LuxChomp counters? What can beat clearly the most dominant deck in the format?

GHJamesGH said:
Machamp, Donphan, Ambipom G, Toxicroak G, Mewtwo LV.X, Relicanth

All fine ideas in there own decks but I don't have room for most of those on my deck I only have 4 spaces left.
2-1 mewtwo. People don't run mewtwo counters cuz they think they'll just snipe the benched mewtwo.
WailmerMan said:
2-1 mewtwo. People don't run mewtwo counters cuz they think they'll just snipe the benched mewtwo.
Yeah because they can....well actually snipe it. That's their counter. Its not very hard to do and it'll be the target as soon as it hits the field. Unless you belt it, 9 times out of 10 its gone. And most good luxchomp players can play around a mewtwo.
Porygon Z.0 said:
Yeah because they can...well actually snipe it. That's their counter. Its not very hard to do and it'll be the target as soon as it hits the field. Unless you belt it, 9 times out of 10 its gone. And most good luxchomp players can play around a mewtwo.

honestly if you're smart, there are gonna be times that a luxchomp player will be unable to bright look or dragon rush on their next turn. that's when you drop your mewtwo. or you use roseanne's to grab both mewtwo's, let them kill one and then X the other one.

if they're not playing a mewtwo counter than you just don't put anything else on your bench, eventually you win the game.
but keep some basics in your hand, this way on the turn that they set down their shuppet/misdreavus/phanpy/whatever they may be playing, you can stick some stuff down on your bench. but keep it limited,

if you get it out early enough and they're not playing a counter, than you can control how many prizes they can take by not sticking stuff down, eventually you win.
The Wii Man1234 said:
All fine ideas in there own decks but I don't have room for most of those on my deck I only have 4 spaces left.

Then put in 1 Relicanth, 1 Fighting Energy, and 2 cards of choice! :)
Nobody wants to give it a shot but Mankey SV does 1HKO Luxray GL Lv.X for a single {F} energy... And then all teh other techs mentioned above are good too.