luxaray lv X translations and artwork


Where do you get the translations for luxaray lv X because people have been telling me that there is a translation on pokebeach.:(
FYI: It's Volkner's Luxray Lv.X


PB said:
Luxray GL LV.X - Lightning - HP110
Level-Up (SP)

Poke-Power: Shining Gaze
You can use this Power once during your turn, when you play this card from your hand to Level Up a Pokemon. Choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon and switch it with your opponent's Active Pokemon.

[L][C] Flash Impact: 60 damage. Does 30 damage to 1 of your Benched Pokemon, ignoring Weakness and Resistance.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: Steel (-20)
Retreat: 0
Why do we only want to deal 60 for two? Several Pokemon can already do that.
I don't mind the cards attacks and all, but the art they could have done better.=/
i actually really like this card
i can see how you guys think it is so bad.
110 hp
stage 1 lv.x
2 nrg for 60/ 30 snipe to any bench
and gust of winds when played.
seems like a decent card to me.
Joethegreat1 said:
This is probably the worst LV.X in the Format.
No, Dialga LV.X still holds that title.
shaymin of the heart said:
I don't mind the cards attacks and all, but the art they could have done better.=/
I mind both the card stats and the art.
trevorispro said:
I actually really like this card
I can see how you guys think it is so bad.
110 hp I smell an easy 2HKO
stage 1 lv.x actually, it's a basic LV.X
2 nrg for 60/ 30 snipe to any bench Actually it's your bench.
and gust of winds when played.
seems like a decent card to me. And Machamp comes in for the kill
Zyflair said:
Why do we only want to deal 60 for two? Several Pokemon can already do that.

With Energy Gain, that becomes 1 for 60.

The Poke-Power is great.

But really, if this wasn't a G pokemon it would really... suck. I mean all of those G pokemon are average, they just get tons of bonuses and are dead easy and consistent to set up.