I unfortunately have to go after this trade, so can we continue it on Saturday or later today?
Something is wrong with your wifi dude. I have to go, but can we try again in an hour?
10th Anniversary Celebi gentle UT
Relaxed Onemuri Pikachu level 50 UT
Docile 10Jahre Suicune level 70 UT
Jolly Pikachu Coloured Pichu level 30 UT
Timid NZ Jirachi level 5 UT
Mild PC Tokyo Charmander level 40 UT
Lonely 10ANNIV Latias level 70 UT
Naughty Saikyou Salamence level 50 UT
Quiet Hayley's Mew level 50 UT
Modest Shiny Sapphire Zigzagoon level 5 UT
Sassy Shiny Ruby Zigzagoon level 5 UT
Lonely Pokemon Center Eevee level 10 UT
Adamant 10ANNIV HO-OH level 70 UT
Almia Riolu serious level 30 UT
Almia Darkrai jolly level 50 UT
Bashful movie 11 Shaymin level 50 UT (holding Micle berry)
Sassy movie 11 Shaymin level 50 UT
Wishmaker shiny Jirachi modest level 5 UT
PBR Pikachu Hardy level 10 UT
Adamant Shiny PKEPLZA Lucario level 100 UT
10th anniversary Lugia careful UT