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Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Garbodor


Aspiring Trainer
Made this deck to be competitive in the new format as Yveltal gets downgraded a fair bit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Pokemon: 12

  • Mewtwo EX x2
    Landorus x1
    Landorus EX x3
    Lucario EX x2
    Trubbish LTR x2
    Garbodor x2
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36

  • Computer Search
    Bicycle x2
    Max Potion x2
    Prof's Letter
    Hypnotoxic Laser x4
    Switch x2
    Ultra Ball x3
    Float Stone x2
    Muscle Band x4
    Professor Juniper x4
    N x3
    Korrina x3
    Lysandre x2
    Colress x1
    Virbank City Gym x2
Energy: 12

  • Fighting x5
    Strong x4
    DCE x3

To start off with Lucario EX and use Corkscrew Smash to draw for consistency and set up and use Landorus EX for sniping while Garbodor shuts down abilities. Alternately, if they use Mewtwo EX start with Landorus EX and get hitting to set up easier kills for Lucario later on.
RE: Lucario EX/Landorus EX/Garbodor deck help please?

I highly suggest you have a Mewtwo if you are running this deck. As I wrecked this deck quickly with my Seismitoad Ex deck with Mewtwo.

-1 Hawlucha
+1 Mewtwo
RE: Lucario EX/Landorus EX/Garbodor deck help please?

Yes, definitely scrap Hawlucha for Mewtwo as it is a glass cannon, and situational
RE: Lucario EX/Landorus EX/Garbodor deck help please?

Done. Anything else you guys would change?
RE: Lucario EX/Landorus EX/Garbodor deck help please?

I would run another Mewtwo, another Landorus, and 2 DCE. Scrap some draw supporters as you will mostly be using Korrina, and Lucario can draw for you
RE: Lucario EX/Landorus EX/Garbodor deck help please?

Okay so...
-1 Colress
+1 Mewtwo EX

-2 Fighting energy
+2 DCE

I simply can't afford another Landorus lol.
Seem about right?
I think you should take out either one LandorusEX or one LucarioEX, whichever you find less useful after some playtesting. The reason being, you currently have 8 EXs and that is more than enough to keep out of the prizes and last you a whole game. I'd also take out the Evosoda (I assume that you're only running a single copy?) because there are only 2 evolution cards to search out, making the card very situational and dead in most hands.

In place of these two cards you can add another Switch, because Lasers hurt a lot, and another Ultra Ball, because there is quite a variety of Pokemon and you need another card that gives you a choice of what to play down.
I also just noticed you have only 2 float stones I suggest you run with 3. Almost all decks now run with 2 Megaphones and that would stop Garbodor

-1 Evosoda
+1 Float Stone
If I were you take out an extra card (like the Evosoda or something) and put in a second Lysandre; that card is very good in here.
Kaichu said:
Pokemon: 12

  • Mewtwo EX x2
    Landorus EX x3
    Lucario EX x3
    Trubbish LTR x2
    Garbodor x2
A few thoughts for your consideration:

  • First of all, you now have 13 Poké listed, not 12.
  • I've been running a similar deck for a few weeks now and do not like Lucario EX as a starter since it can only inflict 30 damage (vs. Landorus EX that can inflict more or even Landorus that can help with some energy attachment acceleration). And as soon as you attach a second energy, Lucario EX immediately becomes an X-Ball KO target. So, I would suggest replacing 1 with another Landorus (FuF).
  • Max Potions are fantastic when you can play them. But with the current popularity of Item-lock decks, I would suggest you replace one of them with a Cassius.
  • From my experience in running this deck, I like having 4 Korrina. But, in order to reduce Supporter "clashes" (i.e., wanting/needing to play Korrina and a card-draw Supporter during same turn), I dropped my Professor Juniper and N counts to just 3 apiece. I also run 3 Bicycle to give me a card-draw Item that Korrina can target too.
  • I also run 1 Pal Pad to help recover and recycle discarded Supporters.
I hope you find these comments helpful.
Made some changes based on all your suggestions. Only thing I've found is that it's messed up consistency slightly...
What are finding is inconsistent, high enough damage? draws? getting the perfect setup?
hawk45678 said:
What are finding is inconsistent, high enough damage? draws? getting the perfect setup?

