Wi-Fi Trades lucariopulse333's Ultimate Trade Thread!


Friend Code: 2406-5343-2688
Time Zone: GMT +0
Times Available: Mondays-Fridays: 6pm-10:30pm Saturdays and Sundays: 10am-11pm


5 IVs

- Honedge Jolly
- Joltik Timid
- Phantump Impish (not HA, will be once I get it)
- Poliwag Relaxed (not HA, will be once I get it)
- Eevee Timid (HA or not, you choose)
- Gible Jolly (HA or not, you choose)
- Tentacool Calm (has Rapid Spin)
- Kangaskhan Adamant
- Bunnelby Jolly (HA)
- Pumpkaboo Jolly
- Ralts Timid (has Shadow Sneak and Confuse Ray so pick your 5 IVs wanted)

4 IVs

- Honedge Jolly OR Brave
- Joltik Timid
- Phantump Impish (not HA, will be once I get it)
- Poliwag Relaxed (not HA, will be once I get it)
- Eevee Timid (HA or not, you choose)
- Gible Jolly (HA or not, you choose)
- Tentacool Calm
- Kangaskhan Adamant
- Bunnelby Jolly (HA)
- Pumpkaboo Jolly
- Ralts Timid (has Shadow Sneak and Confuse Ray so pick your 4 IVs wanted)
- Marill Adamant (Aqua Jet)

3 IVs

- Honedge Jolly OR Brave
- Joltik Timid
- Phantump Impish (not HA, will be once I get it)
- Poliwag Relaxed (not HA, will be once I get it)
- Eevee Timid (HA or not, you choose)
- Gible Jolly (HA or not, you choose)
- Tentacool Calm
- Kangaskhan Adamant
- Bunnelby Jolly (HA)
- Pumpkaboo Jolly
- Ralts Timid (has Shadow Sneak and Confuse Ray so pick your 4 IVs wanted)
- Marill Adamant (Aqua Jet)
- Snorlax Lax (Got off Wonder Trade, need to change nature)

I can also get a hold of a lot of Pokemon with hidden abilities. Just ask and I will see what I can do :)

Services Offered:
I can use TMs on your Pokemon
I can EV a Pokemon in exchange for a 4 IV Pokemon
I can trade and trade back to evolve your Pokemon
I can try and get an egg move you desire onto your Pokemon, just supply the female parent. NOTE: I might not be able to do this so please ask.

- 4-5 IV Pokemon (MAJOR 4 IV for 4 IV etc.)
- Xerneas
- Yveltal
- 3 IV Pokemon (will trade for my 3 IV or Hidden Abilities)
- Shinies
- Leftovers
- Air Balloon
- Assault Vest
- Weakness Policy
- Pokemon with Hidden Abilities (only trading 3 IVs for these unless they have good IVs)

That is all folks, I have lots of 3 and 4 IVs in my box. But if you want a 5 IV, I will need to breed more so be patient :)
Do you want a 5 IV Eevee or just any HA Eevee? Because I am interested in your 5 IV Fletchling and your male 5 IV Vulpix :)
lucariopulse333 said:
Do you want a 5 IV Eevee or just any HA Eevee? Because I am interested in your 5 IV Fletchling and your male 5 IV Vulpix :)

5 IV HA, I meant.

Tentacool and Eevee for Vulpix and Fletchling?
Sounds good! I have an Eevee ready but need to breed for the Tentacool. Give me a day and I should have it done :)
I would be willing to

F Marill - Adamant - Huge Power (has Aqua Jet and Belly Drum) x/31/31/31/31/x ------------- Eevee Timid 5IV with HA
F Scyther - Adamant - Technician x/31/31/x/31/31 (Bonus) ---------------
F Scatterbug - Timid - Compound Eyes 31/31/31/31/x/31 -----------------Tentacool 5IV Calm
I only trade 4 IVs for other 4 IVs. So I will do a 4 IV HA Eevee and 4 IV Tentacool for them :) Oh I forgot to put that Tentacool has rapid spin egg move :)
Let me know when you are ready for the trade via PM so I can't forget!
Yeah sure. For the Torchic I will trade you a Pokemon I dont need and ev it. I will do it in a bit, add me and ask to trade:)
Hi! Would you be willing to trade one of your 5 IV HA Timid Eevee? I don't have much, but I can offer you a 5 IV Quiet Snover, perfectly suited for a Mega Abomasnow Trick Room Sweeper. It is 31/31/31/31/27/0. Interested?
I have 5 IV Timid Gastly's as well as 5 IV Calm Bulbasaur,

interested in your honedge 5 IV
@Retro - Sorry I do not have one, but I may be able to get one, not too sure

@Taterot - That sounds good to me, I will accept that trade :)

Does the Bulbasaur have its HA? Even if it doesn't I will accept that trade. What nature do you want the Honedge, Jolly or Brave?
Brave works
, bulba does not have its HA unfortunately it was a specialty breed order for a friend that specifically wanted overgrow