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Lucario CL Deck

Since this decklist contains over 50 cards, it belongs in the Deck Garage forum.

ok..I'm going to explain why uxie x is played. I'm not trying to be mean but you seem not to get it. Unown Q allows your pokemon to have 1 less retreat, which in uxie x's case, means FREE retreat, so let's say they kill spiritomb..ok. send up uxie with unkown q attached, level up into uxie x..and yay..now you can bring uxie x back so it Doesnt Die. Problem solved :) Also..Attacking with palkia G isn't that good. you should get him benched ASAP.

Now..on to the rest of the list.

-2/2 noctowl (it's bad in so many reasons, mods I hope I don't have to explain in detail)
-3 Relicanth..Why is he in there? you Already have a Good main attacker..bit redundant. One as a tech MAYBE. but 3..thats not good.
-1 Azelf One is enough
-2 water energy palkia gx=don't attack with it
-4 Rainbow You're putting basic energy in, they dont dmg your pokemon
-3 candy if you only have one stage 2 its kinda pointless.
-4 handy uxie's better

+2 uxie Staple
+1 uxie x Also staple
+1 unown q Read above
+1-1 Palkia G X So you can lz stuff faster/have a higher chance of getting it in play
+4 fighting energy See ^
+2 psychic energy See ^
+1 palmers contribution you need Some form of recovery
+2 twins To help you get setup when your tomb dies
+1 tomb Run 4 or run 0. if you want to start with him make sure you do/incredibly likely you do
+1 collector Good search power
+2 communication it's basically a Trainer bebes.
I do get the point of Uxie Lv X - its draw power plain and simple.

However, I'm not so sure why your saying Noctowl HS is no good...

Comparatively speaking its so much faster. Stat wise Uxie and Noctowl both share the same HP and have the same retreat cost. Attack wise, sure Extrasensory costs 1 more than Uxie's Zen blade and it can use the attack of the base form, how ever its a solid Garchomp counter, doing 40 off-base (hitting for Weakness) that sets up easier because it never has to leave the bench and there's the potential to do 80 in one hit. The rest of the deck as it is helps to ensure that the hand size can be made the same as my opponent if needed. To also point out the Unown Q - its overextending just to pull one Pokemon back. What I mean by that is having to Level Up an active Pokemon THEN use another card to retreat it takes up valuable deck space for something that can be devoted to elsewhere just to get one off the top.

I'm fairly certain that once Uxie had been disposed of in rotation that Noctowl HS will replace it.

After posting the list last night i built the deck as is and so far in my play tests its 5-1 against DialgaChomp, 4-1 against Sabelock. I'll be testing against Gyarados later tonight as well as LuxChomp. I'm expecting some level of difficulty with Gyarados and seeing as 2 Garchomp based decks have already been beaten I don't expect much in the way of trouble with Luxchomp.

EDIT: I also need to add that the point of this deck is to replace a few cards as possible come rotation in September so im not one of the many scrambling like a chicken without a head for suitable replacements.
If you did want to use Noctowl, I would use the Dodrio from SV instead. Same power but free retreat cost.