Damage is fine but I find that I get quite a few dead starts with no draw power or a dce first turn and no fighting energy. I want this deck to be quick to set up and getting the damage laid out first turn. I found the deck to be far more reliable before I added 2 Mewtwos and the DCE's
Made a few more changes and it seems to work alot better. If I need a Mewtwo next turn I can always Landorus an energy to it and attach next turn.
I would have suggested not to run with DCE as it makes your deck slow. Only thing I can think of as I don't use Max Potion because you can't switch out your Strong energies. The other thing is I don't think I have ever used 4 muscle bands in a match or needed one. Maybe go like this:

-1 Max Potion
-1 Muscle Band
+1 Cassius
+1 Professor's Letter
-1 Landorus FFI : This card has a nice effect, but it's not one that you'll be using as offten as you think. Landorus and Lucario can both attack for a single energy, so you'll be opening with them most of the time and mostly using Shout of Power late game.
-1 Cassius - This is effectively serving the same role as Max Potion, but taking up your Supporter for the turn. I actually had a Cassius in my variant of this deck at first, but took it out because I was never using it.
-2 or 3 basic Fighting Energy: There's a place for DCE in this deck, surprisingly enough. It's not just fodder for Mewtwo as well. Attaching them on Landorus makes them easier to retreat in an emergancy, and when using Land's Judgement with a discard, they don't go away, making you able to Judge again a turn earlier.

+1 Mewtwo-EX: This is the best counter out there for an opposing Lucario, able to OHKO them with ease. It's worth having two. I'm even considering a third copy for my personal deck, but I don't run Lucario so my build differs somewhat.
+1 Colress: I know this was taken out, but I think it's a good card in here. This deck fills up the bench pretty quickly, so it's rare you'll be Colressing for any less than five.
+2 or 3 DCE: See above.
My Little Keldeo said:
-1 Landorus FFI : This card has a nice effect, but it's not one that you'll be using as offten as you think. Landorus and Lucario can both attack for a single energy, so you'll be opening with them most of the time and mostly using Shout of Power late game.
-1 Cassius - This is effectively serving the same role as Max Potion, but taking up your Supporter for the turn. I actually had a Cassius in my variant of this deck at first, but took it out because I was never using it.
-2 or 3 basic Fighting Energy: There's a place for DCE in this deck, surprisingly enough. It's not just fodder for Mewtwo as well. Attaching them on Landorus makes them easier to retreat in an emergancy, and when using Land's Judgement with a discard, they don't go away, making you able to Judge again a turn earlier.

+1 Mewtwo-EX: This is the best counter out there for an opposing Lucario, able to OHKO them with ease. It's worth having two. I'm even considering a third copy for my personal deck, but I don't run Lucario so my build differs somewhat.
+1 Colress: I know this was taken out, but I think it's a good card in here. This deck fills up the bench pretty quickly, so it's rare you'll be Colressing for any less than five.
+2 or 3 DCE: See above.

I've been considering replacing laserbank with fighting stadiums to add more consistency cards, bei g able to use them following a quaking punch also.
I get what you mean cassius and as much as I'd love to include dce I found they made me have a dead turn when I could have otherwise attacked.
I will put some back in along with a Colress and see how it goes.
EDIT: Made changes from the top of my head. Better?
Thing with Fighting stadiums is that it isn't consistent as it can be quickly eliminated from play without forcing the other player to do much. While if you laser someone with Virbank they are forced to swap out or eat 60+ damage or play a stadium and swap or play stadium then eat the damage. Either way its a forcing of the hand. I've played with both in league and the more consistent damage dealing is lasers/virbank.
pygohan said:
Thing with Fighting stadiums is that it isn't consistent as it can be quickly eliminated from play without forcing the other player to do much. While if you laser someone with Virbank they are forced to swap out or eat 60+ damage or play a stadium and swap or play stadium then eat the damage. Either way its a forcing of the hand. I've played with both in league and the more consistent damage dealing is lasers/virbank.

I agree but I'm struggling to make 6 spaces for it :p

Made the final changes before I go to my local League Challenge on Saturday. Hopefully it goes okay.