Hey everyone, this is my first deck post on the website so go easy! I want give you my lifr story behind how I got to building this deck but its definitely not finished yet and I would really appreciate any help towards this deck that I can get. Ill post the actual deck, then ill list the cards I know I need to get for the deck.
Pokemon: (12)
So as you can see its not the greatest deck but its getting there. As for the cards I know I want for this deck, here is the least.
Lucario EX (1-2) not quite sure
Hawlucha x1
Landorus EX x3 (these are very expensive so they will likely be the last cards I get for the deck
Mewtwo EX x1???
Machamp x3 (furious fists) I feel this is tge best machamp to play
Muscle Band x4 (this card is what I need the most at the moment
Rare Candy (1-2) not sure again
another Fighting Stadium?
Syla x2
N x1
Ultra Ball 1-2
Lysandre x1
Strong Energy x1
Double Colorless x1
That is about all I can think of. Im fairly new to pokemon so forgive me if I missed a few staples or cards that are good for this deck. Id really appreciate any help towards this deck build, if you think I should remove cards for others then let me know, or if I have too little of a card.
Also if anyone card draft out a deck for me that would be amazing! Thank you to everyone that reads/replies. Sorry for the long post.
Edited to coincide with Deck Garage rules. Please use the template provided for you and make sure you've read the rules. Thanks! --Mora
Pokemon: (12)
2 Lucario EX
2 Hawlucha EX
2 Landorus (FUF)
3 Machop (FUF)
2 Machamp (PLB)
1 Dedenne (FUF)
3 Korrina
2 N
2 Professor Juniper
3 Switch
3 Shauna
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 Float Stone
2 Ultra Ball
2 Cheren
2 Fighting Stadium
1 Lysandre
1 Rare Candy
1 Skyla
1 Pokemon Fan Club
1 Pokemon Center Lady
1 Bianca
1 Computer Search
1 Professor's Letter
1 Energy Retrieval
1 Robo Substitute
10 Fighting Energy
3 Strong Energy
2 Double Colorless
So as you can see its not the greatest deck but its getting there. As for the cards I know I want for this deck, here is the least.
Lucario EX (1-2) not quite sure
Hawlucha x1
Landorus EX x3 (these are very expensive so they will likely be the last cards I get for the deck
Mewtwo EX x1???
Machamp x3 (furious fists) I feel this is tge best machamp to play
Muscle Band x4 (this card is what I need the most at the moment
Rare Candy (1-2) not sure again
another Fighting Stadium?
Syla x2
N x1
Ultra Ball 1-2
Lysandre x1
Strong Energy x1
Double Colorless x1
That is about all I can think of. Im fairly new to pokemon so forgive me if I missed a few staples or cards that are good for this deck. Id really appreciate any help towards this deck build, if you think I should remove cards for others then let me know, or if I have too little of a card.
Also if anyone card draft out a deck for me that would be amazing! Thank you to everyone that reads/replies. Sorry for the long post.
Edited to coincide with Deck Garage rules. Please use the template provided for you and make sure you've read the rules. Thanks! --Mora