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Lucario, Mew, Relicanth? NEED ADVICE

i believe in gengar prime

Aspiring Trainer
I have tested a deck consisting of the main cards: Mew, Lucario, and Relicanth.

Luckily start off with Mew (out of the 4 that are in this deck), and use "see off" to put Relicanth in the lost zone. Make sure you dont bench a riolu quite yet though because you dont wanna have your opponent using catcher or KO'ing it! Well, you use some pokemon communication or some Elm's to search for pokemon in your deck that you can "prehistoric wisdom" into the lost zone and draw 3 cards which makes excellent draw power. Of course, the pokemon you want to put in the lost zone must be useful so i figured putting in Muk (for the usual need), Xatu (to counter donchamp or maybe even Mewtwo EX), Crobat (for the classic need of "badly poison" harm + stopping magnezone from using magnetic draw), and Victini (for the luck of the 2 flipped heads for a nice 120 hit).

After using prehistoric wisdom enough times to maybe reach 5 pokemon in the lost zone you can start setting up Lucario. Just attach a {C}{C} energy to Lucario and start hitting 130 every turn to kill dragons and other pokemon. If you wish to put 7 pokemon in the lost zone you can easily just start attacking 170 every turn.

While all the pokemon in the lost zone need only 1 {P} energy to attack, Mew fits perfectly for some power as well.

Against EelZone, all Mew needs to do is lost zone 2 pokemon, then lucario can just attack 140 every turn because of {F} weakness.


4 Mew
4-4 Lucario
2 Relicanth
1 Crobat
1 Muk
1 Xatu
2 Cleffa
1 Victini (psychic type)

4 Collector
4 Communication
2 Energy search
3 Catcher
4 Junk arm
2 Revive
2 Energy exchanger
2 Plus Power

8 Psychic

If you have anything to add to maybe improve the list please do so, my list has worked well for me so far, but i would like some feedback on how to make it better :p

So, any suggestions? :D
I think this victini isn't good. You need to flip 2 coints and eithers need to heads.

-1 victini
+1 Relicanth
You can probably drop the Xatu and Victini. I've been messing with Mew and am very excited for a deck like this and Mewscoops.

As to why you should drop them? You don't need them you have Type coverage with Mew.
I'm not quite sure why you would want to waste a turn LZ Relicanth, rather than using the Relicanth to start and LZ something different. By having four Mew and four Relicanth, you maximize your chances for first turn LZ. Being able to keep your Mews in good numbers would be kind of important, unless you can run more recovery, since the attacks that Mew is using don't use colourless energy, Rescue won't help. Also on a side note, LZing 7 Pokemon should not happen, especially when it's possible for the opponent to be taking a prize a turn. Ideally, you should be LZing only what you need for the match up, probably Zoroark, 1 Lucario and Muk. This is what I would revise the pokemon to this instead.


4 Mew
3-4 Lucario
4 Relicanth
2 Muk
2 Zoroark

The reason for no Cleffa is because of the high amount of desired starters that you would rather have instead of Cleffa. T1 LZ helps so much and because of that, opting for a Cleffa puts you much further back than you'd like to be. Muk does Crobat's job much better because of the drag portion, making the opponent waste resources to get the victim out of active. Granted, it's not as effective without the trainer lock preventing switch, but it still a nice touch. Running the DCE and Zoroark kind of go hand in hand, though they can be swapped out for Mewtwo EX as well. Both have a similar purpose for the return KO on Mewtwo but its up to you whether or not you want to trade off survivability (With Mewtwo) or versatility (with Mew and Zoroark)

Might want to re-tweak the trainer line a bit, I don't think you have enough draw support, even with the Relicanth start. Consider N or even Judge because if you do have the Relicanth start on T1, Judge can be very disruptive. You probably won't need the Energy Search, nor the Energy Exchange. Four Junk Arms might be a bit excessive but I don't really know about it. Since there is a lot more room in this build you could consider a bit of disruption in the form of energy denial. Lost Remover can be a pretty annoying tech especially when a lot of people will be running DCE, Rainbow, and Prism Energy. Here's my suggestion:

4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Pokemon Collector
4 N
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Junk Arm
2 Lost Remover
2 Plus Power
3 Pokemon Catcher
1 Super Rod

Lots of room for you to play around and experiment with different techs. Hope that helps.

