + 20 + 40 + 20 = 100. That would be enough to KO both safeguarders. If not, you could easily KO in two hits, as Sig can only do 60 on your babys without help.
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

That or you could power up Landorus's other attack. It does 90 base damage, so anything that boosts your damage output can also KO Suicune. It's an option.
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

That is good to hear :D!!! I was thinking about running some cards to heal my pokemons, is that a good idea, i mean have some support so my pokes can take more hits. What cards could i take out for this? Also is there a card that could be switched for a better one?
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

rauber said:
That is good to hear :D!!! I was thinking about running some cards to heal my pokemons, is that a good idea, i mean have some support so my pokes can take more hits. What cards could i take out for this? Also is there a card that could be switched for a better one?

Honestly, it is highly unlikely that you will need any support as you'd set up quickly and take the hit or either switch into another energy-ready attacker. If you need anything you could put in some Robo Subs, but even that may not be the best idea.
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

i was mostly looking at pokemon fan club, since i been told to not use it. So if not a heal, what other card you suggest for me to use? Also i dont need to switch any other cards?! I didnt knew my deck was that well made hahaha :D.
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

Well... the Fan Club is probably not necessary; ultra balls would work better. I am also wondering if you've got too much Pokemon. Is it worth removing the stunfish and/or a hawlucha for some more ultra balls, a megaphone or another VS Seeker?
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

I think i made a mistake and the deck has 61 cards, so there is no room for fan club. Is there a recomended change?
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

Yeah, take out the breeder. If you think necessary, take out a few pokemon for ultra balls.
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

got it!!! now im gonna test the deck, althought i think im fine with search and dont need more ultra balls.
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

i been testing this deck and i been facing one problem, i cant get energies on early game, i only just get one in the 2 or 3 turn, but then the oponnent is already set up. Any sugestions?
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

rauber said:
i been testing this deck and i been facing one problem, i cant get energies on early game, i only just get one in the 2 or 3 turn, but then the oponnent is already set up. Any sugestions?

I think that's just bad luck. With Korrina and Professor's Letter, so many of your cards can get you Energy, especially early game. I wouldn't run any more Energy than you do now. They'll just end up clogging your deck late game.
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

can korrina get a energy? More professor letters can be a problem?
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

rauber said:
can korrina get a energy? More professor letters can be a problem?

Korrina can't get you Energy. :p You search for Professor's Letter with Korrina, which gets you Energy. Because of this, a lot of your cards can get you Energy in some way or another. I wouldn't go higher than 1 Professor's Letter though. You only run 6 Fighting Energy. If you're searching for 2 of them with each Professor's Letter, you'll run out of Energy very quickly.
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

hey im thinking of doing modifications to my deck, but i dont know where to start. I been thinking is the garbodor variant much better than the machamp one? Also any ways to make a good fighting deck without landorus ex?
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

Garbodor is definitely viable. It's also a lot easier to set up compared to Machamp, who is a Stage 2. Landorus is a staple in Fighting variants; it's typically too good not to include. I imagine your new Pokemon might look something like this:

Pokemon: 12

  • 2 Landorus EX
    1 Lucario EX
    2 Mewtwo EX
    1 Seismitoad EX
    2 Hawlucha
    2 Garbodor
    2 Trubbish

You can change it to whatever you like, maybe add some Landorus FFI, through in a Jirachi, etc.
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

does garbodor negate ancient trait abilities like the one from medicham? Also can i run a variant with 3 lucarios and one landorus EX? Or is it to much lucarios?
RE: Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Stunfisk / Landorus / Machamp)

rauber said:
does garbodor negate ancient trait abilities like the one from medicham?


rauber said:
Also can i run a variant with 3 lucarios and one landorus EX? Or is it to much lucarios?

3-1 Landorus / Lucario would be preferred, but do what you gotta do.

  • 3 Lucario EX
    1 Landorus EX
    2 Landorus FFI
    2 Hawlucha
    1 Mewtwo EX
    2 Trubbish
    2 Garbodor LTR

  • 4 Korrina
    4 Muscle Band
    3 Fighting Stadium
    4 Professor Sycamore
    2 Switch
    2 Professor's Letter
    2 Colress
    4 N
    1 Scramble Switch
    2 VS Seeker
    2 Ultra Ball
    2 Lysandre
    2 Float Stone
    1 Enhanced Hammer

  • 6 Fighting Energy
    4 Stong Energy
    2 DCE


The strategy is pretty simple i will try to start with either landorus EX or lucario EX and spread damage. Lucario is the main hitter since he can deal mass damage with strong energy and muscle band. Landorus FUF is used in the late game when needed to get energies and garbodor is used when the oponent deck relies on abilities. The rest of the deck is pretty simple i use hawlucha and mewtwo EX to deal with EXs and psychics pokes and the rest of the cards are staples.

I can only run 1 landorus because of how expensive he is, and i also want to know if i should use medicham, maxie hidden trick, and other cards that will come in the future, or are not in the deck.
RE: Lucario and Friends(Lucario/Landorus/garbodor)

The deck is solid as it is, there is no need for medicham, a maxie could be good for you. I would drop a Korrina and add in another Mewtwo EX. Scramble switch is a interesting card in the deck but i think computer search would be more benificial for you because it can search cards out and can get you out of a dead hand.
any other good cards i should know off? I been thinking of the deck has much trouble setting up a garbodor, what could be made to set it up faster?