• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Alt. Format Lunala Prism/Necrozma GX Deck

Ultra Lunala Prism

Aspiring Trainer
Energy 20
Psychic Energy 20x
Mystery Energy XYPF x1
Double Colorless Energy SM x1
Trainer 24
Shana XYFC x2
Acerola SMBS x1
Nest Ball SM x2
Timer Ball SM x2
Altar of the Moon SMGR x1
Mallow SMGR x1
Energy Retrieval SM x2
Hard Charm XY x2
Rare Candy SM x1
Enhanced Hammer SMGR x2
Professor Kukui SM x2
Switch SM x2
Fighting Fury Belt XYBP x1
Dimension Valley XYPF x1
Computer Search Ace Spec BWBC x1
Pokemon 16
Mareanie SMGR x1
Toxapex GX SMGR x1
Tauros GX SM x1
Lugia EX XYAO x1
Mew XYFC x1
Cosmog SM x1
Cosmoem SM x1
Lunala Gx SM x1
Lunala Prism SMUP x1
Eevee SM x1
Espeon GX SM x1
Tapu Lele SMGR x1
Mimikyu SMGR x2
Marshadow SMSL x1
Necrozma SMBS x1
any suggestions?
Last edited:
Psychic Energy 20x Mystery Energy XYPF x1 Double Colorless Energy SM x1 Super Boost Energy Prism SMUP x1 Shana XYFC x2 Acerola SMBS x1 Nest Ball SM x2 Timer Ball SM x2 Altar of the Moon SMGR x1 Mallow SMGR x1 Energy Retrieval SM x2 Hard Charm XY x2 Rare Candy SM x1 Enhanced Hammer SMGR x2 Professor Kukui SM x2 Switch SM x2 Fighting Fury Belt XYBP Dimension Valley XYPF x1 Computer Search Ace Spec BWBC x1 Mareanie SMGR x1 Toxapex GX SMGR x1 Tauros GX SM x1 Lugia EX XYAO x1 Mew XYFC x1 Cosmog SM x1 Cosmoem SM x1 Lunala Gx SM x1 Lunala Prism SMUP x1 Eevee SM x1 Espeon GX SM x1 Tapu Lele SMGR x1 Mimikyu SMGR x1 Marshadow SMSL x1 Necrozma SMBS x1 any suggestions?

I would heavily advise even before trying to critique your current list that you format what you've written better. This is nearly impossible to read compared to how decklists in this forum thread should be formatted, and I also advise that you read Brave Vesperia's Example Deck Garage Thread in order to help format your list so it's easier to read. I then advise you edit your OP in the correct formatting to make your list easy to read and therefore easy for people to critique.

Let me state that I'm interested in this thread, but due to this issue find it nearly impossible to contribute to it.

whats the main strategy ?

I also believe this is important knowledge to know as the strategy or set-up objective of the deck can't really be ascertained by looking at the list.
How does your deck work?
What's the main goal to achieve during set-up?
How does the deck strategize?
Once you answer these questions I'm sure we can get a good idea and start assisting you with your list.

Hope this helps, and gets you on the right track!
@Ultra Lunala Prism
I would heavily advise even before trying to critique your current list that you format what you've written better. This is nearly impossible to read compared to how decklists in this forum thread should be formatted, and I also advise that you read Brave Vesperia's Example Deck Garage Thread in order to help format your list so it's easier to read. I then advise you edit your OP in the correct formatting to make your list easy to read and therefore easy for people to critique.

Let me state that I'm interested in this thread, but due to this issue find it nearly impossible to contribute to it.

I also believe this is important knowledge to know as the strategy or set-up objective of the deck can't really be ascertained by looking at the list.
How does your deck work?
What's the main goal to achieve during set-up?
How does the deck strategize?
Once you answer these questions I'm sure we can get a good idea and start assisting you with your list.

Hope this helps, and gets you on the right track!
@Ultra Lunala Prism

Basically, I use the Nest Balls to get Mew on the bench and switch it to active then use dimension valley for no energy cost for encounter use encounter and get Lunala Prism and then free retreat cost to lunala attatch psychic or mystery energy and use first attack to get energy to lunala prism and next turn use psystorm. Necrozma is a safegaurd with its gx attack with double colorless energy. Tauros is used with double colorless and fighting fury belt to do massive damage with rage.
Energy 20
Psychic Energy 20x
Mystery Energy XYPF x1
Double Colorless Energy SM x1
Trainer 24
Shana XYFC x2
Acerola SMBS x1
Nest Ball SM x2
Timer Ball SM x2
Altar of the Moon SMGR x1
Mallow SMGR x1
Energy Retrieval SM x2
Hard Charm XY x2
Rare Candy SM x1
Enhanced Hammer SMGR x2
Professor Kukui SM x2
Switch SM x2
Fighting Fury Belt XYBP x1
Dimension Valley XYPF x1
Computer Search Ace Spec BWBC x1
Pokemon 16
Mareanie SMGR x1
Toxapex GX SMGR x1
Tauros GX SM x1
Lugia EX XYAO x1
Mew XYFC x1
Cosmog SM x1
Cosmoem SM x1
Lunala Gx SM x1
Lunala Prism SMUP x1
Eevee SM x1
Espeon GX SM x1
Tapu Lele SMGR x1
Mimikyu SMGR x2
Marshadow SMSL x1
Necrozma SMBS x1
any suggestions?

Now that this list can be read, let's get started. Allow me a few moments for my thoughts.
Judging by your list I'm going to go off a basis that this list for Expanded and not an Alt Format as the thread suggests. I'm also counting 62 cards from your list and that your energy numbers don't line up to 20.

Your Pokémon line is quite honestly a mess. You're playing so many different kinds of cards and playing only 1 copy of almost all of them, as if you don't know what Pokémon you're basing the deck around. It feels like you have no direction or basis for your deck at all.
Basically, I use the Nest Balls to get Mew on the bench
If you're going to be using this, play more than one Mew. If the card is so important in your list, don't play only one.

Judging by what seems to be your currently existing loose direction for this deck, you're playing so many cards you don't need.
Mareanie and Toxapex-GX, Lugia-EX, Eevee and Espeon-GX, Mimikyu, and Marshadow all seem to be doing nothing for the list.

I'm just going to leave it at that because I can't really give any suggestions or advice if I can't even tell what you're trying to do with this list.

Actually, for the trainers I'm just going to tell you the same thing. Raise your counts of your more important cards and find an actual direction to drive the deck in.

Last, Energy.
Zero decks need that many energy. It'll clog up your hand to an undesirable mess and fills the deck with too much junk that you'll never want in your hand or to draw into.

I think at this point it's more to say that you need to know what you want to do with your deck before anyone can attempt to give you suggestions.

Hope this helps, at least the most it can. @Ultra Lunala Prism