Another side note, if you take a look at Next Destinies, Level Ball is a card that would allow you to search out everything in the deck, barring Zoroark. Depending on your play style, combining Level Ball and Dual Ball with Junk Arms may completely eliminate the need for Pokemon Collector and you can focus on the Judge or N for disrupt, depending on what you choose to use.
Well the thing about Relicanth is that if i dont have any pokemon in my hand i cant use his attack, with mew i can use his attack, but if i dont have the pokemon in my hand in can simply use see off for a card to put in the Lostzone as well.

and i get what your saying, thank you, really :)

and i personally used the Crobat many times for last prize, from sniping a baby on the bench or if my opponent had used a babies attack and fell asleep, i would just severe poison it for game, Crobat has some good stuff to offer.

But now that you've mentioned Zoroark, my mind has fluttered with ideas. What if i use Absol? i know it sounds a little wild but it would work. If i start of Absol i can make my opponent have to bench pokemon and have 2 damage counter on them already. With Absol's attack i can also send pokemon in the lost zone and i can be able to send Mandibuzz. With mandibuz all i need is one dark energy on mew to use Blindside and snipe the bench pretty badly. And with this, i wouldnt have to use Lucario anymore, i can just send him in the lost zone and mew to attack the whole time. along with Lucario i can use Chinccino and Zoroark and of course Muk. So all in all, i need a dark energy and a psychic energy on mew to use all these attacks and with Lucario in the lost zone i can attack massively. Chinccino of course would be used for early game hard hits. The deck would have to run DCE as well, and maybe even trainer lock??
If you want to play Absol for it's effect, you would have to run SkyArrow Bridge. As far as it's attack, it's an alright tech but might prove to be difficult to use by the same logic of Relicanth.

In regards to it, that's why you have the search via Level Ball and Pokemon Communications to get things into your hand that you would want to LZ.

Earlier you said that Lucario hits the EelZone decks for weakness and was a good call there. If you're going to just LZ him, and attack with Mew you lose the weakness advantage, making you have to LZ more things before you can OKHO things from that deck besides Eelectriks. My suggestion would be to at least try the modified lists I gave to see how they work and dont work for you and then adjust accordingly.
I tired your list and its WAY more consistent then my previous one, so thanks on that :)

Absol maybe with the playable Lucario and Mew and Relicanth? the Absol just to counter Chandelure. Skyarrow bridge is not a bad idea, thanks
I would add jumpluff for mew to go aggro as well :D especially if you are up against a deck that requires a full bench
You would need to add some grass energy (or Prism) but I think mass attack with mew helps give you another (possibly 120dmg) attack :)
There isn't that much point in having so many things that all do varying amounts of damage in the LZ. Jumpluff is usually a good idea to LZ but in this deck, it'd be best not to crowd up the number of Pokemon to LZ.
I think that you might be able to drop 1 energy exchanger because you will usually have the energies needed. I think a professor juniper would be good for some more draw power because I do not think that 4 PONTs are sufficient enough. When do you plan on running this deck?
Then I think that maybe a Cilan instead of energy search is a better decision, though it is a supporter, but it can be played under trainer-lock and searches for more energy. Energy search is also good but I would rather have a cilan in my opinion.
I completely forgot about Clian, thanks for the advice on that.
And trainer lock never seems to be a problem for the deck because like you said earlier, i would most likely fall into my energies even without the energy search.

I'm running a new list anyways, a lot different from the one that i wrote, it's been amazing :)

Here is my new decklist:

4 mew
4 relicanth
3-4 lucario
2 muk
2 zoroark
1 crobat

3 collector
4 N
4 communication
3 junk arm
2 lost remover
2 plus power
3 catcher
1 super rod
3 twins

7 psychic

It has worked pretty well for me :)
Hmm.... It looks like a good deck list to me. I think that 4 relicanth seems a bit too much because you will usually already have it by T1 or T2, and after it gets KOd, everything will have been set up already. There is no need for 4 N, because it seems too much and is not good as Juniper in this case. I'd suggest cutting 1-2 and adding another collector. It may seem strange but I find a 4 collectors very consistent, and will help the deck a lot.
The N helpful in this case since it seems like some disruption is in the works here. I would rather have more N and Oak than Juniper in this deck. List seems alright to me but I haven't tested it to know what works and what doesn't.
Disruption is always nice, but while setting up PONT and Juniper to me seems better and quicker to set up. It's just my opinion. I think that 1-2 Ns should be cut for some Juniper because it is quicker to use in my opinion.