DPPt/HGSS lucario's trading thread...

No not yet

the stats are kindof confusing cause i stoped when i started battling the elite four

Attack: 304
defense: 232
sp.att: 227
sp.def: 202
speed 215
i gave it medecine for the attack thats it lols
i didnt really know about EV training at the time
ok thats good thats all i needed to know im connecting to wifi and on my way in see you there..
MY FC at the top of the thread...
mcd anything else not really int. in parasect or pelipper srry
any worlds pokes or anyother shinies...
o lol didnt see it...um..lets see...ratatat..
n milotic what level is she...and do u have any EVed pokes
Not really, save my Blissey, which I won't trade.
Milotic is some low level. :p
You want rattata? How about FEAR? :p
Rattata Lv.1 @Focus Sash
-Quick Attack
-Super Fang
-Something else I forgot...:/
at the end of this vid, FEAR KO's a level 100 Empoleon. o.0
isnt that like marriland..lol iv seen that battle against that empoleon...lol thats a good ratatat...lol
ok lets trade but i cant now probably tommarow...darkrai..can do trade it to u tommarow but wut will u give to me..mabe a piplup lv 1..?
*Try not to yell (aka: using caps).*
I've got your 2x Worlds Pokémon (Pika & Lucario)
Do you have any events of your own, that I need?
Or shinies (besides Gyarados)?